By Comrade Adegbeyeni Oluwafemi (BARRYFEM)

The popular annual custom which jokesters make a fool out of their recipient is called April Fool.
It’s without gainsaying that the same custom is being practiced by most of Nigeria Politicians to fool millions of Nigerians, especially during election period.

These desperate ones can promise heaven on Earth in their manifesto and plans during election. This act of deception is what always make our Politicians roast corn on the street, sell pure water, eat with the poor masses, turn to barber or tailor mechanic, hawk groundnut on the street, go to market and other things to make the masses see them as their lovers! To make the masses support them by pretending they solidarise with the masses in their doings.

Nigeria Politicians can promise to make Nigeria better than America within 3 months if elected. They promise highest form of security of lives and property, best infrastructure in the world, topmost economy, sound Education, Electricity and many other fake promises to make the people vote for them during election.

But when they get to power, many of them perform woefully, and rule with arrogancy by treating the masses as nothing! All their promises would be cancelled or partly fulfilled. They go after their selfish interests and engage in corrupt activities to enrich themselves at the detriment of the people and the nation.

Good examples are the promises of President Muhamadu Buhari, Both in 2015 election and 2019 re-election. He promised to see to Security, Fuel Subsidy, Economy, Naira equal to Dollar, Unemployment, Ban on medical trip abroad, infrastructure and Education was not left behind.

It’s quite sardonic that most of the issues he promised to solve have gone worst! A regrettable one is the stagnant state of Education in Nigeria.
Citing the incessant ASUU strike as an example, for years, Nigeria Government and the Politicians have been unable to solve the issue of the lingering strike.

It’s not news that ASUU strike is currently on now and it’s over two months, with no good response or solution from the government.
The Students and the Poor masses are crying for the strike to be ended but with no Government to listen to them.

Yes! It’s Election time again, they are doing everything possible to win election again, neglecting the numerous problems facing NIGERIA.

It’s quite apt if we compare many Nigerian Politicians to a man asking a Lady out, just to get under her pant. When such person gets what he wants, he abandons the pants owner. Quite Lugubrious.
Nigeria leaders have constantly taken advantage of Nigerians, enriching themselves and families with little or no development in the country.

The masses face life difficulties, problems and other disastrous issues caused by the irresponsibility of the Government.

It’s pertinent for me to conclude by advising Nigerians to reject April-Fool Politicians and leaders!

The People of Nigeria must wake up now and choose better leaders who have truly being with them, with landmark impacts and good records.
It’s time to reject being mocked or fooled again. Reject stomach infrastructure during election, reject sweet manifesto! Follow the right paths!
Time 2023 is an ample time to cure the Leadership Pandemic ravaging the system of Nigeria.



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