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Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 32

Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 32

By Hossana Isaac O.
(Hossy High School Series)



🌺🌺Benedict’s POV 🌺🌺
After the concert, we were really stressed out. But it was fun. I came on stage just once with mom then only I, dancing to one of her songs.

Afterwards, we went back to the house. The next morning, we came to this hotel alone. Mom said it was her surprise. We were going to stay for about two weeks.

After unpacking, I showered and wore a red T-shirt and red shorts. I ate some fruits from the fruit bowl on the dinning table and strolled outside to see the yard. Mom had to take her nap cause of the stress and it’s also part of her everyday schedule

As I strolled to the back, I saw a girl, definitely not a teenager but should be older than me with maybe a year or two. She was with a phone and was sitting on our lawn. I looked over at the second house, the door was slightly opened so I guess she just left there

Maybe I could use a friend here. I walked closer with my hands in my pockets. I remembered mom always chuckled when I did that, she said I took it from dad. That he always walked with hands in his pockets. And when standing with his backpack, the right hand clutched on the bag over his shoulder and the second one in his pocket.
I totally got that from him cause I do that all the time. Even while acting.

Me: hi
She looked up at me and she became still, looking at me. I wasn’t surprised though, I knew she’d act that way. Especially if she loves music and Disney.

We later engaged in a conversation. She was really like mom. Especially the hair. Maybe she is a diehard fan.
She also said I look her father. Or maybe she just said so

Well, we later went to her house. We talked about different things, mostly about my life both in front of the camera and outside the camera. She asked me tons of questions about my mom, she said her dad doesn’t like music or anything that has to do with TV.

Me: do you have grandparents?
Tessa: dad said both are dead
Me: and your mom too?
She nodded
Me: I’m sorry about that

Tessa: it’s okay. How about you?
Me: I have a grandfather. His name is Mark Vega

Tessa: is he an actor too?
Me: haha, no. Just some CEO

Tessa: CEO?? Wow. Your family is pretty rich

Me: what does your dad do for a living?
Tessa: he’s a manager. We’re not rich, but we’re not poor

Me: average?
Tessa: yes, average

I looked at my wristwatch. It was already an hour to 30mins gone.

Me: I gotta go, before my mom wakes up. I’ll see you later

Tessa: okay Benedict. My regards to your mom, tell her I love her

Me: I’ll tell her. But she’d be more thrilled to hear it from you

She jumped up and clapped

Me: and my regards to your dad
Tessa: sure

We walked to the back door and she opened it and we walked out. She waved at me

Me: see ya

I walked further and entered our house. My mom was already awake and was looking through the window

Me: hi mama
I sat on the chair in the dinning area

Mom: got your self a new friend
Me: yeah. She’s Mexican

Mom: and taller than you
I laughed. She poured out some orange juice and stretched it to me. I took it and gulped down

Me : she should be older than me. Oh, she loves you so much. Like she’s crazy about you

Mom: are you serious?
Me: yeah. And I think that’s why she looks like you. Her hair is like yours and the shape of the face

Mom: like that girl we saw in California?

Me: exactly… But that girl looks more like you. This one is just the structure. That California girl, it’s like you gave birth to her

Mom: haha, the girl looks like her mom. And her mom looks like me

Me: you’ve got look alikes mom
Mom: I wonder why

We laughed

Mom: we’re going speed boating in about three hours
Me: whoa. I better go get my sunglasses

I ran up to my room

🌺🌺Beck Oliver’s POV 🌺🌺
I came back to my own bungalow with bags in my hands. Tessa ran out and took some of them from me

Tessa: welcome back daddy
Me: thanks sweetheart

She smiled as she walked to the kitchen with the bags. I followed her and dropped the bags on the counter. We arranged the groceries in the fridge. Most of which were sugar-free.

Tessa: what are we going to do today?
Me: speed boating on the beach

Tessa: really, sounds fun
Me: we were supposed to go with our neighbors but since they’re still not around, you’ll ride with me

Tessa: if they were around…?
Me: then you’ll ride with them and one of them rides with me

I bit my lower lip as she played with her fingers on the counter.
I felt like she wanted to say something

Me: is there something you wanna say to me, baby girl?

Tessa: uhh yeah but never mind. Do you know you somehow speak like a Canadian?

I froze then quickly thawed so she won’t notice anything

Me: really?
She nodded

Me: I once lived in Canada before coming back here
Tessa: is mom Canadian or Mexican?
Me: ……American

Her eyes widened
Tessa: my mother was American?? Are you serious?? I’m Mexican-American?

I could see the excitement in her eyes
I kissed her cheek and carried her on my shoulders. Tessa is growing up real fast. I remember when I first had her, she was so tiny and cute. Now, she’s going to be a teenager. I just hope she doesn’t cause much trouble for me. Youthful misdemeanor is one thing I’m scared of for her

It also hurts me that I’ve been lying to her about myself. Even my name is a lie. But I hope I can bring myself to tell her all about me

🌺🌺Tori Vega’s POV 🌺🌺

We got ready to go to the beach. It was a sun-kissed day and perfect for activities.

I wore a black overall inner sun-dress that fitted perfectly to my skin. It was armless and it reached my outer thighs. I wore a light fabric robe over the inner. It was also short but it reached my knees.
I rubbed red lipstick lightly and just a little mascara on my lashes. We’re going to play with water, I don’t wanna come back looking like The Joker

I packed my hair into a pony tail and wore my sunglasses. I had already packed some sun blocks, sunscreen, and sunhats. I hope shades will be available there

I walked out of my room with the bag and my phone in my hand. It’s funny I didn’t let any of the guards or crew members come with us. I just wanted it to be Bene and I.
Only the hotel security were permitted to look over us, but weren’t allowed to cross boundaries except when it’s an emergency.

Me: where is he?

Benedict : coming mother
He came out with black shorts and a white vest. His hair was tied behind and some strands had fallen out. He was wearing some boyish bracelets on both wrists, like Beck will always do.

Me: you look beachy
Benedict : and you look beach…. Oops

Me: what?
Benedict : I wanted to say you look beachier. Then I remembered it has the same pronunciation as bitchier… You know.. As in bitch.. So I stopped. I don’t wanna cuss at my mom

I chuckled
Me: aren’t you the sweetest little thing ever
I rubbed his cheek

Benedict : ewwww… Mom… I’m ten… Not Six.. Stop that..

I laughed

Me: I wonder what you’ll do to me when you become eighteen

Benedict : let’s not go there mom
He chuckled and opened the door for me, bowed and said

Benedict : mi ladie…
He pointed to the door. Oh how sweet

I walked through and he came out and closed the door. I locked it and we entered the car to the beach.

When we got there, we got accompanied by the attendant to the place where we could get the boats.

The manager there attended to us

Me: we need a both please
Manager: you can pick any one of these boats. They’re the same, just different colors

Benedict : I love the orange one
Me: no I want the blue one
Benedict : no the orange one
Me: nope, we’re taking the blue one

Manager: why don’t you wait for your neighbors to come. Each of you will ride with one of them

Benedict : Tessa and her father
Manager: yes the Rudys

Me: that’s your friend right
He nodded

Manager: you will ride with her father and she’ll ride with your mom

Me: sounds good to me. But where are they?

Manager: here they come
Bene and I turned to look at them. The young girl was wearing black shorts above her knees and a yellow vest
Her hair was also in a ponytail and she had a silk scarf around her neck
She was holding hands with her dad, I looked up at the man’s face and everything around me shut down. I didn’t see my son, didn’t see the manager, not the sea, not the people, not even the girl he was walking and laughing happily with

I also felt my heart being removed from my body.

My mouth was slightly opened as I stared at him blankly. He looked up and his eyes met mine. He stopped walking immediately and locked eyes with me.
I could see he was as shocked as I was.

I can’t believe this… Beck is alive
To Be Continued

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