Flower Boy Episode 33




Flower Boy Episode 33

By Oyebamiji Samue

IF you miss any episode click HERE

(Brian , why do this for Nancy? )

Nancy’s POV

I narrated what I remembered to Anthony and everything went blank again. The expression on his face was filled with curiosity. I can see that he’s confused too.

Maybe I should not have said it , but I really didn’t have any choice, I’m sure of what I remembered and I can’t just help but tell him

Everywhere was quiet for a while, I’ve forgotten that we are still mourning the loss of eye of Bobby. I hope I didn’t spoil the atmosphere with my remembrance. What if what I said is arrant nonsense cus the way Anthony is looking at me, it’s Like I said rubbish

“Brother, I will not like you to believe what she just said , maybe she is just remembering images” Brian said and I turned at Brian sadly

“Oh! But what she said is true, I had that same past with Donna” Anthony said with a confused look

“I believe she is not Donna, the Donna we know is dead. She is only trying to play you brother” Scot said

“True, Anthony, like you always say, we can’t just trust anyone, we can’t forget the fact that she is a baby sitter and a stranger too who later become our friends, as much as I like Nancy, don’t be foolish to think that I trust her 100%.
So forget what she just said, no one ever survives a plane crash, she is staying in this house , so for all I know, she might have stumbled across something giving her this memories ” Brian said and I almost feel like crying

Why is Brian talking like this? It saddens me that Scot and Brian are trying everything possible to stop Anthony from believing I’m Donna

Yes I’m not Donna cus I’ve never remembered myself surviving a plane crash that is if it is possible to survive a plane crash. But why do I keep having this memories that keep dropping into my mind like rains

“It’s not just about what she said just now, she has the brown dot on her nose too, not only that, she cries and sings in the exact same way as Donna” Anthony said

“Anthony, few minutes ago, you were insulting me that I’m not smart, I can’t believe you are the one considering Nancy as Donna. You did not even like her and by the ways she is just trying to seduce us like you said.
Even though I’m not in support of us sacking her , I think we should be very careful of her plot, she is cuny ” Brian said and I just can’t believe my ears

Why is Brian talking this way? What is he trying to achieve by supporting what he was once against

“Anthony, I did not have much strength to talk cus of the horrible thing that happened to Bob, this girl here called Nancy needs to be sacked for real, I did not know where she is getting the memories from , but somebody close to you must have being betraying you and telling her ” Scot said

“Guys, I know what I’m doing, the two memories she narrated recently are memories of Donna and I alone, it’s impossible for any guy to know not even you guys ” Anthony said

“Anthony, be smart, ladies are very deceptive, don’t believe her. The Donna we know is dead.
Come to think of it , Donna’s face is different and have a brown dot on her nose .
If this girl called Nancy claimed to be Donna and maybe try to connive a lie that she got burnt and did a facial surgery, if her face was changed into another face , tell me why the brown dot will still be on her face” Brian said and I reasoned with it too

True, I can’t be Donna. I’m probably remembering and saying rubbish

“She might be Donna , I may not have prove but I guess she is Donna” Anthony said almost getting convinced that I’m Donna

“This is so bad right now, I can’t believe Anthony is almost getting confused already. Alright, let me stun you” Brian said and turned at me

Every eyes was on Brian

“Where is your phone ” Brian asked

“Inside my room” I replied

“Go and bring it” Brian said and I stood, went inside the room, took the phone and came back to hand it over to him

Brian clicked on whatever on the phone cus I can’t see what he is searching for

He handed the phone over to Anthony

“Watch those videos and see what I’m talking about” Brian requested

Anthony collected it and watch a number of videos and angrily threw the phone to the floor

“You daughter of a b*tch, so you tricking me” Anthony said angrily and yelled as he walks closer to me

I shook fretfully and I looked into Williams eye for help, but he just sat still without moving

“Where in the world did you see all those videos of Donna and I” Anthony asked with a beast-ful look

“Which video sir?” I asked innocently not having an idea of what he is talking about

Anthony angrily ran to the dinning table and opened a refrigerator that is there , he brought out a champaign and walked closer to me like he will smash the bottle on my neck

I stared at everyone’s eye for help but no one stood for me nor caution Anthony

Is he about to kill me now? What if he smash the bottle on my head, I may die. Omg!

“Williams” I called as Anthony approached me with the bottle

“None of you should come to her aid or I will be force to do something crazy to you all” Anthony threatened and opened the bottle

“Just when I was almost getting convinced that you are Donna, only for me to find out that you have saved videos of my memories with Donna on your phone, so you are a player for real” Anthony said and smirked

That was when I noticed that Brian has shown Anthony the videos of Anthony and a lady that Helen and I smuggled from Karen’s phone

How do I tell him that I got it from Karen’s phone . I dare not, Not even now that he’s angry

I watched as Anthony opened the bottle forcefully and poured the liquid substance on my face

The drink soaked my air and flow down my hair to my face and to my necks and other part of my body

“You ugly duckling, I said it, you are a prostitute. Yes! I may not be able to sack you but I can punish you, leave this house right now , it’s late already, I don’t care where you spend the night, go and sleep in the street or something , and you must not go to Williams house to sleep cus I’m calling someone now to guard his place from you.
You can come back here tomorrow morning, but for this night, sleep outside . That will be your first punishment for trying to play and trick a whole me, the popular flower boy, you must have gone crazy. Now get out” He yelled and I stood up

I kept looking at Brian and Williams and wondering they didn’t even make a move of helping me

“I can’t sleep in the street, please have mercy” I pleaded with tears pouring from my eyes

“I say get …Get out” He yelled and paused then yelled again

His loud voice made me shook and increase the fear inside of me , I ran outside the house.

I turned when I get to the compound of the house and I saw Anthony again come out of the house

“I say get out and leave this house , go and spend a night in the street you prostitute” Anthony said and walked towards me like a beast ready to devour me

I ran away cus I was no longer seeing Anthony this time around but a beast

I cried so hard as I get outside the house.

Why did Helen had to lure me into getting that video from Karen’s phone?
Why did Brian had to speak against me?
Why is Williams not doing anything to help me?
Am I bad for real?

I kept thinking and I kept walking towards the street. It’s a neat estate , There is just no where that I can sit recklessly, I will be challenged

I walk tiredly and finally get out of the estate , I kept walking aimlessly, then the rain started falling

I started running very hard trying to find safety cus I’m allergic to rain, I hardly breath inside the rain.

I saw a beautiful shed and I ran towards there. I’d entered before I realized that the boys there were gangsters who were busy smoking

“Sexy motherfucker ” One of them said and rubbed his private part like he is scratching it and walk closer to me

I shift back fretfully and I turned to run out of the shed and find another safety for myself but another muscular man who was putting on just a singlet and a boxer approach me from the back

Before I could understand what was happening , four men had surrounded me and the smoke from them is irritating me

I’m scared of what they may do to me

“Please don’t touch me please ” I pleaded

One of them stretched his hand towards my breast but someone grabbed it

“Leave her, she is mine” One of them said and walked closer to me.

The others respected the guy and left

The guy covered me with a sweat shirt and stood before me.
I couldn’t look at his face cus I was too scared too.

I hope he is not up to something too

“Look up” He said and I looked up

That was when I saw clearly who he is

“Omg! It’s you” I exclaimed happily

Guess who the person Nancy saw is


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