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HIS GOLDEN SECRET (being perfect) EPISODE 16

HIS GOLDEN SECRET (being perfect) EPISODE 16




“Sam..” James called
“I have to tell you something” he added .. “okay.. Go on” I said and glanced at Tracey who was looking at James attentively.
“actually Sam I… I’ve been wanting to tell you this” james said lowly and I smiled “take your time”.
“I want you to go on a date with me” James rushed his words and I giggled.
“James..?” Tracey glared at him.
“what’s your problem Tracey” James snarled.
“my problem is you dating her, tell her or I show her” Tracey ordered and I stare at the both of them wondering what’s going on.
“look I’m gonna tell her but not today and not now okay?!!” he said to Tracey and then tired to me.
“Sam.. I’ll be back”
James said and dragged Tracey out of the class.. “what do you think they’re going to talk about?” I asked Victoria as I watched them walk out of the class
“w..w.who k..knows??” Victoria stutter and I turned to her Victoria never stutters.
“I’m sorry do you know something?” I ask her.
“me?” she grinned.
“yeah, you’re the only one sitting with me and the only person I’m talking to so who could I be talking to if not you” I narrowed my eyes at her and she laughed nervously.
“oh Sarah you’re so funny” victoria laughed and my jaw dropped slightly. “I didn’t say anything funny and when did my name turn to Sarah?” I asked and she stood up immediately.
“hmm.. I smell muffins, I’m starving let’s go eat lunch together” she said and dragged me up. She’s sure acting weird since I wasn’t in the mood to question her anymore I let her drag me out of the class. We both walked out of the class and I bumped into James with my head hiting his chest.
“ouch.. That hurt” he said dryly and he saw me and smiled.
“sorry” I apologized and he laughed.
“I’m giving you till Friday James, Friday!!” Tracey barked at James before walking into the class.
“sure thing mom” James said sarcastically and Tracey turned and gave him a small glare.
James, victoria, and i ate lunch together and I “kind of” missed molly not seeing her or eating with her. And left me wondering where she was but I later realised she’ll be with Tracey.
While we’re eating Esther walked up to us and sat down beside Victoria, she said hi to the three of us and I was the only who replied Her cause James and Victoria were having a mouth full.
“so finally, I’m a little free from school’s president stuff and to celebrate, I’m having a sleepover and I’m inviting all my very good friends” Esther said and Victoria turned to her. “really?” she said with her mouth full.
“I’m muff spleefova.” victoria tried to speak and ended saying a bunch of messed up words and Esther passed her a bottle water and she took it from Esther and gulped it all down.
“I love sleepovers” Victoria corrected her self.
“that’s why I’m inviting you first, and you and you” Esther smiled referring the you and you to James and I.
“I’m not coming.” James said.
“what why?” Esther asked sadly.
“no reason, I’m not coming” Jame’s replied and Esther held his hand which made me glared at it a little bit which made James slipped his hand out of her grip.
“C’mon.. James.. It could be like old times, I’ll even invite Kaden and Lucas too.. Please James” Esther begged but James shook his head negatively.
“why aren’t you going?” I asked him.
“like I said no reason, I just don’t want to go” James said and I blinked rapidly. “I’m going and you’re going too” I stated and James sigh “whatever”.
“what’s this, I invited you and you said no, she ordered you and you agreed is she your girlfriend or what?” Esther rolled her eyes.
“you can say that again” James scoffed, Esther gazed at me a little. before turning back to Victoria.
“okay, it’s sweet you three are coming, I have to go invite the others” Esther said and walked away.
“it’s been ages since we all had a slumber party together, I think it’s going to be awesome” Victoria suggested.
“I think it’s going to be boring” James added, while I just ate my food thinking about nothing but the slumber party.
Lunch break was over and we all went back to class. Our history teacher came and he said we should get ready and start to prepare our project cause it’s remaining three week before the semester ends, I kind of registered late.. Well it’s not bad I’ll still have my final year and prom here but till next year…
After that we had biology and then art before school was finally closed, as I packed my books inside my bag, Catherine walked passed me not knowing my foot was in her way she tripped and almost fell, I don’t know how blind she is but she should have looked harder. I mean how could she not know.
“bitch, you did that on purpose didn’t you?” Catherine huffed.
“or you actually did that on purpose so you could find a way to take it down with me” I said and she glared at her.
“you bitch, apologize?” she yelled gaining a small amount of attention from different angles of the class.
“I’m sorry” I smirked. And carried my bag, she seemed a little bit amused by my apology and I slowly walk up to her
“address me as bitch again, and I’ll show you what bitches feel and act like” I threatened and walked up to James, one thing about girls like Catherine is that they look for that little frightened part of you and then take advantage of it and the next day you get bullied, and then the next day and the next day and that’s how your life ends, peer pressure. But if you stand up to your height and give them a taste of their own medicine they’ll be the frightened one, when some one is actually prettier than them or smarter than them, they find a way to crush that person, I’ve already crushed myself and I don’t need another damn crusher.
“ready?” I asked James.
He nods as he flipped his bag over his shoulder and we both walked out of the class together.
We got to drama class and the drama teacher suggested we rehearse first and we got everything right, we gained applause for our wonderful acting and the next set acted theirs and was applauded also, but the drama teacher had to yell when it was the scene of where Victoria and I are having the mother and daughter talk. Victoria kept mixing up Her words and that made me laugh a bit and the drama teacher yelled at us countless of times, but he calmed down when he noticed Victoria was just nervous and he told me to stop laughing.
Drama class was over and the drama teacher told me Victoria and three other girls who looked kind of familiar, to stay behind and clean the stage. I tried to tell him I did great in all my scene and he agreed but reminded me of my scene with Victoria and i gave in and stayed behind, James wanted to stay too and help me clean but after telling him not to worry and after receiving yells from our drama teacher to go home, he gave me a heart-throbing smile before leaving.
“I’m tired” Victoria whined as she picked up the broom-stick and shoving it inside the hole of the broom, “you haven’t even cleaned a single thing” I tell her and she sighed. “I know! thinking about it is making me more weaker” Victoria said and I laughed,. “don’t be a lazy bed and let’s clean that place, look at those girls they’re on fire” I said and Victoria turned to look at the three girls who were busy cleaning without any distraction. “okay you go ahead, I’ll be with you in a minute” Victoria said, and her voice echoed. I shook my head negatively and pulled her. “C’mon”.
“seriously Sam, I’ll be there”.
“be where?, we’re already there, just start cleaning” I giggled.
“no buts, if we clean in time we’ll go home earl––
“yea she’s so rude” I was interrupted by one of those three girls saying that and I had a feeling they were talking about me.
“excuse me?” I said to them and they turned to me.
“what?” one of them said.. “are you just talking about me just now?” I asked to be sure. I hate back blabbers.
“it’s you, and what are you going to do about it?” another one said and I scoffed. “I remember I don’t owe any of you girls money”.
“she’s the Samantha right?” one of the girls at the back whispered to the one in her front. “yeah” the front girl whispered .. “she’s still as rude as they say” the one at the back said and I breathed in.
“you’re just like everyone is saying rude selfish and Proud, people like you are meant to be g–
“hold on there cupcake” I said to the girl talking she had black long hair and she stood beside the girl in front. “you and I don’t know each other neither have we ever talk so what’s with your choice of words” I asked angrily.
“your friend didn’t want to work and yet you were still pressuring her Isn’t that wickedness?” the girl with black hair said and I scoffed.
“you’re not her and she’s not you and–
“she wasn’t pressuring me so it’s better if you guys mind your businesses” Victoria interrupted me and the girls looked a bit astonished by that but the one at the back huffed and they all mind their business , “looks like she bewitched Her friend” I heard one said but I ignored them.
“you know what, let’s start cleaning and go home early” Victoria said and I nod and we both did.
Evans drove me home and when I got home, I took a long bath that my skin started to get wrinkles. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked into my room to see Naomi on my bed, with my laptop and seeing me she dropped it.
“hi” she smiled at me.
“hey, when did you get here?” I smiled back.
“a few seconds ago, I came back from school and I was bored so I decided to come here, maybe you have something interesting to tell me?” Naomi smiled but I shook my head negatively..
“what were you doing with my laptop?” I asked. “I was just checking the web for stuffs interesting” she replied with a nervous grin.
“then why’d you stop?” I asked.
“I thought you’d be mad seeing me with it” she sighed
“well I’m not, you should totally continue with whatever you’re doing” I smiled.
“really?”.. She looks surprise. “yeah”.. She smiled happily and grabbed my laptop.
After wearing a white T-shirt and a short mini jeans skirt, I sat down in front of my dressing mirror and from the drawer beside it, I pulled out my hair dryer, I plugged it in and started to dry my hair. Naomi suddenly stood up and took the dryer from my hand “let me help” she beamed.
“thanks” I said. We both remained quiet as she dried my hair, and then looking at myself in the mirror I asked.. “Naomi, am I rude?”
“what?..tch.. no..” she said and rolled her eyes and I grabbed the hair dryer from her and turned it off dropping it on the drawer,
“tell me the truth, am I rude?” I asked again as she sat down on the bed opposite me.
“well..well.. A little bit” she whispered. Who’s she whispering to
“really?” I asked to be sure.
“well a lot” she added and my brows arched. “everyone says, I’m rude selfish and proud is that true?” I asked again but she gave no reply…
“Naomi…. ” I called and she sighed.
“well… yeah,” she said and stood up. I breathed in trying to sulk in my heavy tears, have I really been that bad. I covered my face with my palm and cried lightly in my arms.
“oh my god, I seriously didn’t mean to make you Sam, I’m sorry” Naomi said as she knelt in front of me and I pulled her in a tight and cried even more.
“I’m sorry” she said guiltily.
“I’m sorry if I haven’t been good to you, I’m sorry it’s taking me just now to grow up, I’m really sorry” I sniffed.
“it’s okay, if you haven’t been good to me I would have gave up years ago of being friends with you but I liked you for you that’s why I’m still here” Naomi said and I hugged her tightly.. I’ve been blind to see that I’ve been blessed with a good friend….
when i was little my mom took me to this children summer funfair and every kid there wanted to talk to me but my mom said I should not talk to them cause they were not up to our class that they’re just dirt and I stood side by side with my mom even though I wanted to talk to them badly and Naomi was among then, she was dressed in all yellow except her shoes which were pink exactly like mine and I was dressed in all pink, every mother had to let go of their child and let them have fun their selves and when all the children were all alone no one wanted to talk to me because of the way I treated them but then Naomi walked in front of me as I watched the children play together without me. I remembered the first words she said to me.
“hey we’re wearing the same shoes”
After those words we became friends I thought I we would never see each other again after that day but we ended leaving so close. As we grew up my mom couldn’t separate us and then I snapped and became this girl everyone hates but still Naomi loved me for me and I love her more..
T. B. C

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