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JUST FOR LOVE (Love made her) chapter 100 {FINALE}

JUST FOR LOVE (Love made her) chapter 100

By Zeemah writes

if you miss any episode click Here

2 years later……

💞Anel’s POV💞

“Sit sit Anel,I’m gonna do your make up” Mil said drawing her box of make-up into my room.

It’s my graduation day!
I’ll be leaving Makers high school today.
I’ll be going to college.

I smiled as Mil led me to my dressing chair.
“Sit here pretty” She said happily.
I grinned at the engagement ring on her finger.

Mil is now engaged to Thack Holcomb.
Haha…Isn’t that funny?
I’m so glad it’s Thack cause he’s a very good man.

“Just hold on,i need to bring out all I’m gonna use okay?” She said.
“Thanks Mil” I smiled.
“I’m gonna make you look best. Ashlyn is coming over right?” She asked.
“Yes she is ” I said.
Theresa,Vie and Dave already graduated last year,they are in college now but they’re gonna be attending our graduation ceremony.
Wanna know something? Dave and Theresa are now cool lovers.

Why has he not called me yet?
My friends already called me this morning but he hasn’t.
I wonder how did i ended up loving him this much.
He’s a silly ass!

Ana popped into my room with little Lionel in her hand.
They were both dressed up. Ana in a pink Barbie gown with white shoes while little Li in a blue baby coat.

“You both look beautiful” I smiled.
“Thanks Anel,your dress looks beautiful too” Ana said and adjusted the giggly Lionel in her arm.
“Bring him over here” I said and she did.
“Lionel” I pecked his soft cheeks and raised him up,he gave me that cute baby smile.

He’s so cute,he’s a year and some months old.
I’m glad i now have a little brother,he’s so cool,the exact opposite of Ana..
Well..he might be stubborn when he grows up.

“Ana, bring Lionel. I have to feed him” Mum said loudly from the living room.
“Okay Mum” Ana said.
I handed Lionel back to her and watched her walk out of my room.

I turned to Mil,she was still bringing out her make-up tools,she looked so serious that i had to laugh.
“What?” She asked.
“You look so serious right now,you should be a make up artist” I said and she laughed.
“I have to make my sis more beautiful today” She said.
“I’m honored to make Milana Sydney my older sister,the fiance of Thack Holcomb” I said and she smiled proudly.

“Thack is also coming” She said and i gasped.
I’m not surprised he’s coming…I’ve seen him multiple times but he’s coming to my graduation!
The whole school is gonna be in chaosa nd I’m not sure if the graduation will take hold anymore cause everyone will want his autograph including that of Mil and fallen angels.

“Why did you gasp?” Mil asked.
“Everyone will be so focused on you guys that they’re gonna forget about our graduation” I said,she smiled.
“Com’on,we also can’t go to a crowded place without disguise, we’ll disguise and i can bet no one will find out” She said and i sighed in relief.
“Good then…” I was saying but got interrupted by the ringtone of my phone.


I frowned a little before swiping to the receiver.

📞Hey baby” He said into the phone.

📞Hi” I said curtly.

📞 Com’on Anel,are you pissed at me?

📞I was.

📞I’m sorry i didn’t call you earlier,i was so busy getting flowers for our graduation, you know the after party is gonna be at my house.

📞Ohh… okay” I smiled. “Aren’t you excited? Today is our graduation day,we are finally letting go of Makers high school.

He chuckled📞I’m the happiest today. Do you want me to come pick you?.

📞Nah,you can head to school. We’ll meet there.

📞 Okay babe,i can’t wait to see you.

📞Me too” I grinned.

📞I gotta hang up now,love you..

📞Love you more,bye” I smiled before disconnecting the call.

Why do i normally feel so happy and relieved after hearing Dan’s voice.

“Quit smiling lover girl,I’m gonna start your makeup now” Mil said and i giggled.

“Claire” I heard Mum said from downstairs and i smiled.
Claire and Dad are here!
I smiled,so happy she’s here. She’s heavily pregnant and i was thinking she won’t come but she did! I know she’s gonna burst into my room any moment from now.
She got married to dad a year ago and they’re both living fine.

My door opened and Claire bursted in as i predicted.

“Claire” I called happily.


Hours later,the graduating students were standing on stage wearing a white mortar board and white robe with the graduation cap.
We already finished part of the program,we collected our diploma and started singing the school’s song.

I smiled as i watched my family. There’s this proud look on their faces.
The auditorium is filled to the brim.
Mil, Thack and fallen angels couldn’t be recognized in the mask they were putting on. I also nearly took them for other people.

“You’re the most beautiful here” Dan whispered in my ears and i grinned.
“Com’on sing along” I scolded playfully.
“You guys are gonna make them throw us out of the stage” Ashlyn said and i nearly laughed.

The teachers and Mrs Oliver were seated at the corner of the stage looking their best.
Mrs Claude and Mr Jones were the only teachers absent here.
Mr Jones is still in jail for attempted murder,he’s the one behind that large stone incidence in the hallway,he claimed that i always challenged him in class,he hates challenges so he thought the best thing to do is to kill me!
He’s an animal!
He also has more criminal records that shocked everyone.

Mrs Claude has been sacked after her husband filed for divorce cause she was cheating while being married to him.
She was dating that criminal and they had the audacity to draw matching love tattoos.
I’m glad the whole storm is over though.

We finished singing our school song and we all returned to our high seats holding our diploma and smiling proudly.
“Anel,you look beautiful” Jacq smiled at me.
“Thanks Jacq, you look pretty too” I smiled back at her.

We’re friends now but not close friends though.
Ashlyn is the only close friend i have in class, others are just formal friends.

“Karissa your gown looks beautiful” I said.
“Wow! Thanks Anel,my mum actually got it from a popular boutique in London” She said.
“Nice” I said and turned back to Ashlyn, she’s also wearing a pretty red dress.
“I’m so happy” She giggled.
“Me too” I smiled and adjusted my graduation cap.

“Dan” I gasped when he suddenly kissed my ear, i glanced around to make sure none of the teachers saw what he did.
“Ah!” I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

“You’re not wearing your cap properly” He said and helped me place my graduation cap properly on my styled hair.

“I wonder what Miss Oliver is going to say” I whispered to him as i saw her walked to the podium, holding the microphone.
“She’s probably gonna say we were the most troublesome students” Dan said and i chuckled.

🎤Good day everyone. We will be presenting some awards to some students today🎤 She said.

Mr Rolland brought the awards forward in the customised tray of Makers high school.

🎤The award of the most active student in Makers high school goes to Valerie Bells🎤

There were claps as Valerie stepped out in her graduation gown to receive her award.
She’s truly the most active.

She collected her award and walked back to her chair in smiles.
We congratulated her.

Mrs Oliver kept awarding students till it’s remaining two awards on the tray.

🎤Well…the past years,we’ve always have just one overall best student but i guess tables turned this year,we have two overall best students whom i think their parents should be proud of..I’m gonna call them out now🎤 She said and there was tensed silence.
Everyone watched Mrs Oliver waiting for her to announce the overall best students.

She smiled 🎤The overall best students in Makers high school for the year 2019 is;🎤 She paused,stared at the graduating students then back at the parents.

🎤Asanel Yates and Daniel Shaw🎤 She dropped the bomb and my heart popped twice.
I stared on in disbelief.

We were given standing ovation,the cheers was deafening,the whole auditorium was shook with shouts.
My heart raced with happiness.
I glanced at Dan,he was full of smiles.
He gave me a “we-did-it” Look.

We both stood up,the cheers was still going on.
Dan stretched his hand to me and i placed mine on it.
We both started walking to the podium,hand in hand.

“Dan-nel” Our classmates screamed happily as we made our way to the podium.
Our classmates actually gave us a couple name.

“We’re proud of you both” I heard Liam screamed amongst the shouts.
“We love youuuuu” Mil also shouted.

I smiled and held Dan’s hand more tightly,i was feeling so nervous as we both stood beside Mrs Oliver.

🎤Asanel Yates and Daniel Shaw,here are your awards for been the overall best students🎤 Mrs Oliver said and handed golden medal to us one after the other.
“Thank you” We bowed slowly.
🎤Do you both have anything to say?🎤 She asked and i glanced at Dan,he nodded.
“Yes ” We chorused.

Dan took hold of the microphone;

🎤I’m so happy to be given this award,it means a lot to me and I’m glad i made my family proud. I dedicate this award to my whole family🎤 He said and there were loud claps.
🎤There will be after party tonight in my house,my classmates are all invited🎤 He said and our classmates stood up from their seats and jumped in excitement.
He smiled and passed the mic to me.

🎤I’m glad to be a student of Makers high school and I’m so happy to receive this award. I dedicate this award to my family and my late Mum🎤 I said and could read the sympathy on everyone’s face. I wished to continue but i can’t,i was starting to tear up.
I handed the microphone to Mrs Oliver and quickly stepped back..

“Are you okay?” Dan whispered to me and i nodded.
“You sure?” He asked.
“Yes” I said holding tightly to my medal.

🎤Well…that’s the last award for the year 2019…can you all please cheer all the awards receivers🎤Mrs Oliver said and the cheers nearly blocked our ears as we walked back to our seats.

“Congratulations Dan-nel” Our classmates shouted hugging us one after the other.
“Thanks guys” I smiled happily.

Soon,the programs were over and students were running into the arms of their parents.
Liam and Mum’s arms were already opened as i ran towards them.

“I’m not a high school kid anymore” I screamed happily, jumping into their arms.
“Congratulations Anel” they hugged me tightly.

“I love your medal” Ana said.
“Thanks Ana, promise me you will also receive a medal” I said.
“I promise Anel, I’ll make sure i study hard” She said.
“Good girl” I smiled.
“Look Li,i gat a medal” I said to little Lionel who was in Mil’s arm.

He flung his small hands in the air,not understanding whatever i was saying.
I laughed and pecked his soft cheeks.
“Beauty with brain” Thack gave me a thumb up i laughed.
“Thanks Thack”

“I’m proud of you daughter” Dad hugged, kissing my hair.
“Thanks Dad” I smiled.
“Anel,sweetheart,you made us proud” Claire said hugging me lightly,she could have hugged me tightly but that bump! wouldn’t allow.
“Thanks Claire” I smiled.

“I’m so happy for you Anel,you’re good at everything you do. Congratulations” Mary pecked me on my cheeks.
“Thanks Mary ” I grinned .

She’s not working with us anymore, Liam gave her huge sum of money to set up a business and we’re all glad she used the money wisely,she now has a big Mall,she expanded it recently though and the good news is that she’s now dating jack! who’s on a business trip to Atlanta, I’m just so happy their lives turned out well.

“Anel sure gave birth to a genius” Fallen angels said to and i smiled.
“Thanks Migvin” I hugged them tightly.
They came down to Paris just for our graduation.

I smiled when i saw Dan and his family approaching.
They got to us and started exchanging pleasantries,they all hugged me while Dan was also hugged by my family.

“Let’s go join other students in taking pictures” He said dragging me away.
I laughed happily.


We all got home some hours ago,i was in my room with Mil getting ready for our after party.

My phone started ringing,i picked it and checked the caller ID.

📞Hey love” I smiled.

📞Hi babe,guess what Dad got me for my graduation?

📞What?” I asked eagerly in smiles.

Liam actually promised to send me to tour in any country of my choice and I’m so happy about that.

📞Dad got me a car! The latest Benz!” He screamed in excitement.

📞OMG!” I screamed happily,jumping round my room. Mil laughed.

📞I’m so happy right now babe. I’m coming to pick you. I want you to be the first person to ride the car with me” He said with excitement booming in his voice.

📞Okay baby I’ll be waiting” I grinned happily.

📞Dress beautifully for me okay?” ..

📞Yes baby. I love you.

📞I love you more..

I was grinning hard by the time i disconnected the call.

“Mil, Dan got the latest Benz as a gift” I said happily.
“Wow!” Mil exclaimed.
“And guess what? He wants me to be the first person to ride in the car with him” I said,my heart almost bursting.
“Wow. That’s great” Mil smiled.
“He wants me to dress beautifully and I’m at lost on what to wear” I said.

“I think you should wear that red mini skirt” Mil said.
“Yes! I’m gonna wear it with the white and red blouse you got for me” I smiled.
“That will be gorgeous” She said and i nodded.
I picked the outfit and started getting into it.

“You won’t be needing much make up,you just apply lip gloss and mascara” She said.
“Okay,help me with the zip” I said and turned my back to her.
She did and i stood in front of my mirror and adjusted the outfit properly.


I brought out my lip gloss and mascara and started applying it while Mil helped me select red heels from my shoe rack.

“Thanks Mil” I smiled and slipped my feet into it..it made me stood taller.
“Just hold on,you need a red patent-leather bag to compliment this outfit.. I’ll be back” She said and rushed out of the room.

I stood in front of the mirror and admired myself greatly,i think my hair needs a little styling.
I picked a comb…
I was done styling my hair when Mil walked in with the beautiful red shoulder bag.
“Wow!” I exclaimed.
She handed it to me.
“Thanks Mil” I smiled hanging the bag on my shoulder.
“Oh..my…you look breathtaking” Mil said.
I smiled…”Dan is gonna like it right?”
“He’s gonna love it” Mil said and my smile grew wider.

We heard loud horns and we both rushed to the window,we peered outside and i gasped when i saw Dan driving into our compound in his beautiful new Benz.

“OMG! That car is beautiful” Mil said.
I was speechless for a while, that car is actually the best I’ve ever seen.

“Mil..bye” I waved in excitement and started walking out.
“Bye,make sure you don’t drink much” She shouted after me.
“Okay Mil”


It is night already,most of the students are already present in Dan’s backyard,some were swimming in the pool while most were dancing to the blaring music, there’s barbecue and drink for everyone.

Everyone was obviously having good time,i sat beside Dan, trying not to drink much.
Our friends were all scattered over the dance floor and i laughed when i saw Vie pulling out her funny dance skills and why’s Travis dancing with her?

“Care to dance?” Dan asked.
“Of course” I smiled.


It was midnight,the party is over and everyone has gone home.
I can boastfully said we all had a good time.
Our after party was the best.

Dan and i were laying side by side in his beautiful garden, staring at the little stars in the sky.
“Anel” Dan called slowly.
“I love you more than the stars in the sky,i love you more as each moment passes us by,i love you with every breath i take. Thanks for being in my life, without you my heart will be dead. I love you so much Anel and i promise never to leave you” He said with so much emotion that tears filled my eyes.

Truly,there are two sides of love. My Mum may have experienced the bad side but here i am experiencing the good side of love.
I love you Mum.

“Dan,you’re the one my heart chose,you’re the one my mind always reminds me of,you’re the one i love most cause you made me realize the meaning of love in a unique way. Im glad you are mine and i promise i will forever love you” I said and we both faced each other in smiles.

Slowly,our lips locked and at that moment i knew our love was the most beautiful one.


________THE END❤️❤️_______



  1. I love this story,so interesting,educative,emotional and touching…may God add to your knowledge,wisdom and understanding ZEEMAH

  2. the best story I ever seen. omg! I can’t believe someone to be this…oh I don’t know what to say,I love this novel and continue loving it forever, happy ending. love you Zeeman,the great author


  4. The best novel i have ever had sleepless nite to read
    i cant even hold my tears and emotions
    i love the novel so much and author Zee
    much kisses

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