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Joe anxiously unfolded the note and started reading:


I am so heartbroken and very much disappointed in you and your first wife Rachael who turns out to be my mother. I know the whole truth now after seeing her picture and because of your sins, Nathan and I are the ones paying dearly. Both of you have made us commit the unthinkable and most forbidden sin one would commit in his or her own family. How dare you? You have killed me. I donโ€™t know how to live this life anymore. Thanks to you and mum my life is over. Hope you tell your son the truth.


Joeโ€™s face was wet with tears as he finished reading. “It canโ€™t be, oh my God! What have we done?โ€ He opened the next drawer and got some pills to calm himself. His Blood pressure was rising and he felt the numbness in his legs returning. He got his phone and dialed Noraโ€™s phone number but it wasn’t connecting. He tried several times but couldn’t succeed.

“What do I do?โ€ Joe struggled putting down his crutches and sitting on the chair panicking. His shirt was soaked in sweat.โ€ Racheal, oh my God Racheal what have we done to our son and your daughter?” He covered his face with his hands and wept like a child. He felt his the ground should open and swallow him. He felt like the past had come to hunt him and wished it was all a dream.

He took his phone again and called Nathan

โ€œSon Where are you?โ€

โ€œOh dad itโ€™s a surprise for Nora. I’m waiting for someone in town and will be back soon.โ€

โ€œPlease Nathan come back here now! โ€ He told him almost screaming.

โ€œBut Dad whatโ€™s wrong you sound awkward. Is everything alright? Tell me whatโ€™s wrong dad? You are getting me scared.โ€ This time Nathan was sounding very worried.

“Listen to me son just leave whatever you are doing and come back immediately. itโ€™s about Nora.โ€

โ€œWhat? What happened to Nora dad please tell me already.โ€

“Just come back please I beg youโ€ Joe told his son tears and sweats running down his face..

โ€œAlright dad I’m coming now.โ€

He disconnected the line and got into his car. As he drove off, linking the main road, he dialled Rachealโ€™s phone number.

“I’m sorry ma something came up and I had to rush home. Please just come to the address I sent you via SMS. I will meet you there.โ€

โ€œOkay thatโ€™s fine my dearโ€ Racheal answered calmly.

Nathan accelerated immediately he disconnected the call.

Driving through the gate into the compound, he banged the door and rushed to the house.

“Dad!โ€ He called out, โ€œWhere are you? Nora! โ€ He called again not knowing whether to check on his father first or Noraโ€™s room.

He rushed to Noraโ€™s room first and when he peeped saw there was no one inside, he dashed back to his fatherโ€™s room.

โ€œHeโ€™s in the studyโ€ the maid told him before he could open his fatherโ€™s bedroom.

He took some quick steps and opened the door and saw his father sitted silently alone.

“Dad whatโ€™s going on?โ€ He asked moving slowly to him. “Where is Nora?โ€

Joe wiped the sweats his face with a piece of cloth. “Come here Nathanโ€ he said indicating him to sit down.

Nathan reluctantly sat and his reaction making him so uncomfortable.

โ€œI’m here father please talk to me you’re not looking fine. What is wrong? Please tell me my Nora is fine โ€

โ€œSheโ€™s gone Nathan I have no idea where. She left close to an hour ago.โ€

“What was that? โ€ Nathan asked looking very shocked. “No she canโ€™t leave me just like that. What happened? What did you do dad! โ€ he screamed and flared up.

“Calm down Nathan let me explain.โ€ Joe tried to speak

“Oh dad I swear to God if you hurt her I will not forgive youโ€

Joe shook his head, โ€œSit down Nathan please I have to tell you something โ€ He begged in a low tone. He didn’t know where to start from. The look on his sonโ€™s face was the same he had when Nancy died and it scared him. He knew what was coming will destroy his sonโ€™s life and he was not sure how he will survive his own son rejecting and leaving him all alone again.

โ€œNathan I’m sorry, trully sorry for what I’m about to tell you.โ€ Joe told his son who was anxiously waiting for him to let the cat out of the bag.

Joe got a letter Racheal wrote to him and handed it.

“Whatโ€™s this?โ€ Nathan asked surprised seeing his name written on the letter with an unfamiliar hand writing.

“Read it sonโ€ Joe whispered, “That letter changed everything.โ€

Nathan read the letter and couldn’t actually decipher. “Dad who wrote this, my mother? Racheal? Whatโ€™s this? Please say somethingโ€

Joe sighed. “My son listen to me, I didnโ€™t plan or intend for any of this to happen and I’m sorry. That letter was written by your biological mother. Nancy your mum as you know, wasnโ€™t your biological mother.โ€ Joe went on explaining all the details about Racheal and how she left him as a baby.

Nathan shook his head. โ€œSo my mother left me? And you are the cause of it all dad? What kind of parent gave birth to me?โ€ he frowned.

โ€œAs though having a drunk and flirting father is not enough, my own mother dumped me like I was nothing.โ€ He cried unable to control his anger. He felt his heart failing and everything seemed like a dream.โ€ No wonder you treated my mother like she was nothing to you.โ€

โ€œSon please forgive meโ€ Joe cried โ€œI am so sorry you have to go through this. The worst part is now you cannot be with Nora.โ€

โ€œAnd what has that got to do with her dad? You are now going to take away the only person who keeps me going in this crazy life You brought me up with? โ€ Nathan screamed at his father

โ€œYou know what dad? To hell with your bullshit , I’m out of here and I am getting my woman too.โ€ he said walking to the door.

โ€œI donโ€™t care about you or that woman you call my mother. In fact if sheโ€™s alive tell her sheโ€™s not my mother. I burried my mother and itโ€™s all your fault.โ€ he snapped.

โ€œStop Nathan!โ€ Joe shouted. โ€ I said you canโ€™t be with Nora and I’m serious. Just listen to me.โ€

Nathan turned and looked at his father. “Why?โ€

โ€œBecause Racheal is the mother to Nora and Nora found out the truth now sheโ€™s gone. I have no idea where she’s gone to.โ€ Joe told him extending the picture of Racheal to him.

Nathan remembered the image on the picture in Noraโ€™s phone and indeed it was the same woman. โ€œSheโ€™s Nora’s mother Nathan and your mother too.โ€ Joe said almost whispering

โ€œOh God! โ€ Nathan cried, “No please tell me this isnโ€™t true, please dad she canโ€™t be my sister. Oh my God what have I done to deserve this punishment?โ€ he cried sliding on the wall till he sat on the floor.

โ€œOh Please it canโ€™t be. Dad you have killed meโ€ he looked at his father. His face soaked in tears and the most devasted look Joe had ever seen. He held his chair squeezing it tight. His son was suffering and it was all his fault.

โ€œForgive me sonโ€ he begged โ€œPlease I’m so sorry I didnt mean to put you through so much agony. Believe me I’m sorry.โ€

โ€œBelieve you dad? Believe you? How would you do this to me? How could you.. I โ€ฆI ..canโ€™t do this right nowโ€ he stammered standing up and heading out.

โ€œCome back Nathan!โ€ Joe called him, but Nathan went and locked himself in his bedroom.

He sat down leaning on the bed and cried bitterly “No this can’t happening.โ€ He struck his head โ€œCome on wake up Nathan. itโ€™s all a bad dream โ€ he told himself.

After crying for some time he got his phone and dialled Noraโ€™s number. The first went unanswered and he redialled it , it took so much time before he heard a very low voice of Nora on the other side.

“Babe, where are you ? Please come back here. Where are you I will come and pick you. Please tell me please.โ€

“I’m sorry Nathan but I canโ€™t because I am going far away from here. Have you talked to your father? โ€ She asked .

โ€œYeah I have but babe, this cant be true. You know I love you there must be a mistake somewhere. Please come we talk about this I need you Nora please come back my love.โ€

โ€œStop calling me thatโ€ Nora cried โ€œWe are siblings donโ€™t you understand ? itโ€™s an abomination. what we have done is not only immoral, itโ€™s a curse. Please forget you ever knew me Nathan I wonโ€™t come back.โ€

โ€œNo no. .listen Nora you canโ€™t do this to us please come on we love each other. It doesnt matter what anyone thinks just listen to me.โ€ Nathan pleaded

โ€œOh Nathan stop it now, just listen to your self. what you are asking is impossible. forget itโ€ she said and disconnected the call.

โ€œOh Please dont cut.. โ€ Nathan cried, he tried to call back but Nora switched off her phone.

โ€œPlease please Nora donโ€™t leave me now pleaseโ€ฆ.! My world is crumbling!โ€ He cried.

To be continuedโ€ฆ


2 responses to “[Story] THE MISTAKES OF MY PARENTS EPISODE 15”

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