Fate (IPIN) is a movie based on true life story. A once happy house, met bad fate and struggle to find their balance again. A movie starring Akin Lewis, Bimbo Oshin, Bukunmi Oluwasina, Saheed Balogun, Jumoke Odetola, Ayo Olaaya, Temitope Akinyemi and many more.
It is okay to have nightmares or dreams. Cos to every dream, there is a meaning. Sometimes it’s a gift, or a means through which God speaks to the people he loves and warn them again the evils ahead and the unknown. It’s now left to you to see it as “One of those things” or “A battle to fight and win” Before dream turns reality.
Who is yet to watch the movie titled “FATE”??? Go watch and learn a few more things about life.
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