COMPLETE DELIVERANCE (Part 2) – Koinonia with Apostle Joshua Selman

COMPLETE DELIVERANCE (Part 2) – Koinonia with Apostle Joshua Selman

If you miss part one click here

Koinonia Abuja Sunday Service

13th March, 2022

The assignment of the demonic kingdom is to fight and frustrate the purposes of God by any and all means. In order of priority, Satan wants to do this by:

1). Stopping men from coming to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
2). Frustrating the efficiency of men in terms of growth and fulfilling God’s plans and purposes.

The operational system of Satan and demonic kingdom:

1). Satan and demons fight. (Revelations 12:7)

2). Satan hinders and resists. (1 Thessalonians 2:18)

3). Satan and demons steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10; Matthew 13:19)

4). Satan and demons lie. (John 8:44)


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