Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 23

Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 23

By Hossana Isaac O.
(Hossy High School Series)



Tori Vega’s POV

I came out of the car and went straight into the house. I saw my dad pacing up and down the living room

Me: dad

Dad: good, I hope you brought your things
Me: no I didn’t.. What’s..

Dad: what do you mean you didn’t? I told you to come home and you came without your things? Why are you so dumb?

Me: dad what is going on? Just tell me and stop yelling at me

The door opened and Jade entered, we both looked at her like she was a strange being

Jade: I’m out

She turned back and left. Dad sighed and sat down

Dad: please sit
I sat beside him and he looked at me

Dad: I know it might seem really hard for you but it’s for your own good. You have to break up with Beck

Dad: like I said Tori, it’s for your own good

Me: I still don’t understand what you’re saying. You want me to break up with Beck? Why would you want such a thing?

Dad: I have my reasons. And you have to do what I say. I know better than you and I wouldn’t let you be in a forbidden relationship

I laughed
Me: seriously dad, you’re calling my relationship forbidden. Is it because of his social status? But you agreed to it from the beginning, why are you….

Dad: don’t question me! Break up with Beck and live your life the way it used to be

Me: and what if I don’t! In fact, I’m going to see him now

I stood up and walked out. He didn’t say anything else. I wasn’t with any car keys so I was going to take a taxi. I took my phone and dialed Beck’s number but he wasn’t picking
I got to the gate but it was already locked. I knocked on the security officer’s door but he didn’t open it. I tried hard to open the gate but it was firmly locked. I felt frustrated

Me: what I’m I going to do?
I called Beck again but he still didn’t pick, I tried again and this time it went straight to voicemail

I turned around and saw my dad looking at me

Me: you made him lock the gate, didn’t you?
Dad: I never knew you were stubborn

Me: dad, tell him to open this gate

Dad: to your room, now!
Me: tell him to open this gate!

My eyes were getting red and teary but my dad’s face was hardened

Dad: are you going inside or not?
Me: the only place I’m going to, is Beck’s house

Dad: well then, good luck

He turned around and went inside. I dialed Jade’s number and it went through

📲hello Jade
📲Tori, are you crying

📲it’s dad
📲what happened?
📲he wants me to break up with Beck
📲what? Why?
📲I don’t know, he doesn’t want to tell me. And now he has locked me up, I can’t go back to Beck’s house
📲have you tried calling Beck?
📲he’s not picking up
📲go inside and ask your dad why?
📲I don’t wanna talk to him
📲what are we going to do now?
📲I don’t know what has come over dad
📲you know what, I’m coming there now. Just go inside and try to get his phone, text the security man to open the door for me


I hung up and tearfully went inside, my dad was taking coffee. His phone was on the dinning table

Dad: look who’s back

I didn’t talk to him, I just went straight to the kitchen. He followed me

Dad: look Tori, I know you’re angry with me but I have a good reason for all of these

Me: that reason isn’t good enough for me to hear?

He sighed
Dad: you’re better off if you don’t hear it
Me: well, there’s something I want you to hear

I opened the tap and washed my hands in the sink

Dad: what do you want me to hear?
Me: I will never ever break up with Beck, unless you tell me your reason. And if the reason isn’t good enough, then I’ll forever be with him

I collected his coffee, dropped it on the counter and left the kitchen. This time he didn’t follow me, I took his phone and texted the guard

💬open the gate for Tori’s friend

The message delivered and I deleted it, dropped the phone and went outside

Beck Oliver’s POV

Andre sat on my bed while I sat on my wooden chair.

Me: Andre, I think my mom has really gone nuts
Andre: what do you mean?
Me: she told me to break up with Tori

Andre: what?
Me: and she refused to tell me her reasons
Andre: why the heck will she say that? Or is she looking at your status?

Me: I don’t know. I don’t know what that crazy woman is thinking

Andre: I saw her at a restaurant few minutes ago
Me: yeah, she left the house saying she was going on a date with reality

Andre: reality?
Me: that’s what she said. And she was dressed like a teenager, make up, long earrings, sexy outfit.. I almost thought I was back in time when she was still young

Andre: that’s why I didn’t recognize her on time. I had to think and think

Me: was she alone at the restaurant?

Andre: hmmm… No
Me: who was she with? A man?

Andre: yes… Tori’s dad
Me: what?
Andre: I was surprised too bro, damn surprised

Me : why did she go and see him?
Andre: I don’t mean to say this but Beck, I think you’re mom is up to something. Do you know if she has interests in Tori’s dad? She might want your relationship out of the way so she can build up hers with him

Me: I don’t wanna think towards that direction.

I palmed my face and sighed

Andre: try to convince her to tell you her reason. Try to make her talk, then you’ll know what next to do

I raised my head

Me: I’ll try
Andre: come on, let’s go. You don’t want Tori to be waiting

I smiled and stood up, I brought out my phone from my pocket and we went out of the room together. When we got downstairs, we didn’t see Tori. My mom walked out from the kitchen area

Me: mom, you’re back
Mom: yes

She poured herself some water

Andre: good evening ma’am
Mom: Andre, how are you?

Andre: I’m fine
Mom: Beck, can I see your phone

Me: uhh, sure

I gave it to her

Me: mom have you seen Tori?
Mom: yes, she was standing with a mean looking girl when I arrived and I saw them leaving together

Me&Andre: mean looking girl?

She looked at us
Mom: yes
She then opened my phone

Me: describe the girl
Andre: was she wearing a green shirt?

Mom: yes
Andre: and her hair had green highlights

Mom: yes

He looked at me
Andre: Jade
Me: Jade was here? Where are they now? Let me call Tori

I stretched my hand to collect the phone from mom

Mom: you’re not permitted to call her
Me: and why is that?

Mom: because I say so

Me: seriously mom, what has come over you? Give me my phone now!

Mom: if you try to prove stubborn, I throw it into the water

Andre tapped my shoulder. I sighed angrily

I turned and left the house, Andre followed me outside

Mom: even if you go to her house you won’t see her!

Tori Vega’s POV

I paced up and down, waiting for Jade to come. I was really angered and needed to be pacified, just then I saw headlights through the space between the gate and the ground. I sighed when I saw the security guard opening the gate
Jade stepped out and I ran towards her. The guard wanted to close the gate again

Jade: open the smaller one
He closed the big gate and opened the smaller one. She then held my hand and took me outside then closed it

Me: are you taking me back to Beck’s house?
Jade :no

The door of her car opened and Beck stepped out

Me: Beck

I ran to him and hugged him tight
Non of us said anything, we just hugged tight

Then we disengaged
Beck: what happened? Why did you leave?
Me: it was dad, he… told me to come

Beck: what did he say to you
Me: he told me to break up with you

Beck: hmm, that’s the same thing my mom told me to do
Me: I don’t understand, what’s going on Beck

Me: I don’t know but it’s seems they planned this. Andre said he saw the both of them at a restaurant this night

Jade: yeah, I was with him then.

Me: why would they plan it? What are they even thinking?
Beck: I don’t know babe

He hugged me again and I sighed, feeling comforted

Jade: it’s getting cold

Beck: yeah, you should go back in. I’ll bring your things tomorrow
Me: I don’t wanna leave you

Beck: me neither. But we have to, just for today. I’ll still see you tomorrow

I smiled
Me: I love you
He kissed my forehead

Beck: I love you too

Jade: ugh!
She rolled her eyes and walked away

Beck and I laughed

Me: how are you going to get home
Beck: I’ll take a taxi
Me : okay, good night
Beck: sleep tight

I smiled as he disengaged from me.

Beck: good night Jade
Jade: whatever

He smiled and walked into the street after giving me a wink

Jade walked to the door and I sighed as Beck went out of view. The big gate opened and Jade came back and entered her car, she started it and drove into the compound

I followed after the car and the guard closed the gate

The night air was seeping into my skin. I was feeling cold outwardly but my inner system was so hot. Even the air I breathed out was so hot. Jade came out and I walked to her

Jade: let’s go inside
She held my arm and we entered inside. Trina was in the living room.

Trina: hey Tori I heard you and dad arguing. Why?

Her face was sincerely concerned.

I couldn’t answer
Jade: she’ll be okay. Let’s go upstairs. Can you get water for her?

Trina nodded gently and went to the kitchen while we went to my room. I sat on the bed and cuddled up

I really need someone to hug. I really need it. I took a pillow and hugged it.
Jade sighed and began to text someone on her phone. Trina came with the water and I immediately gulped it down. My throat was still very dry

Trina: are you okay?
Me: I don’t know
Trina: what exactly is the problem?

I stared at her, contemplating whether or not I should tell her

Jade: your dad wants her to break up with Beck

Trina: what?
She looked at me and I looked away

Trina: why?
Tori: he doesn’t want to tell me
Trina: one thing I know is that Dad wants you to be happy always, he knows clearly how Beck makes you happy. Why would he want him out now?

I groaned as I felt my temperature rising. The door opened and I looked up, thinking it was dad. But it’s Cat

Cat: Tori
She ran and hugged me tight. Just what I wanted

Cat: don’t worry, you’ll be fine
She stroked my hair

Cat: Jade texted me to come that you were not okay

Trina: I’ll just… I’ll excuse you guys
She gently left the room

Me: Cat, dad wants me to break up with Beck

She immediately left me
Cat: what’s that supposed to mean??
She was clearly angry

Me : I don’t know
I began to cry and surprisingly Jade frowned

Jade: stop

I looked at her
Jade: don’t cry, it won’t solve the problem

Cat hugged me again

Cat: whatever happens, just know we’re here for you you. We love you

She kissed my forehead and I smiled. The door opened and it was dad

Dad: Tori, we need to talk
To be continued


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