Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 24

Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 24

By Hossana Isaac O.
(Hossy High School Series)




Tori Vega’s POV  

I slowly stood up and walked out of the room. I followed dad to his room and sat down on his sofa while he took a chair and sat in front of me

Dad: Tori, I’m sorry it has to come to this

I didn’t look at him

Dad: you know I love you right. I love you so much Tori, I won’t like it when you get hurt. That’s why I feel so bad that I’m separating you from Beck

I looked at him
Me: and you can’t tell me your reasons?

He sighed and rubbed his neck

Me: dad I thought you liked Beck
Dad: of course I liked him. He’s really responsible and a gentleman. And I liked him because he made you happy

Me: then what is all these?

Dad: some things are just not meant to be. Listen baby girl, dad knows best

I huffed and looked away
Me: of course, dad knows best
My tone was really sarcastic

Dad: we’re going to see Beck tomorrow. To get your things and say a final bye bye

He stood up and walked to his bedside table, he picked his phone and began to type on it.

That reminds me, what was he doing with Beck’s mom earlier. Do they even know each other?

Or did dad call her to threaten her to make Beck leave me?

No, dad doesn’t do that.

Maybe it was Beck’s mom. She didn’t really express sincere heart towards me. Sometimes when our eyes met, I felt like she was seeing someone through me

I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes.

Me: I’m going
I left his room without looking at him. I entered my room and laid on the bed beside Cat

Cat: how did it go?
Me: the man said ‘dad knows best’

I dropped my head on the pillow and closed my eyes

Jade: I seriously suspect Beck’s mom

Cat: why?
Me: she saw them earlier in a restaurant talking. My dad and his mom

Jade: and his mom was telling something that seemed like it ruined your dad’s mood. And the look on her face was like that of a villain.

Cat: what does a villain’s face look like

Tori : the type of face Jade puts on when she wants to cut your hair or ruin your teddy

Cat shouted

Cat: I hate that face. It’s like she’s going to ruin me when she looks at me like that

Jade: good, that was the face she was putting on

Tori: did you notice the way she looked at me earlier?
Jade: yes. She doesn’t like you Tori

I sighed and sat up

Me: I didn’t know my relationship with Beck could be so complicated. We’re not even up to a month yet

I cuddled up my legs against my chest and placed my chin on my knees. An event that took place between me and Beck came up in my mind. I had sex with him.

I sighed and closed my eyes

Cat: let’s sing. It will make you happy

She hugged me

🎶I will try everything🎶
🎶to make you come closer to me🎶
🎶and maybe till you believe it’s not just a phase🎶
🎶how can I get it through🎶
🎶you’re the one I can’t loose🎶

Me, Cat & Jade
🎶I will try 365 days in 365 days to get to you. 🎶
🎶to get to you you you you baby🎶

🎶every second every tick tick of the clock🎶
🎶I want you all to myself🎶

Me, Cat & Jade
🎶feeling kinda guilty, but dude I can’t stop🎶
🎶I want you all to myself🎶

Jade started to clap rhythmically, according to the song
🎶yeah I will try everything🎶
🎶to make you come closer to me🎶
🎶and baby till you believe it’s not just a phase🎶
🎶how can I get it through🎶
🎶you’re the one I can’t loose🎶

🎶I can’t loose🎶

Jade and I
🎶I will try 365 days, 365days🎶

All of us
🎶to get to you🎶

Cat: whoaaaahhh

She clapped and hugged me while I laughed. Jade just had her hands folded

Me: I love you guys so much
Cat: just know that whatever happens, we’re here with you

I smiled and kissed her cheek

Cat: group hug
She hugged me and we looked at Jade Who scoffed and made for the door. We simultaneously sprang up from the bed and hugged her tight

The door opened and it was Trina

Trina: I heard some people singing

She stared at us in a hug

Trina: wrong timing. Bye
She closed the door and Cat and I giggled

Jade: can you guys let me out of this stupid hug

We released her and Cat still went ahead to hug her personally

Jade: whoah, let go of me

Cat: I love you so much Jade. I’m so happy you’re my friend. I really love you and I know you love me too. Even if you enjoy bullying me, I won’t hate you for it because I know it’s your personality

Me: awwwn. So sweet

Jade didn’t say anything

Cat: tell me you love me too

Jade was silent. If she doesn’t say it today, then Cat is gonna cry

Jade sighed

Jade: I love you too Cat

I smiled, I think she meant that

Cat released her and smiled

Jade: group hug?

Cat : yay

We jumped on her in a hug. I love my friends so much

  Jade West’s POV

I left our special classroom and went to look for Andre. Tori didn’t come to school today because she went to get her things from Beck’s house with her dad

I saw Andre talking with a black girl. Maybe his girlfriend

Me: hey

The girl saw me first

Girl: uhh bye Andre
She hurried away. Andre turned and faced me

Andre: good afternoon Jade

Me: how’s the song going? Have you started?

Andre: I started this morning. I’m almost done with it

Me: there’s actually an addition and I want to tell you about it

Andre: sure

His phone buzzed and he brought it out and read a text. His eyes widened

Andre: oh my God!!
Me: what?

He looked at me with scared eyes

Andre: Tori
Me: what happened to Tori?

He didn’t answer

Me: what the heck happened to Tori???

  Beck Oliver’s POV

I felt my throat getting dry. I don’t like the tension in this room. Mr Vega has been glaring at my mom since they came and mom has been acting like a pervert.

I ran my hand through my hair as they finally settled down to talk to us. Tori came to sit beside me and I held her hand, determining never to let her go.

My mom looked at the hands and looked at me. I stared at her back.

Mr Vega : I really have to apologize for putting you through all of these. I know it’s hard for you, it’s hard for us too

Mom: I just want you two to know that we know what’s best for you and we’re trying to help you before it’s too late

Me: and you please go straight to the point. Tell us why we can’t be together

My mom sighed

Mr Vega : back when I was still in Canada, I met your mom. She was married by then. I really liked her and we began to have an affair

My eyes widened. Mom had an extra marital affair?

Mom: we became so addicted to each other. I really wanted to be with him so I decided to divorce Jackson Oliver

Mr Vega : I talked her out of it and made her stay with him. After awhile I got married. I was still seeing your her and was secretly cheating on my wife. Then Veronica got pregnant with Trina, I felt bad and decided to let go of Monika forever

Mom: I knew Veronica would stand in my way. I was scared of losing Mark. Amidst my fears I….

I cut her short
Me: wait… So since both my dad and her mom are out of the way, you old lovers are trying to reunite and get married?

Tori : and turn Beck and I into step siblings. No way!!

I felt her hand stiffen on mine. She’s as determined as I am

Mr Vega : that’s not it
His voice was sober, it seems he doesn’t like what he’s doing

Mom: Beck I got pregnant for Mark. He asked me to abort it then he gave me huge amounts of money. He left the country and never returned. I was not quick to abort the pregnancy and Jackson found out. He was so happy and thought the baby was for him. I couldn’t abort it anymore

My eyes widened and I looked at Tori.

No it can’t be what I’m thinking. It can’t be!

Mom: Beck, you’re that pregnancy. Mark is your real father

My heart dropped off from my mouth. I stared at my mom in disbelief.

I felt Tori’s hand slipping out of mine

Mr Vega : we’re so sorry. You too can’t be together. It will be pure incest because you two have the same father. You’re both Vega

Tori screamed loudly and stood up then ran out of the house.

Me: Tori…

I stood up and tried to run after her but mom stopped me. Mr Vega ran after her himself


Mom: Beck… Stop this. Stop being a fool

If she wasn’t my mom, I would have slapped her.

We both looked towards the door abruptly when we heard a loud shout from Tori, a car screeching to a halt and Tori’s dad shouting her name.

My heart pumped faster. I quickly jerked my mom’s hands off of me and ran out. I ran into the street and saw Mr Vega bending down in the middle of the road, in front of a car

I ran there and Tori was lying on the road, with blood all over her face, her leg was under the car just before the tire and her right arm was bleeding terribly.
The place where she was lying down was covered with blood and the blood was increasing

To be continued


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