Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 25

Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 25

By Hossana Isaac O.
(Hossy High School Series)




Jade West’s POV 

He looked down at his phone again and sighed.

Andre: Beck just texted me. He’s at the hospital

I furrowed my eye brows
Me: why?
Andre: Tori got knocked down by a car and she’s in a critical condition

Me: what? Oh my God. Which hospital?

Andre: I’ll call him now

I crossed my arms and began to pace round the hall. I was so tensed up.

Me: I’m going to find Cat

I raced back to the class and she was dancing with a red headset over her head.

Me: Cat
She didn’t see me

I walked to her and removed the set

Cat: what’s that for?
Me: get your bag, we’re leaving school

Cat: why
I sighed
Me: Tori got knocked down by a car

Cat screamed and I closed my eyes

Cat: is she dead?
I opened my eyes to see tears streaming down hers

Me: I know she’s in a critical condition. We have to go and see her

She hurriedly took her bag and followed me out. Andre was still waiting in the hall

Me: what’s the address?
He showed me the phone, I read it

Me: I know the hospital. We’ll take my car

We went outside and entered my car then we drove off

 Andre Harris’ POV 

When we got to the hospital, we saw Beck pacing around the reception hall with blood stains on his hands and shirt.
Sitting on the long bench was his mom and Tori’s dad.

Me: Beck
I ran to him with the girls

Me: how is she?
He sighed
Beck: I… I don’t know. The doctors haven’t come out

I sighed and tapped him
Me: chill she’ll be okay

He looked down
Me: are you okay?
He looked at me then at Jade and Cat

Beck: hello
Cat: HI Beck
Jade: hi

Jade: let’s go say hi to Mr Vega
Cat: okay

They left and I tried to follow them to say hi to Mrs Oliver but Beck pulled me back

Beck: Andre I’m doomed
Me: what happened? Why are you saying that?
Beck: Tori… She’s..
Me: what?

He sighed
Beck: she’s my sister
Me: huh?

I looked at him in a way that will make him feel like he has lost his mind

Beck: mom and Mr Vega once had an affair back in Canada. She got pregnant and he wanted her to abort, she didn’t and pinned it on my dad instead. It turns out I’m a Vega

I was speechless. A part of me didn’t believe it

Beck: when Tori heard it, she ran out and got hit by a car
Me: how did Mr Vega take this

Beck: I think he has known for awhile. That’s why they wanted us to break up

Me: this isn’t happening. You love Tori so much, you guys shouldn’t be going through this

Beck: I’m doomed Andre. I’m doomed

He rested on the wall and closed his eyes

Me: stop saying that.
Beck: I had sex with her


He sighed out. My voice was so loud that Jade and Cat looked to my direction. Mr Vega and Mrs Oliver weren’t there anymore

I held his hand and took him to a corner
Me: Beck, why did you? I thought you didn’t want to do it with her yet?
Beck: I don’t know. I don’t know. I just don’t know

He squatted down and covered his face. I bent down too

Me: it’s okay. We’ll think things through. Let’s just pray she gets out of this alive okay

He nodded and stood up
Beck: my mom is coming
I looked back
Me : I’ll excuse you

I turned back
Me: good day ma’am
Mrs Oliver : how are you
Me: I’m fine. I’ll excuse you

I left and went to sit beside Jade and Cat. I noticed Cat was wiping her face and sniffing while Jade just leaned against the bench and crossed her arms

Me: are you girls okay?

None of them answered

 Beck Oliver’s POV 

Mom: get a hold of yourself Beck. What the heck are you doing to yourself

Me: mom, if anything happens to Tori. I’ll do something you’ll so hate

Mom: nothing will happen to Tori.
Me: mom, I don’t know what you’re up to but I’m never going to be a brother to Tori. I rather kill myself than being alive to be a Vega

And that’s it, she slapped me

Mom: don’t you do anything stupid. Beck, you don’t know the guilt I feel raising you with a lie. Raising you like a pauper when you’re supposed to be a prince. You were supposed to be told the truth a long time ago but I was scared Mark would reject you. But now that you two are about to do a terrible mistake, what do you expect us to do?

I sighed, I don’t blame her. It’s not totally her fault

Me: but mom. You know I love Tori right?
Mom: I know
Me: then I can’t live with her being my sister

I walked away from her and was going to Andre when Mr Vega called me

Vega: Beck, I’m sorry you both have to go through this. I wish I could stop this somehow but, it’s so complicated

Me : it’s okay. You don’t have to apologize

He sighed and looked at the door where the doctors were attending to Tori

Me : she’ll be okay sir

Andre walked to me and I faced him
Andre: Beck, shouldn’t we go home so you’ll freshen up

I looked at my blood stained hands. Tori’s blood

Me: okay, I’ll just tell my mom

We walked few steps when Mr Vega called me again. Andre waited for me

Me: yes sir
Vega: do me a huge favor please. Conduct a DNA test

I stared at him without a word

 Mrs Oliver’s POV 

I was angry at Beck. He’s trying to ruin things out. The idiot has an opportunity to live a life that he has always dreamt of on a platter of gold but he’s being blinded by stupid love.

Why can’t he be reasonable?

But I’m also scared. He can do something terrible. He might even run away with Tori. I don’t want to loose my son.

What I’m I going to do now? Something has to be done to keep Beck down

I walked to a nurse who was going to Tori’s room

Me: please may I have a word with you?

Nurse: I’m sorry ma’am but I’m really busy

Me: please, what’s your name?

Nurse: Tasha Roberts

Me: thank you. I’ll get back to you later
She nodded and entered the room

 Beck Oliver’s POV 

I showered and put on a different shirt then Andre and I came back to the hospital. Cat was crying terribly and so was Trina. My eyes widened

Me: what’s going on?
I quickly moved to my mom

Me: mom what happened?
She didn’t answer

Jade looked at me and walked out. No one was talking.

Andre seemed to be as confused as I was. Then the door to Tori’s ward opened and a body was rolled out. It was covered like a corpse.

Immediately Cat saw it, she screamed and began to cry even more. Trina began to call Tori’s name.

My eyes widened. I refuse to think that it happened. No way

Mr Vega walked to me and patted me

Mark: I’m sorry Beck…. My Tori didn’t make it

I looked at the nurses as they rolled the body away.

I felt a sharp pain in my head. I closed my eyes and screamed then ran out of the hospital
To Be Continued


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