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Beautiful Love Song season 2 Episode 21

Beautiful Love Song season 2 Episode 21
[As long as you gimme love💜]

By: Adesola Adeomowole.M.

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Lilly ran after me and blocked my way..I hit my forehead lightly.
“Eddy,am sorry” she said.
I look at how desperate she is in my presence.

“Lilly,what’s the color of your problem? I can’t believe you’re this worthless,I never presume to have you caught in this dirty character”
I said.

But you slept with me-
she said.

“Yeah,I just regret that…
And you still want Royal after sleeping with me, Romeo and Jayden, I can’t believe you’re this pompous” I fired her,furry in my eyes.
“Eddy,I make mistakes,am also human and humans are bound to make mistakes, it’s the devil’s handwork,just help me this last time” she said.

“I should help you?”
“Do you have sight problem when you are luring Elliot,Royal’s manager.
Lilly,you just made me hate you,
I don’t only hate you, you’ve made me hate all girls in general.What you did to me by making my life more confused will always be an unhealed scar in my heart,I can’t forgive your pride.Fuck love,I don’t care what’s between you, Krishna,and all other bitches…
Don’t you dare involve me in your matters,please yourself!
I said and push her out of my way..

She’s just lucky Royal doesn’t love child’s play,if not she would have been exposed.

Jeff’s p.o.v😱

Royal shake hands with us,
he hugged Chris and went ahead to sit on the highest staircase with his phone.
His favorite position right from time.
The chef served him his favorite wine and left.

“Sorry guys for the delay-
my manager is coming with the money” he said,operating his phones.
Eddy came in,
their eyes met,
Royal look at him with a very cold voice and sip in his wine.
They are not on good terms,
I wonder who will beg who first, I wonder who will lay their pride down by begging first.

Chris and Justin have tried making them talk but all his efforts was just like pouring water in a basket, so we let them be.

“How is sweetheart,it’s been a long time I saw her” Justin said..
“You’re calling three days long right?” Royal asked…
Chris chuckled.
.Elliot came in with five slivery briefcase,royal did some signals,Elliot drop the briefcase on the glassy center table and left.

“Someone should share the money equally, I wanna leave here” Royal said and check his gold wristwatch.
I smiled and thought of another plan to make Royal and eddy talk before their attitude will start making our band cooperation elapse.

I whispered the plan into Justin’s ear,
Justin whispered it into Chris ears.

“Share the money”
Royal said and stop pressing phone.
“hunn I can’t share such huge money” I said as part of the plan.
“But you can spend more than that”
Royal said.
“Anyways,Justin share the money equally” he said.

“meeee” Justin smiled
“Chris” Justin said.
“I’m not in the mood,Jeffery should do that” Chris said.
“Justin” I said.
“Chris” Justin said,again.
“Jeffrey” chris said.

We continue pushing it to each other, it made royal pissed off as the leader.
He sighed and look at Eddy with his handsome face…
We smiled-our plan was working.

“then I will do it”
Royal said and stood up.
“hunnnnnn” Justin said…
“whaaaaaat!!!! Chris crackled.
I smiled lightly,Royal will share rubbish.

I watched him get to where the briefcase was,he opened them…
“manage anyhow I share” he said and started bringing out the rupee notes in bundles,he starts throwing them to us.

“Chris” he said and threw whatever amount his hands picked to Chris.
“since you made me share” he wink.
“Jeff” he said and threw mine.
“Justin” he said and threw to him..
I got 17bundles,
Chris got 16 bundles,
Justin got 10 bundles….awww he is so unlucky.

Royal look at eddy…
“hmm what’s your name?”
he pointed at Eddy and deliberately threw him a single bundle..
we know he is doing it intentionally.
I smiled and look at eddy then back to Royal.

“what’s that your name again?”
he asked again and threw more money to eddy till it completed 20 bundles…
he poured the remaining one on the chair..
“that’s mine” he said…

Elliot came in and packed Royals share,he faced Royal with a slight bow…
“umm,take 50% of the money to the orphanage while the remaining 50% should be given to any hospital patient that needs help urgently” Royal said….

But Roy,we took money to the orphanage yesterday”
Eliiot said.
“yes,I know” he replied..
“ohhk” Eliot said and left..
Such kindness,I wish I can learn how to give like him” I overhead Ely saying…

“Who else is thinking we should attend class today?” Chris asked.
“I don’t think we should attend,if I should go,it only means I want to see Doras face” I said..

Jeff to Dora,
Royal to sweetheart”
Justin said.
Eddy smiled.

“Who’s sweetheart?”
Eddy asked…

“People ago ain’t part of my future do not need to know who she is to me”
Royal replied,stood up and walk upstairs.
I exhaled and arranged my share…
Justin look at Eddy..

“Eddy,you need to be calm,it will be really difficult for him to trust you like he before”. Chris said.

Mira’s p.o.v~~~~

I was still beside the pool sipping in wine when Lilly’s car drove in.
She was wearing a short tight fitting highwaist leggings,a short white top that stopped right on her breast track and dice high student jacket..

it had on a gold stamp on her left chest,The stamp was inscribed ‘Queen’….

I know she came with her problem..
if only she knows mine is more than hers.

“Mira,Eddy find out about the truth, and am sure Nina told him..
Nina is really crossing her boundaries with me,she really want us to be more than enemies and friends…” she said.

I smiled and drank ice cream.
Lilly will always do anything to save her reputation,she can even kill to save her fame…she doesn’t like insult’s.

I swear I would have been more than happy if I would find a spotless goddess for my dad…
but hear,I’m just stranded.

“Lil,wait let me dress up so we can get back to school,our break is almost over” I said and wrapped my towel,she followed me upstairs to my room…

My phone already rang-
it was him,my dad…
I just wish I could go back to my mom,but I was unlucky my dad took me away from her when I was a kid..

I dressed in dice high school uniform, wore a short socks and an expensive sneakers….
Lilly also changed into dice high uniform properly.It was one of my new uniform..
The next class we are having was to be taken by Mrs Chloe,she is a very strict woman who doesn’t tolerate indecency and besides it’s not a uniform free day…

I picked my pink phone and my bag, then I followed Lilly out.
whosoever the goddess is,I hope I finds her soon so as to replace my own life.

Krishna p.o.v

I smiled and hastily walk into Mrs Brown mansion.I think she allowed me in because I now look classic.
Gosh,she even hugged me and kiss my cheeks, and the way she held my hands and touched my hair,they made me remember my mom…I kind of miss her even though I do call her on phone every morning.

I entered with Eve beside me.

The house kind of changed a bit, the paint was peach and the floors was like the surface of an ocean…
It speaks real wealth.

hmm they arrive-
Shantai came downstairs and hugged Eve, she hugged me too, her maids served us drinks.

“Please,wait a minute” she said and answered a call.
With the way she answered the call,I knew it was her manager.
She dropped the call and smiled immediately another one came in.

“Harry darling,am free today,pick me up by 7” she beemed and blew a kiss into the phone.
She sat cross legs on the couch opposite me.

“Friends,I can’t believe how happy I am today….Harry bought me a suite, I mean it’s among the top ten” Shantai beemed.

“Congrats from Krish”
I smiled happily.
“I’m the happiest” eve said.
The door opened,we turned it was Dora.

“What am I missing?” she asked.
“you’re always missing” eve said.
“Dora,harry bought me BSQ,he wanted to buy me BSA but Royal already purchased that” Shantai said.
Dora smiled.

“Happy” she said.
“Happier” Eve said.
“Happiest” I said.
they laughed.
They are really making me do crazy things….

My phone beeped,it was Royal.
💌 Baby,where are you? He sent.
I read the message three times and stopped when my friends eyes followed my phone.
💌 Am with My friends in shantai’s house” I said.
💌 why are you in shantai’s house? is shantai’s house school? remind me to flog you at home” he sent.
💌 *Smiles*Best,we have 6hours break” I sent…
💌 ohk,do you need anything? he sent.
💌 *smiles* No,I’m okay” I sent…

Eve,Shantai and Dora knock my head….
I smiled lightly and rub there.
💌 ohk,I love you” he sent.
💌i love you too” I replied.
💌 You’re with Dora right?,I will call you now…give the phone to her” he sent.

I smiled,he called immediately.
I knew he wanted to confirm if am with my friends.
I passed the phone,he hung up when he heard their voices.

“Can I make use of your room?”
I asked Shantai.
“Sure” she replied.
I opened my bag and took my uniform because of Mrs Chloe’s class.
She strictly warned uniform because of indecency.
Eve picked hers and followed me.
Shahtai and Dora are already on uniform so no need.

Eve and I changed into uniform and left for downstairs again.
I wore dice high jacket and braid my hair into two because of the length, I also helped eve in braiding her own.

“whatever you wear suite you, you’re really a model,honey….
Your appearance could pass by as an ethereal queen” Eve said while checking my sneakers…

“thanks, you too,you’re pretty.We are all pretty” I replied and did her hair the way I did mine.

“Krishna,you might cause a scene in school today because this sneakers is really expensive on net. It’s Dianne brands” Eve said.
“who’s Dianne? I don’t know her…But royal usually says he wants me to be more than her” I said and did the finishing of her hair.

I wore my socks…
hmmm Dianne brands too.

“Dianne is ‘Voice of Australia’, last year, she was rated miss universe earlier this year” eve said.
“good of her” I said and wore the sneakers. It made my dressing more mature and super classic.

“Do you like competition?” eve asked.
“hmmm I don’t like proving to be better than others,we are all equal” I replied.Eve smiled.
“you’re a kid,you still haven’t understand life” she said as we walk Downstairs.

Check that sneakers on Krish-
Shantai said…
I smiled and pick my bag,

I sang something I don’t know..

🎼 ohhh,won’t you staaaay with me?
cause you’re all ii need”
Shantai added more meaning by adding a line.
🎼 Send me your location,let’s focus on communication, cause I’m gonna stay.

The door opened and revealed a girl, she’s looking our age.

To crown it all,she’s wearing a wine Saree.
my friends screamed and hugged her.
“Hi” I greeted with just a wave.
She smiled.
I love the voice I was hearing before I entered,who sang this part…
🎹 cos you’re all ii need…..
The voice was loving,who said that part” she asked.

“It was her, Krishna”
eve pointed at me…….

She moved closer to me,smiling…
I moved behind eve.

“I mean no harm” she said.
I stopped hiding and hold my jacket.
She look down at my legs,
ahhhh why is this skirt short…

“Are you really krishna?
she asked…I saw her eyes landing on my hips.I saw her trail the length of my hair.
I kind of regret why I braid it,I should have tied it up..Now,she would see the real lenght…
Yeah,she saw the braid length,it was resting on my hips…

“What’s your relationship with Royal?
“He talks to you right?”
“Are you a thing?” she asked..
Shantai and the rest are a bit far from us…

“I’m talking to you” she said and look at my feet.
I can’t possibly tell her about my relationship,I had been warned by my mom not to disclose anything to anybody else.

“you’re pretty too” she said when I wasn’t answering her.

I smiled…
“Am sorry, my driver is waiting for me outside” I said,pick my phone and went ahead to tag with Dora and co.

I wonder what she was looking at my back as I walk.

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