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Beautiful Love Song season 2 Episode 22

Beautiful Love Song season 2 Episode 22
[As long as you gimme love💜]

By: Adesola Adeomowole.M.

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Nina’s p.o.v~~

“is this really the Krishna?”
I sighed and pick my bag…
“where did she come from?”
I mean I am the prettiest girl in dice high,Lilly and I have been beauty diva’s rivals,modeling industries fights to get us because we are really a good catch.
This Krishna of a girl made me short of words,cos she is what all modeling industries needs to strike the poses of their products.

“Nina,are you attending Mrs Chloe class?” Dora asked.
“100marks” eve said and raised two of her fingers up.
I smiled and nodded.

“i didn’t plan that but no worries, I will follow you guys and probably change into uniform in my locker room” I said and carried my bag and phones, I joined them at the entrance and rush forward to see krish’s face once again.

too bad I was unlucky,I only saw her back side cos she was facing back..

She turned back with a smile,
it made me brighten up.
She faced Shantai.
“Umm harnie,I think I forgot my slippers” she said and pick on her fingers.

Harnie,that’s soo sweet of her.
Shantai made a baby face.
“You didn’t forget it,I picked them and kept them in my closet” Shantai replied.
“why???” she asked.
“they are now mine because I love them” Shantai said.
Krish smiled lightly.
“okay,suite yourself with my things” she replied and kept quiet afterwards.

Dora talked random things as we walked to the garage. I could spot the closeness Krishna maintained with Shantai, they look like they’ve known each other for long even though she wasn’t contributing to the conversation.

Eve entered her car,her driver already left,she drove out herself.
Shantai entered her car with a maid and a guard,
Dora opened her car door and faced Krishna.

“No no don’t worry,the driver is outside already,I will just go and meet him” she rush words and waited patiently for our cars to move out first.

A blue Lamborghini was outside,
the blue of the car was opened in other to reaveal the real products and beauty…
Such an expensive car!
I smiled as I took my hairs,behind my ear so that I will see very well.

is this Krishna car???
what’s her parents occupation that she is this classic?

I checked the plate number,
💗Royals💗 was inscribed underneath with tiny bronze rod.
I looked on with disbelief as the driver rush out with a pretty umbrella, he got to where Krishna was and covered her with it.
I saw him bow…
Krishna said something and bowed then she collected the umbrella from the driver who was wearing a black suite in a polite manner….

ummm this is a very good start for Han Lilly..
I brought out my phone and videoed the view, the way the driver acted with so much care so that there’s more between her and Royal..

I just need to deal with Lilly first before getting back to Krishna.
I saved the video,
our cars moved, following each other.

I tucked my hair well and tried logging into dice high trending gist website,I realized I had been banned.
Lilly is really playing games with me because only her can block and ban me out of DHTGW , am very sure angel won’t do such a thing.

Angel is a gentle girl,
the cheerleader and our class president, she can’t block and ban me except another administrator is administered.

I put a call through her so as to clear my doubt’s,she pick on the first ring.
💗 Nina,I heard you’re back?” she asked with lots of excitments.
💗 yeah true….well that’s not the reason for my call,I wanna ask you few things,just be candid” I told her.
💗 sure,you know am truthful right from time” she replied.
💗 was another admin added to DHTGW?” I asked.
“No,its still only me and Lilly” she replied.

💗 Alright,did Lilly kick me out of the trending gist website?” I asked.
she was quite for a while.
“are you there?” I asked.

💗 Nina,I never can tell.Would you wait a minute,let me confirm by going through the admin activity’s” she said.
I sighed as I could hear the sounds of laptop buttons.
She’s really confirming.

“yes,she did,she banned you from gaining access to the website” she said.
like I knew. Lilly is really a disastrous girl who’s ready to go to any length so far her popularity is involved.

“kindly unban me” I said.
“ummmm Nina, I wish I can,am just an assistant,am trying to avoid clash with Lilly. If possible do not involve me any matter concerning Lilly or whatever thing she has done” angel said.
I scoffed.
“look,Nina I know you’re tougher than Lilly,why not face her directly? try to understand my plight,I don’t want more problems,am still fighting with asthma,I’m sorry honey” she said.
“yeah,I understand” I replied, she smiled.
“okay why not create Another student account with a different name, I will add the new one instead of unbanning you” she said.
I smiled yes and ended the call

Our cars drove into dice high,
Krish car was the last to enter, students went wild when the car moved in properly because it was one of Royals car.

🚹 waooo,Royal!!!
🚹 Gosh, I can’t explain how I feel,
🚹 Seeing him everyday makes me feel over joyous.
Just step out,I’m dying of suspense.

The driver wasted no time in opening the car door,
krish step out.
The sight was beautiful- I dreamt I was her as I look quietly into her face through my car.

Mummurs brewed,they all are looking at her like lost sheep’s.
Aaaah,Lilly really destroyed these people with lies.

Krishna’s p.o.v
*what’s really happening?
*normally it ought to be Lilly.
*but this same legs were seen walking with Royal back then at Germany, where’s Lilly? she said she’s the one,hell no,this two are kind of different…..
*am sure my eyes is working and seeing perfectly.

*She’s classic,spotless,no marks at all,straight legs,who else is thinking she might be part of royals family? maybe his younger sister since she’s wearing his bracelets….
Gosssh,we needs explanation!!

All eyes followed me as I walked.
I was so nervous that I had to stand beside Shantai. I really do not like it whenever I feel people gaze on me..

*Check the sneakers on her feet, it’s dyardins brands!
*ohh my,Shantai,nice nails you’ve fixed…
*Nina,you’re hot,welcome back…
*Dora,I love your anklet,when is your singles coming up? will spark still continue?

I smiled as I quickly hold hands with Shantai.
Dora touched the side of my waist.
At least i felt save,walking with my celebrity friends.

*believe what you wanna be, nature would be soo angry if Lilly’s downfall doesn’t come from you” Eve whispered into my ears.
The rumors died down immediately we entered the elevator.

We got to the entrance hall,
I helped in pressing the green button on the door,it slides open slowly,
Eve and Shantai entered first,
Dora and I entered last.

Everything inside there are glassy.
There were no chairs,
just many glassy stands.
on each stands are dress costumes.

“Sweetheart,drop your bag, pick your pen and notepad” she instructed.
I toon off my bag, Lilly and her crews entered.
By then,I had already picked what I will be needing.
The projectors were turned on,
My eyes met with Lilly’s own,I look away and pretended as if i was looking another thing,it worked.

“This would be recorded as part of your summative tests.Join a stand, ten each” mrs Chloe said.
I rushed and joined one.
I didn’t look very well.
little did I know that I joined Lilly’s table.
“You’re gonna choose a leader among you,after that your group will work together and select the most perfect costume,the costume is to be worn by the leader. Whosoever group selects the best costumes will have full mark….
Note- sense of choosing the right pattern counts most and how you leader look in the costume will also add to your grade” mrs Chloe advised.

I beemed and lit my eyes,
it met with Lilly’s own.
Mira laughed evily and attract everyone’s attention.
*another bully”
a student popped gum…..

“Is your brain truly functioning?
Lilly asked and look at how I was touching the stand.

“Lilly,this is a school and not your house” I replied..
🚹 she talked back at Lilly…
🚹 things are really getting out of hand….who dare talk back at Lilly?
mumurs came up again.

“A fool is fooling fools”
Nina scoffed….amidst her group members.
Lilly glared at her in a warning signal then face me back.

“my dads school-
At least not like you who killed your father and ate up your sisters” Lilly said with pride.
The students gasped.
I felt embarrassed, my tears drop and fall freely on my wrist.

“This is not an arena for crying”
Mira said.
I left their table and went ahead to join another table that was nine, the occupants walked away like I was a diseases.Everyone suddenly mind their business and distance themselves from me….
I felt pains of loneliness as I watch others busy with their partners….

I finally settled with an empty stand, my phone beeped,it was Shantai…
💌 why did you cry? am annoyed at you.I know it hurts but you should have at least hold it.I hate to see you cry” I read what she sent.

Mrs Chloe came in….
“yes,what nonsense? you’re busy pressing phone during test. What costume did you selects? where are your partners? Mrs Chloe asked me.
Lilly grinned…
“who wants to communicate with such disaster? she said….

“30more minutes! Mrs Chloe announced.
I knew instantly I would score zero. Almost all the groups had selected their partners, most leaders are already dressed.

I kept on picking custumes and dropping them,I don’t think I know what to do….
Lilly step out of the dressing room, her costumes are perfect…

Nina came to my side.
I drop my head down as I turn back.
what’s she looking for?
is she not going to walk away like others did…

She turned over the costumes on my stand, I watch with interest as she grouped the costumes into different partners.
“do you want to join me?”
I asked,my voice soft.
“Krishna right?” she said.
“Yes,do you know me before?” I asked and note some important things down as she selects the rightful pattern.

“no,I just met you today” she replied.
I smiled and was quiet.
She stopped halfway and stared into my face sweetly.
I took my pen to my lips.

“Nina,is there something on my face?” I asked..
She hit her forehead lightly.
“hmmm I was looking at something else” she said and continue selecting the rightful costumes.
She still wasn’t focused…
I trailed her eyes,it was on the door.

*waoow omg!
*isn’t that Royal?
*my God Chris,why do you look more of a Playboy?
*what’s the model number of that belt on Jeff?….

ohhh that’s what they’ve been looking at….
I look away and took note of what she was doing with the custumes. I successfully patterned four costumes together by following her steps.

I noticed her blush when the guys entered.
All girls were dreaming.
The boys joined our stand because it was only I and Nina.
They joined and made it 6….
Eddy Joined another group,
Romeo also joined another.

Royal stood beside me,
I wanted to move away,he held back my hand. It was really arousing suspicion because I could visibly see the look on Lily’s face.

“I don’t want to know what you’re doing,we only came cos Mrs Chloe is strict and Sir Zayn report us not coming on daily basis” Chris said.
Royal caught my hand and held it softly…

I can’t stay a day without holding these hands-
he said lowly….
Nina raise her head,I quickly withdraw and made that pretending face like I wasn’t the one he was talking to.

I look at Jeff,
he was busy shopping on line while Justin was busy sending messages.

Royal smiled and look at me,
I smiled back,I stupidly allow him touch my hand on the stand.
Nina caught us…
Not only her,all eyes were on our stand,most especially Royal..

Again,I pretend but it was rather too late.

🚹 why are they holding hands?
🚹 Lilly we are curious,am not understanding anymore. Royal is suppose be on your side!!!

“Krishna will be the leader”
Nina said and pass the right outfit to me……
“Okay,thank you” I said and took the costumes to the changing room, I lock the doors and windows.
I took off my uniform and changed into the costumes….
I folded my uniform and kept it in the save and opened the door. I quietly walk back to my stand…

“Perfect! Nina clapped lousily and attracts attention.
Royal smiled.

Lilly frowned and wanted to ran out angrily..
“Zero would recorded for you and your members if you dare move an inch” Mrs Chloe voice stopped her.

I can’t believe Lilly’s pride.
Why is she even running away?.

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