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Beautiful Love Song season 3 Episode 19

Beautiful Love Song season 3 Episode 19
💛 the challenge 💛]

By: Adesola Adeomowole.M.
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I hastily turned back to look at Mrs sugar,royal dragged me back to his side and whyne up the tinted window.
He puffed out air and brought out his phone….

“why are you looking at her?”, he asked in a cold voice.I controlled my laughter,the face he made was very handsome and kind of funny..

I controlled my laughter.
He is angry and he is subconsciously showing it indirectly.
“Am angry you’re laughing”
he said and I quickly maintain an innocent look..

he shut me a glare. .
oh god save krish.
I quickly close my eyes.
There was silence…..
hmmmm why is royal getting like this

💌 Leo you should get her outta my mansion,also get enough guards to cover the boarder well.I don’t want to hear stories that touches the heart till the time I would be back”
I heard him say and I opened my closed eyes.
he was on a voice call.

His gold laid phone rang.. I didn’t see the caller cos he picked it fast.
💌 we will see at Germany..
💌 okay okay! he ended the call.

soon our car got to the highway,
we got to the airport after a long drive.Guards came out first…
“the jet is ready” Elliot said.
“Be careful” Ely still said.

Royal nodded and stepped out,a guard passed him his mask,he didn’t bother putting it on.. he walked on.

“You ain’t putting your mask,your excellency be careful…safe trip”
his dad said.
didn’t notice he was part of the escorts.

I hastily followed him.
🚺 omg….isn’t that Royal??????
🚺 he’s Best Marley,what a coincidence!!!!!!
Pictures were taken by the media…
Hmmmm it feels so good to be in power..

Girls were drooling over him.
His stalkers were on one side too…
Elliot came to my side,I followed him quietly to the jet. I turned back and my eyes caught with Lilly.

I looked away and sighed.
sooo,she has finally agreed with the second option. And at the end,I won her….
I hastily collected my bag from a maid and sit by the window side.

30minutes after,Royal came in with three guards behind me.He sat beside me in the jet and the guards went back.

He looked at him,I caught his eyes.
I saw his real eye color, he smiled and close his eyes.
“too late honey,I saw it already” I said…he smiled..
“why do you like wearing lens?” I asked.

“was actually keeping my real eye color for someone very special, someone I can trust,she is not cheap, she is very contended and she have proper self control- not like Lilly who is after material things..” he said.

I felt butterflies in my tommy.
Royal made a lopsided smile,his dimples was a blast.

“Actually her name starts with “P”
he said and the butterflies in my tommy disappeared.
I thought it was me.

does it means am nothing to him?
was I wrong calling him mine-

“what’s her name?” I asked.
“she’s a shy person,she doesn’t like people hearing her name… it took long before she starts talking to me..
she wasn’t even comfortable with me when we first met.. I love her shyness,it turns me on”
he said and I made a puzzled look.
“but I am your girlfriend” I said.
“no,ex” he said.
“who is your ex….her or me?” I asked and held him so he won’t run away.

“well actually…..ummmmmm I won’t tell you” he said and I left him…
I went to sit on another seat in the jet
“why am I soo jealous now???
he doesn’t want me anymore.
I looked at him,he was staring at me while smiling..

gosh that looks….it means love but he just called me EX…
I didn’t even know when a tear drop. Royal didn’t see it cos he was on call he ended the call and resume staring at me….I wipe my tears.

“who is more beautiful between me and her?” I asked and bite the inside of my cheeks.
“I won’t say it” he said.
“but am your girlfriend” I said..
“we broke up” he smiled.
“when,we didn’t break up…if this is a prank stop it honey…it’s only me you love” I said and went back to where I was sitting before..
“her name his sweetheart but i call her purity” he said.

“you pranked me!! I faked anger and hit him playfully with my small hand, I hit my phone on him too.
“ooouch my sweetheart…my heart!!
he screamed playfully.
I continue hitting him.

“my heart!!!!!! he said and lock my waist…
“mr president,are you alright!!!!
the securities in charge of his health started coming and I stopped.
“no it’s nothing” royal said.
“okay sir” the securities said and left.

“Don’t do that again!.
I said and twisted his ears.
“You really love me,I can see it…
okay this is the girl I loved.
pretty, set,shy…simple!
he smiled..

🎻🎻🎻Lilly p.o.v🎻🎻🎻
I feel so not me as i sat by the window side in the jet. I just hate my life,it’s always controlled.

someone joined me in the jet,I turned slightly. Waoooow he is cute too…
but not as cute and wealthy as Royal.
I scoffed and face the window side again.
he removed his mask,I could see his face through the jet window.

He is handsome…
his eyes is black and his hair was tinted red,a white band was dipped into his hair.

Gold was everywhere on his cloth,his shoe looked as if it wouldn’t touch the floor.
A tattoo was boldly drawn on his left arm,every part of his body has tattoo.

he called the air hostess and ordered wine and chicken pie.
“sir Liam,I couldn’t find your taste of girl” his manager said.Liam lit his eyes in a roll as he sip his wine carefully….

“but truthfully sir, you’ve never said any girl is beautiful” his manager said.
“Any girl with nice hips and big butt will be okay,I need someone to twerk for me at night” liam said.
I bite the inside of my cheeks,
Liam is really a flirt.
his manager smiled and left.

“Pack my lugages,the jet is about landing” he said to the maid staying at my back.
His maids packed his lugages,my guards packed mine.

Five stars coordinators led us to the suites we are going to stay..
“this is five stars property,everything inside is heavenly guided. Cameras are around..stay safe and enjoy your stay” the chief manager said.
“again…camera‘s are around”
liam scoffed as the manager led us to where we are gonna stay together for song practicing.

The living room was wide, they were two separate washroom,two separate toilet,a single kitchen and two bedrooms.

I collected my bags from my guards and collected my room key from the coordinator. I walked towards the direction of my room,that’s where am headed to.

“excuse me” liam said.I stopped walking but didn’t turn back.I’m not sure about this duet,Liam can’t stand Royal in dancing not to talk of voice.

“Do you know this lady?”,Liam asked, I turned back and he lifted his phone.
“she’s sweetheart right?” he asked me…I saw krish picture on his phone.
“I don’t know” I lied.

“But she’s very popular” liam pouts.
“she’s in Germany right???? is it this sane building??!?
“is she dating Royal for real?”
he asked me.
I became angry..I don’t even know if it’s jealousy.

Liam smiled.
“Anyways,she’s beautiful..got this”
liam smiled and entered his room.
he opened it back.
“practice by 5pm” he said and close his door back.
I ran into my room and slam my door, the sound was very strong. I fell on my pillow ..

Krish,I wish you were never born!…
Anita’s p.o.v
I quickly tucked my gun into my jean pocket…I need to see the culprit right away.
💌 report at simes way..
💌 hurry!!! back building.
I connected my earpuds and used my map to trace the location. I found it. It was a very small house with a rusted door.
I put on my gloves and finally I entered..
Inspectors were already surrounding the culprits.
I commended my colleagues for a job well done.

“what do you know about Mrs Marley?” I asked the culprit who was already tied down..
he kept quiet.
An inspector quickly plugged in an iron,he still didn’t talk.

“Where is madam mehek hideout?”
the chief detective asked…
he didn’t talk.
“I’m not here for play” The chief detective said and shot his left leg, kani screamed out in pain.

The red hot iron was quickly plastered on his cheeks,he let out another loud scream.
“Royals mom is in Australia!
he shouted amidst sobs.
I quickly turn on my recording tape.

“What Royals mom Australia???
“where in Australia???? I asked…
All the inspectors were on the alert, waiting patiently for kani to speak up.

he sturtled and fainted.
“call the nurse” I shouted.

Eve’s p.o.v
💌 are you really leaving for good?”
Nina sent in our group chats…..everyone doesn’t want me to leave.
💌 yes,am leaving” I sent.
💌 I wanted to tell you something” Dora sent.oops she’s online.
💌 hope it’s not about Justin?” I sent
💌 yes,he loves you can’t you see it?” Nina sent.

I tied my robe very well and continued with my packing. Am leaving very early tomorrow.

💌 please reply! Nina sent.

💌 I can’t love him okay…Justin’s feeling are very soft,am trying not to hurt him. I can’t fall in love again,I would rather fall in chocolate. I’m just overcoming Celestine’s attack” I sent and dropped my phone in my robe pocket.

I packed few of my things and carried them to the living room which is down stairs.
ohhh my jewelry box!
I went upstairs to get it again.
I already pay off my maids and told them to leave.Even this house,have dashed it out to the orphanage.

I sat down and repacked my things,
someone came in,
I stood up,it was 🎻Celestine🎻.

“you’re smart right?” he curved out a smirk…I started shaking.
“Celestine get out or I will call the police.. Celestine get out! I shouted and quickly sprang up.
“we ain’t over,I loved you..am sorry for what I did,let’s start all over again” he said.
“I’m not interested” I shouted.
“you want it hardly…!! he shouted back..
“Go to bed right now, let’s seal our starting all over with ten rounds doggy” he said and removed his belt.
I took my phone and dialed the police number,he hijacked my phone and smashed it.

“Ten more rounds of reverse cowgirl since you’re proving stubborn” he said..and came forwards,he ran after me,I ran round the dinning table.

“don’t whip me,I just treat my skin!
I shouted as I keep running…
Finally he caught me and tore my robe,I bite his neck till blood started dropping..

He cut my bra,I was halfly naked.
“you’re mine,how can i suddenly let you go! he said and dragged my hair in a painful manner.
A car drove in immediately and Celestine continue dragging me.

The person entered and pulled Celestine away from me…..
All my robe was torn, I felt really embarrassed.

I quickly stood up and wanted to run to the door..Justin held me well and our eyes locked.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
I was lost at his soft voice…
he’s soft hearted,even the way he walks…

“yess” I startled and covered my half naked body….
The red tracksuit he wore suited him perfectly,he wore two simple diamond ring,a little earring and his sneakers was shinning wealth.
Wealth in all.

Celestine quickly grab a wine bottle, Justin didn’t see it cos he was facing back.

“Justin….bottle!!!!!!!!! I shouted and dragged him out of the way,his hand mistakenly touch my breast cos of the shock.

He fell,my robe slipped and I fell on him with my whole chest laying on him….

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