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Beautiful Love Song season 3 Episode 8

Beautiful Love Song season 3 Episode 8
[voice battle💙model challenge]

By: Adesola Adeomowole.M.
If you miss any season 3 episode click HERE

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now enjoy…

Krishna’s point💗of💗view.

my tears streamed down as the guy drag me..his colonge was familiar but I can’t really identify who it was because of the darkness.
I decided to bite him again.

“madam you’re hurting me”
he yelled and left me immediately we got to the compound.He removed his mask.

I quickly dried my tears as he answered a call.
“sir…I will send the record in full…

he checked his gold wristwatch.
“maybe in the next 5hours!
“okay okay!
“hmmm exposure to the competition should be in 2days time..hope the date would not be shifted.
“okay sir”
he dropped his calls and look at me, i quickly face down.
a guard came to our side and I recognized him as one of royals personnel. He handed Elliot my remaining things plus what I bought at the mall with Dora.
“do you need anything?” he asked.
“hmm no…” I sturlted and looked at where I had bitten him,he smiled and rub the spot gently.

“your teeth is very sharp ooouccch!!
he pretended to be hurt as he touch the place painfully..
“sorry, I didn’t know it was you”
I said in a pitiful voice.
“should I rub it for you?” I asked and quickly touch the place..

ahhhh you want to put me in trouble!
he smiled as he shifted back.
His phone rang again…he picked it and moved a little bit away from where I was standing.
I felt like am already in trouble.

a black bmw drove in and parked close to where I was standing, it was signed 💕Romeo💕..

he scoffed as he stepped out of the car with flings… fake sluts with fake hairs,and everything.
I was happy he didn’t look at my side, he just walked in.

Three more cars moved in,I was hoping it would be Royal but my guess was wrong.It was Chris,Jeff and Justin instead.
Eliiot walk forward and exchanged handshakes with them.
“baby!!! Chris smiled out,his car key was on his index finger..
they entered the party and Elliot got a text..
he checked the texts.
next he collected my bag,the guard took them from him..
“ummm can I have this one?”
he pointed to my shoe which I was holding,he collected them from my hand.

“can you walk? he asked..
“yes” I said with fear. I already know am in trouble with royal.
Elliot led the way and I followed quietly,barefooted.
I feel so not me,I don’t like the way Nina said I should wear this body hug gown,it’s looking so seductively and I felt so uncomfortable.
today is my worst night ever.

We step out of Dora’s penthouse,
Royals car was just coming alongside with two military cars,one at the front,another at the back,his car was at the middle.

An open roof red Lamborghini..
he stopped the car where we were standing,Elliot went ahead to open the door but it was already done automatically..

Royal shot me a glare as he saw how that gown looked on me..
his glares were lasting,I sense trouble.. as I sat beside him on the drivers seat.

Eliot dropped my things at the back seat…royal was still glaring..
he beeped a particular button and the car roof covered,even the tinted windows whyned up.

He drove on and I stick to my side by the window…I could still see him decrease the stereo volume.
I breathed in and stole a glance at this star..
The navy blue tracksuit jacket clung tightly to his abs,a chain was dipped into his inner tux..
hotttt is an understatement for his physique.
It was as if this suite was specially designed for him.
only his earring glittered even though they were little.
He had on three black rings and just a single bracelet,his other hand was bare…

he is angry and it is subconsciously showing on his face.
that’s unlike Royal.
I close my eyes the moment his blue eyes locked with mine..
ohhh myyyy,he caught me staring at him…
we both looked away at the same time. I turned back to look,he also turn and our eyes locked.
I tried not too look away,I felt sweet with the way he stare.

he looked away,slowly
maybe because he remember he was driving…
“where did you tell me you were?”
he asked and took his bottom lips in.
I stayed quiet.
“am talking to you” he said…
“I…told you…I…was.. hmm”
I stammered..
“have you started lying????”
he asked and I nod in disagreement.

“I told you i was in Dora’s room” I replied with a fidget.
“and where did Elliot picked you?”
he asked…
I couldn’t answer,I couldn’t even look at my man.

He flicks his hair which was banded up with a black bracelets to prevent the fringe from falling on his eyes…
he is just too handsome to be a human..

“am angry with you and you’re checking me out” he said,I bashed my lashes..
Dora come and see what your party is causing between me and Royal.

“Elliot picked me from-
I stopped my statent…
“from the middle of the party were you are busy watching fights…are you really stupid???
he asked and our eyes locked again..
I looked away feeling embarrased.

“Honeeey am sorry” I said.
“sorry… sorry…will your mother take sorry if something happen to you?
why did you leave where you are safe-and you knew I would be affected if something happen to you.
I want you to be smart but you’ve never been….
I’ve now seen your level of smartness, you’re only intelligent, you’re not brilliant and brilliancy include smartness..”
he said.

“I’m sorr-
“will you quit saying sorry!” he said.
I kept quite….his gold laid phone rang,it was facing downwards,he removed one hand from the steering and used it to turn it up..
it was my mom calling.
I was scared immediately, my mom doesn’t tolerate nonsense.

“honey pls don’t inform mother” I said..
“who dress you like this,is this the cloth Mrs Gina brought for you??
he asked..
“Yes…Nina dress for me” I said.

Royal coughed and opened a plastic bottle water,he still use one hand to control the steering.he drank out of the water and covered it…

He looked at me.
“what did I tell you and why can’t you listen to me?” he asked.
“sorry” I said.
he didn’t utter any words till we got home and that’s unlike him.
Royal please talk to me,this silence is hurting me.

Anita’s point💗of💗view
have been sooo lazy.
Am not really talking Donald’s case seriously, I’ve been opening and reopening the file.

“detective!!! leelah called as she dropped another set of file on my table.
“Miss Anita,my instincts are telling me that this case that happened 24years ago has something to do with Royal” Leelah said.

“Which Royal??? I asked..
“I mean royal sugar…the world most handsome, wealthy and popular idol in the whole world..” leelah said.

I sighed.. this case is something else..
“isn’t Mrs Sugar Royals mother?” I asked.
“maybe” leelah said.
“Royal has a striking resemblance with late his highness” leelah said.
“okay,I will look into it” I said.

“Investigation was completed 24years ago,3hours after it happened.The mastermind of the murderer was unknown.
Traces of blood were seen at the path of the attack,the dead maids are recognized to be from Donald’s empire. A neat baby cap was also found”. I read out.

I checked the file and brought out the baby cap that was found 24years ago, it was still very neat.Mere looking at the size,it should be for a one to two month old baby boy.
This must have dropped from a mother running to protect her son..
Maybe when the attackers were struggling to collect the child..

Is the child alive???
even if he’s alive,he would be 24years old now..

As I drop the cap,a chain fell off.
I picked the chain and observed it, “Hodong” was written boldly on it….
The chain was diamond, I recognized it to be 98.9% pure..

Hodong is a chinese word that means handsome man-…
Donald is a Chinese,definitely this cap must be for Donald’s son…
I opened another file.
📰 English name- Best Marley..
📰 Chinese name- Hodong Lee
📰 mother’s name- Mehek Marley
📰 Father’s name- Donald Marley..

now,is best Marley alive????
Am traveling to India first thing tomorrow morning.

Mr Han’s ……
who the hell informed Kai about Donalds case????
even if the case is brought up,it would be soo difficult to get to the end..
Anita this load is too big for you, you can get to the root of this..I know you are a very smart detective..
I would have gotten Royals wealth to myself before you find out.

I phoned Mrs Rose.
Am still very mad at her..
How can she assign mitchy to train someone without my knowledge?..

“Mrs Rose,you know the duet is in two days time!” I grinned on call.
“Yes sir” she replied.
“I need the list of the contestants”
I said..

“ummm sir zayn collected it already”
she said..
“okay,I will see zayn tomorrow”
I said and dropped the call..

Sweetheart point💗of💗view…
Royal phoned my mom immediately he drove in..
I couldn’t hear what he was telling her because he stepped out of the car quickly.I had to walk in on my own.
Firstly I took off the yellow seductive gown and tied a towel.
I was even praying he shouldn’t tell my mom that I don’t usually listen to him and I swear it wasn’t my fault.

I only came out because of Dora i don’t want her to get hurt..
and I only agreed to Nina so she wouldn’t think am proud.
She sounds nice.
I entered the bath and stayed long in the shower, my phone started ringing from the inside.
I knew it was my mom.
I took another extra time in the washroom and later stepped out in a blue towel jacket immediately the call dropped.

I grab my phone with a shaking hand.I missed three messages from her and one from Dora.

 hope you’re safe wherever you’re? they spoilt my party” Dora sent.
 am home” I sent.
I opened my mom’s message..
 You’ve started again?
 what did you do to Royal?
 Why didn’t you listen to him?

Another message popped in…
 call me back now!
I dropped my phone and wore a white colored night wear.
I went to Royals room and knocked on his door,he already locked his door.

“Honey sorry I make mistakes too!!
I said…
“okay…I can explain” I said and knocked again.
he opened his door.
“It’s okay,you can go to your room.. I didn’t ask you to explain” he said.
“hmmm I..I..want to stay with you”..
I said.
“I’m busy..hmmm go to your room”.
he said..and slam the door,he was careful not to slam it on my face.
This silence…it’s hurt.
“honey,I won’t do it again” I shouted.
“not now” he said.
I felt my tears…
why am I even crying.
I still stand there.i couldn’t leave.

I heard footsteps from the spiral stairway leading to where I was standing,I turned back and it was Eddy…

his slippers was white,
it was as if it shouldn’t touch the ground. What is he doing here???
is he now friends with Royal???

“Hey,why are you crying?.
he asked in a soft whisper.
why does he suddenly cares!
Mrs Gina came by and I ran to my room..
I locked the door and picked my phone.
 mom I begged him,he didn’t answer! I sent…
Royal didn’t know what he just did to me,it’s not my fault.How can Dora be in danger and I won’t interfere.
 don’t send me childish texts!
she sent…
I dropped my phone and slept. I still don’t understand why I keep crying…
is it really true that am not smart??

Royals point💗of💗view…
after I was done speaking with the council’s of ministers through the projector, I decided to check on krish, but she already locked her door.

I beeped the door button,
she already place the door on an automatic lock..
“sweetheart! I called.
“Best,I want to be alone” she replied from inside..
“babe open the door,am really sorry for pushing you away.okay I want to stay with you. In fact have forgiven you” I said with a smile.
I know after this,she will always listen to everything I say and she will be a little bit smarter.

I felt her opening the door.
“what happen?? she asked.
I entered fully,she locked the door.
“why did you push me away,don’t come near me,don’t even-
she said and prevented my hand from touching her.
I guess this is payment time.
she dimmed the light green and slept on her side on the bed.
“don’t come near my bed,sleep on the floor and if you ain’t comfortable go back to your room” she said still in little tears.
“I said sorry” I said.
“will you quit saying sorry” she said.
“but I will freeze to death,I can’t sleep on the floor” I said.she went to the door and opened it widely..
“okay,I will sleep on the floor” I said.
she quietly lock the door and slept on the bed while I slept on the floor for the first time in my life.
it was damn cold..
I felt slightly sick from the inside.
“sweetheart,my health doesn’t speak of me staying on the floor” I said.
“that’s why I said go to your room.. you’re the one that want to die for love” she said…
“okay am thirsty..warm water” I said.
“please call the doctor” I said..in a pretending tone.
she stood up and brought water…
ohh Krishna so you know how to punish someone.
Anyways only you can do this to me.
she brought the water and fed me with it,I choked..she quickly rub my chest…
the feeling was damn good.
“I love you” I said and press her breast with my fingers.
“oouch you’re on punishment!

“what punishment?? I asked and carried her on my laps.
I kissed her lips and spank her big butt..
gaaad,I don’t just feel like removing my hand…she’s soo soft.
“you still don’t know how to kiss”
I said and directed her tongue to the right place.. my other hand moved into her night gown..
I squeezed and press her full breast.

“ohh my gaaaad honey it’s paining me!!! she unlock from the kiss and threw her head back..
I took her lips in again and tickled her in the waist while romancing her butts and hips deliciously..
she moaned my name softly as I trace her pinkish nipples from the nightwear,I kissed them with and pushed her soft body into mine…
“Honey!!!! she moaned as I balanced her well on my laps..
she continue moaning sweetly as I press every part of her body.
I decided to test her by shifting her pant..

The sweetness didn’t make her notice..
“you’re spoiling me!! she said..
and I rub her clit with my fingers…
“Hunnnnn Royallllll it’s painful!!!
she closed her eyes and removed my hand…
I swear I enjoyed everything,
I just imagined how sex with her will look like…I love the shy Krishna.
“okay,let’s sleep! i said and carried her to the bed..
She shyly hugged me on bed.
“don’t do that again” i said and lock her waist.
“I promise” she said and i kissed her forehead..
she smiled the moment my hands went to her breast..
“make sure you win in the duet,I will help you train your voice” I said..and looked at her..
she already slept.
I covered her well and left after locking the door.

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