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[the girl he never noticed]



what I heard next was laughter.
A heavy knock also followed on my forehead- It was mama and I dare not utter a word.
Olamma continued laughing.
“nne(mother) can’t you see that ife’s stupidity is a disgrace to her ancestors,the only difference between her and magnet is that magnet is attractive” olamma said, in a mockery voice.
I shot her a glare,mama look in my direction also.
“did you just say something?”,
“chineke(god) wonders shall never end….when all the animals in the bush are going out,snail also wants to go” onome said.
“even if she go,which cloth will she wear? she won’t even get attracted by a single fly” olamma said.
“you just like destroying papa’s reputation” she added and turn to leave.
“your work starts now” she said.
“mama I have not eaten” I said.
“the leftovers are in the kitchen” she said and dismissed me.
my tears stream down as I entered the kitchen.
is it my fault that I am ugly?
I hurriedly picked a pot,I passed the backyard and behold,all the waters have been poured away.
I felt like dying as i rushed to the stream,I dropped the pot and sat on one edge of the stream,I started throwing stones into the stream as I cried.
mama Ife,can you not see how your pearl is suffering…..
mama this is not the type of life I want,I don’t like this ugliness at all
You said you will look down upon me from heaven and be with me but mama Ife you don’t even care 4 Ife
You said I should BELIEVE, I felt as thou those words are enough.Ife believe,believe Ife was all I did
Anyways,I will still trust my god for he is Chimamanda(the god who never fail) he is also good
I wipe my tears and drag the pot to my side after which I entered the center in the stream.My reflection appeared as I bend.The only beautiful thing in me is my hair and my shape…
speaking of my hair,when last did i even plait it…
I filled the pot.
who will help me lift it on my head!
hmmm another problem, no one was coming to help.
I still clapped my hands,no one was coming. I started singing.
that song….. BELIEVE
believe in all that can be
a miracle starts if you dream
believe and sing from your heart
ohh Ife believe,believe Ife.
believe and dream what can be
believe the beauty is yours to see
aahhhhh Ife believe..
the moment stopped when I heard approaching steps.I stopped singing and poured part of the water in my pot away,I carried the little I could lift and ran away.
Finally I saw the owners of the footsteps.. Arinze and Nkem..
Arinze is known a drunkard,he is handsome too,a perfect definition of a brown skin just that he got too irresponsible because of his father’s wealth…while Nkem is…..should I say part of the royal blood.
“did you hear that voice?”, I heard Arinze saying.
“was that an angel?”,Nkem asked back….
“a maiden is around here,see the footprints” Arinze pointed out and they started searching.
I covered my mouth and ran away.
(believe by adesola adeomowole.m./do not copy)
Arinze’s p.o.v
That voice,who owns it?
it really captivated my heart.I always appreciate singers who sings with so much emotions..
That voice sounds so ethereal..
It is an epitome of gods perfect creation,voices of thousands fallen angels!
Voice enameled with so much emotions!.
Voice gifted from the most high!
My lord,which maiden can that be
she must be toasted with beauty right???
“Arinze so because of a mere voice.You’re like this… are you sure you don’t need a physician?”,
he asked and hit my chest..
I took my lips in.
I wish I would someday meet that maiden,she have every good thing life has to offer!
how sweet!
“Arinze you’re seriously planning to cross this unknown maiden legs..
well Toto pass Toto (vagina is different) not all maidens are cheap”.
he said,
we both laughed.
*********you’re reading BELIEVE .
Queen’s p.o.v
“your majesty,one of the prince didn’t eat” a maid reported while kneeling down…
“which of the princes?”, I asked, she scratched her neck.
“your highness I can’t recognize them” she said shyly.
I stood up from my throne.This is the only problem we are having in the palace,the workers can’t recognize who is Lotanna and Jidenna.
“you can leave” I dismissed the maid and approach the prince’s empire..
The guard at the entrance opened the bronze door, he bowed as I entered.
I spotted him there on the heavenly couch,he was in phone,all cladded in a white long sleeve,a dark designer jean and a pair of black room slippers. His pad and laptop was lying on the slivery tiled floor..Beside him was a wine bottle and a halfly filled glass.
He turned back with a bashed lashes.Soo cute and funny.
His lips was just pure pink.
“Ohh my Lotanna, what are you doing on phone?”, I asked.
“sorting out some issues with my workers online” he replied, piously.
“Lotanna now that you’re in the village, will you stop this type of dressing…. You are a prince” I said and sat beside him.
“I seriously don’t like the prince dressing,I feel so uncomfortable…”
he replied…
“what did you eat?? Did you taste the White soup?? you should taste it,it is really garnished with stock fish, fresh meat from an antelope,cow skin and plenty shrimps” I said.
He coughed playfully and hastily pick his glass of wine…
“mom,remembered I brought a chef from abroad.I don’t think I need all those ones you’re saying”He said.
I smiled.
“then get ready for princess Akuna’s birthday party. It is in the next village and of course many wealthy princes would be there.Akuna is the most beautiful maiden,then Olamma from this kingdom” I said.
Lotanna whyned,I pulled him to a hug and rub his back slowly..
I don’t know why I still always great him like a baby.
“You and your twin brother would be attending” I said…
“what’s the point of going when I don’t understand the language” he says.I playfully drawed his ear..
“I will go if only you will sing for me”
he said and strolled in the room..
His catwalk was just so amazing!….
I know Princess Akuna will fall in love with one of my sons.
I smiled…
Adeife Adeife
I stopped halfway on the road to catch my breath.I continued afterwards and decided to meet Ngozi first so she won’t be disappointed. I will just tell her am not interested so that I can complete my chores. .I don’t just want to keep her waiting.
Something shook my toe as I ran,
I didn’t even check it..
Soon I got to the lovers spot and net her waiting patiently..she saw me and frowned.I know I took time to arrive.
“Ife what happened,you kept me waiting I was almost giving up on you.Don’t do this again… I really don’t like compromises” she said.
I look down at my foot,.just little blood.I brought out the ointment from my breast wrapper.That same ointment I had wanted to give the prince.I sat on a stone to apply it.
“wait,just let me remove it”
Ngozi said and helped.
“do you still want to go?”, she asked.
“I would love to but I still have work to do..Onome poured all the water that I fetched on the morning away, she said I should refetch after that,I should wash olamma cloths” I said.
Ngozi clapped her hands in dismay.
“you should wash olamma cloths… are you really stupid? does olamma not have hands to wash?”, she questions.
“Hmm olamma does no work at home. She does not even knows how to sweep.My father usually says Olamna is too beautiful to sweep,the broom might shook her skin.
They always make ms do it ..
even my father hates me,my only friend is Ngozi, am scared she will also leave me.My mind says it!
I said with a pained expression.
Ngozi hugged me. “Friends forever,I don’t leave you,no matter the pain,no matter the comma,no matter how deep it hurts,I will stand by you…cause I BELIEVE you’re beautiful too” she said and hugged me.
“so what do we do?”, she asked.
“I don’t know,I really want to go” I said…
she smiled and started applying the substance on my face
She let down my hair and braided it in a very simple way.
“there’s a change of plan…” sgevsayd as she brought out another new wrapowt,this one was with bead.
*I want you to use your shape to advise this wrapper for my mama. In case anyone ask you where you get this from,simply tell the it is from Ogechi,the cloth trader in Deerah kingdom” she said.
I nodded and dressed up.
She shared her waist bead with me also…. soo creative.
“Remember one hour! she said,we both ran.I was seriously counting time….the next village was far but we passsed many shortcuts.
Should I say an hour elasped.
She applied another of the substance finally we entered the village.
A big waoow escape my mouth.
I saw different maidens.All eyes followed I and Ngozi.
my gaaaaad!
she’s dipped in beauty!
Enameled with fair skin!
Toasted with naturality!
Who can she be?????
my eyes caught many princes gaze, I looked away,strictly based on Ngozi orders…..
many maidens surrounded me.
for the first time in my life am getting fame..
hi,can I know where you get this dress from???
can I touch your hair!!!
so much questions came.
I caught olamma among the people that surrounds me.
Are you also a princess! Olamma asked.I bet she doesn’t recognize me
“Yes,am a princess…my name is Ife. Princess Ife! And shift back,you’re bathing me with your saliva”I said to Olamma.
she rolled her eyeballs and walked away….
“who’s that??”, Princess Akuna came out,our eyes locked.
A frown quickly formed on her forehead. Guess she’s angry someone dress best than the celebrant..
“who are you?”, she asked rudely.
“Princess Ife” I replied.
“Princess Ife…. I see,that does not exist” she said.
More princes tropped into the party.
Akuna walked out rudely,Olamma followed her…
I enjoyed myself so much for the first time in my life!
It was time for dance,I joined the crew the princes watched.
I turned sideways and catch the twins gazes.. I can’t even tell who is who.Do I even know their names?
chai just 5more minutes.
I better leave….Arinze was giving me signals,none had the courage to meet me!
I left the dancing place,Ngozi said she isn’t going now…
I turned to leave,Arinze was already at my back.
I froze…. chimoooo just 2more minutes..
“May I??? he said and stretched his palms…
“no no no!!! I said,I didn’t realize my voice came out as music..
The twins princes turned, our eyes locked.They were wearing same outfits, same diamond rings,same prince pendant,same everything!
“may I??? Arinze bite the inside of his cheeks again.
I better run!!!!!!!!! Just one minutes.
I ran,he chased after me…
chimooooo my foot!

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