Flower Boy Episode 39




Flower Boy Episode 39

By Oyebamiji Samue

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( Kissed )

Anthony’s POV

I can’t stop looking at Nancy’s lips. Pink and sexy, even though I had not touched it , I know it’s succulent

Memories of Donna flashes across my mind. I recollected my days with Donna but I can’t really help this stupid feelings I’m having with Nancy. I really wish I’d given Donna her first kiss before she died.

But if I kiss this girl, she will be the one to take my first kiss, what the hell is special about her ? Just a poor ugly babysitter.

I can’t imagine, I wish she can irritate me but instead, she looks very attractive. She is not even smelling like a fish like Karen , her scent is sweet and her stature is adorable

She is not as tall and skinny as Karen, she is of average height and smart too.

None of her physique looks like that of Donna. Just the dot on her nose is the confusing part and the crazy sense of attraction I’m having towards us

My body feels like grabbing her. My heart is already imagining kissing her. Damn it! Kissing a poor girl

Never! My mind is rejecting it. I want to run away but I can’t. My days, I can’t even stay here forever, but I’m seriously stuck , what should I do? What if I kiss her

Not like I even know how to kiss in the first place, okay. Even if I want to try it, I will bend my head…No! I will turn and twist my neck to the right

So after that, what next? Omg! I wish I can remember one of the kiss scenes I’d watched in movies

Yes! I remember. I do . I remembered a movie of two adults kissing, I remembered how they did it

Humn! I’m kinda scared. What if she slaps me? Oh no! Is she crazy? Why will she slap a whole flower boy? By the ways, if she did not want kiss, why will she be standing before me like

Erm… What should I do now? Cus I can hardly move from this place not to talk of walking away. Her lips are seriously attracting and I feel like kissing it

How? I will place my upper and lower lips between her lips right. Gosh! What if she bites me? My lips will swell and I will stop looking handsome

Oh no! I can’t try that. I don’t want my lips to be disfigured.

Okay, I think I will place my lower lips between her lips and place my upper lips on top of her upper lips

So after that what next, erm… I will have to be sucking …sucking her lips! What the f*ck

What lips? Is it some kinda lollypop or sweet , why will I be sucking it when I ‘m not feeling hungry

This kissing of a thing is really hard. Why in the world is this robot called Brandon that looks just like a human close the door on us.

Didn’t he know that it’s dangerous for a male and a female to be together in the same room. What if something happen ?

No! He actually said I should prove that I have no feelings for Nancy.
Humn! I get now. So what he is saying indirectly is that If I have feelings for Nancy, I will kiss her and if not , I won’t

Okay, I won’t. No , I will. Infact I must. Oh no! I can’t. Donna will be watching me somewhere now, she will feel betrayed

I can’t kiss Nancy, but I’m tempted.

Assuming I want to kiss her really, after sucking her lips, what else? That’s all right? Yes I think so.

Then we will disengage. What if my lips get stuck up in her lips and it never come out again?

Oh no! That can never happen

What if I want to suck her lips and I bite her lips , cus I practically have no experience

But why am I really thinking about it. My Love for Donna will never …will never…omg!…ย Will never…omg!

She’s moving her lips closer…omg! …omg! Donna come and save me …her lips are almost getting closer

Donna, please come. I may …I may…oh noย 😢ย I have betrayed Donna

Nancy’s lips locked up to my lips, I sincerely didn’t know how it happened , maybe she was the one moving her lips or I was the one moving my lips

We kissed and I quickly disengaged

What have I done! Gosh! Donna , I’m sorry

Her lips are sweet though but I shouldn’t have cus of my Love for Donna


One response to “Flower Boy Episode 39”

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    Pls next ooo

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