Flower Boy Episode 38




Flower Boy Episode 38

By Oyebamiji Samue

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( Kissย 👄)

Nancy’s POV

“Larry, Larry, are you there?” I tried to speak into the coms but I heard no response

“How did you know my name?” I asked the robot

“Larry told me everything about you” the robot replied

“Humn, okay. Why are you behaving like a human?” I asked

“I’m not a human, I’m Larry’s robot” He replied and I exhale.

This kind of robot is really strange . He behaves in the exact same way a human does

I entered courageously holding Helen while the Robot stayed behind us

“Wow! Can’t believe you come around by yourself, two of our men had gone to get you, anyways, it’s good that you are back” One of the men said

Anthony was still kneeling between those men

One of the man walked like a gentlemen to me and wanted to hold me by my right arms but the robot held him abruptly

The guy looked into the face of the robot, he thought the robot was a man and he punch the robot in the nose.

The robot stood still. The guy took a step back, he flew and rolled in the air sending a tough kick into the robot’s check but the robot stood still

The guy smirked and angrily pushed the robot, but the robot stood still

Two other men joined the guy and they brought out their gun and pointed it to the robot. One of them moved closer to the robot and
hit the robot with his gun but the robot stood still

“What the hell?” One of them exclaimed and fear could be easily seen on their faces

“Nancy, are you there? ” Larry asked

“Yes” I said silently

“Good, tell me what’s up?” Larry requested

“They are beating the robot but it’s just standing still like a ghost” I retorted

“Oh no! Command it, you give it a command and it obeys” Larry said

“Okay” I replied and turned at the robot

“Hey you, beat them all” I commanded the robot

The robot held the head of one of the men closer to him and used it to hit the floor. The guy groaned in pain and loose consciousness instantly

What the hell? One of the men asked and they all stretch their gun towards the robot while telling him to stay back

The robot charged swiftly to all of them and beat the hell out of them till they lost consciousness

All of them were practically laying on the floor.

I watched as Anthony stood up and came closer to where the robot and I stood.

“Who is he?” Anthony asked

“Is someone asking who the robot is ?” Larry asked through the coms

I took few steps backward to speak to Larry

“Yes, Anthony is the one asking” I retorted

“Tell him the robot is your friend” Larry said

“What ! ” I exclaimed

“Do as I’ve said or the robot may beat you, bye” He said and fear engulfed me

I do not want the robot to beat me like he beats those men so I better do what Larry ordered

I move closer to where Anthony stood

“He is my friend” I said

“Yes, we are friends” The robot said supporting me

“Friends! He is good in fighting. Thanks bro for saving me, what’s your name please ?” Anthony asked

Damn it! I forgot to ask of the robot’s name from Larry, what name can I give this robot now

“Erm… His name is Brandon” I said

“Copy that” the robot replied

“What’s going on please? Thought I asked for his name, why are you replying for him?” Anthony asked me

“Don’t mind her Anthony, I’m Brandon” The robot said and smiled

“Brandon, it’s nice meeting you” Anthony replied and gestured for us all to go inside

We all sat down in the living room

“Brandon, I was stunned at how you easily defeated those heavy men , I wish to know more about you?” Anthony asked

“Sure, ask any question” The robot replied Anthony

“Good. Are you in some martial arts training or you are just talented in fighting ” Anthony asked

“Just talented” Brandon replied

“Wao! You look cute , which school do you attend?” Anthony asked

“0.111085634 ” The robot replied

“Excuse me?” Anthony asked

“Don’t mind Brandon, he’s quiet playful, that’s the code he uses to open his locker at school. He has just joined us in America, I think he will be attending Nicholas high with us ” I said defensively

“Oh! But can he sing?” Anthony asked me

“Of course I can” Brandon replied

“Oh really, come and show me what you’ve got at the musical room” Anthony said and stood

We all walked to the musical room

Anthony gestured for Brandon to sit but with the way he placed his fingers on the keyboard , I know he can’t play

“Brandon sings better when he sees someone playing the keyboard for him” I said tand gestured for Brandon to stand up

He stood and I sat ready to play the keyboard for his songs, I do not even know which key to play for him, all I know is that I will get the right key to his voice as he sings



Uuuuuuu ” The robot add-lipped and it was tiny and sweet

He paused all of a sudden and continued

I Love her
She is the one I want
She is the one I need
I Love her so so so oh oh

I can’t do without her
He may hates her but I
But I……..I ….Love her
So much


Let him know that
That I Love her , that
That I need her …
Always ”

The robot sang and I played and he stared dancing by itself to the music

He kept singing the chorus

Let him know that
That I Love her , that
That I need her …
Always ”

Let Anthony know that
That I Love Nancy , that
That I need Nancy…
Always ….” The robot sang and kept dancing while using one eye look at Anthony

What the hell! What did he just say in his song? Jeez! Anthony might think it’s a plan work

I expected Anthony to stop him but Anthony didn’t

He sang the chorus again
Let Anthony know that
That I Love Nancy , that
That I need Nancy…
Always ….”

He finally stopped singing and smiled while looking at Anthony

Anthony maintained a strong face and keep looking at him too

“Who the hell are you? You said in your song that you love Nancy, hate is a strong word, I did not hate her though just that I dislike her and that’s because she is trying to seduce me to stop loving Donna and start having feelings for her and that will never happen under the sun.

I’ve chosen Donna even after her death, I’ll never give another lady a chance in my life ” Anthony said while the robot looked at him with no expression

“I did not know what she must have told you, but my Love for Donna, who is my first Love made me who I am” Anthony said and my face dropped

He truly Loves Donna so much. It’s true.

Anthony will never fall in Love with me, I’m just wasting my time having feelings for him , but the feelings I’m having for him is even beyond me. Not like I can stop the feelings.

But I enjoyed that feeling of Love I always have towards Anthony. But it’s obvious that Anthony’s heart is occupied with Donna’s Love

“I do not believe you dislike Nancy , you just didn’t want to admit the feelings you having towards her” The robot said

“Mr. Brandon, I do not know what anyone has told you about me but i do not have a single feeling for this poor babysitter here , so please reason well before assuming” Anthony said and I feel sad.

The robot looked at my face and I’m sure he saw a sad expression on my face

“Anthony, I do not believe you, prove to me that you do not have any feelings for Nancy” Brandon said

“How?” Anthony asked

Brandon pushed me gently to Anthony and I stood very close to Anthony

I could feel Anthony’s sweet breath on my lips as I stood so close to him

“Helen , come around” Brandon said and Helen walked closer to him

Brandon held Helen and walked out. He closed the musical door on us.

Just Anthony and I in the room. I was staring at Anthony’s lips. I raised my eyebrow and I caught him staring at my lips

Our lips are very close and I can’t just wait for the lips to get locked up

This has being my life long dream. My heart was beating faster than expected


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