M.M.I.R.I.M.M.A (Born Of Two Worlds) Chapter 2

Born Of Two Worlds 2
Written by
Ifeoma Isabella Okeke
“You always surprise me Grandma. How did you even know I Telekinesis my phone?” Mma asked her grandmother not really surprised.
“I am a witch who you inherit your powers from, remember? Anyway how was your night and hope you have eaten?” Her grandmother soprano voice asked laughing out.
“Yeah I remember whom I inherit my powers from, and no, I haven’t eaten”. Mma said, leaving out the first question, her grandmother would know if she lie. “I haven’t heard from you for a while that is why I said I should call you”. Mma said, Levitating her phone to her ears, she started cleaning her fingernails.
“That is so kind of you Mmirimma, I was planning to call you this evening but you beat me to it. My battery is low and will go off at any moment from now, anyway I have a revelation for you”. Her grandmother said in a serious tone.
“A revelation? What kind of Revelation grandma?” Mma asked seriously.
“Something is about to happen in your life soon Mmirimma, although I can’t really say when, but I want you to be very careful from now henceforth”. Her grandmother revealed.
“Okay grandma I will be very careful, is that all?”. Mma asked with a raised eyebrows.
“Yes, that is all for now. The phone networks are going to be very bad today as an unusual rain will fall tonight. Please endeavour to put on a white and black candle before you sleep tonight, it would chase away any evil spirits in your apartment. I am going to pay a visit soon to cleanse your apartment with the compound, for I see danger lurking around you. And while you are at that, don’t forget the dream you had today, it is somehow related to the visions I had concerning you Mmirimma”. Her grandmother told her.
Before Mma will respond to that, the call was cut. Cutting off the levitating she used on the phone, she tried to call the line once again but it was switch off. Her grandmother’s line was dead.
Her main focus was how did her grandmother know about the weird dream she had earlier today.
Yeah her dream was weird but why would she think of a dream that is not real. She continued cleaning her fingernails. A lady came in who requested for her palm to be read, Mma smiled at the lady.
At 7pm, Mma was walking gently along the dark street in her area.
The night sky was filled with twinkling stars. The wind blew softly, causing the trees to bend in different directions. The candles she had brought along the way was safely in her red hand bag. Even if her mind wasn’t on the weird dream she had, she will still listen to her grandmother and buy the candles as she instructed.
Traders who dealt in the sale of boiled or roasted corn and plantain continued their business and customers patronized them. Some food vendors were still selling.
Along the street some boys hung around darker corners with their girlfriends.
There, they either talked or expressed themselves physically. Some boys were sited with the only aboki they had in that street as they smoke their lives away with hot gin.
Mmirimma Ugo walked past all of them, only stopping briefly to buy three stalks of roasted plantain and groundnut, before heading home, that would be her dinner for tonight.
Her two bedroom bungalow soon came into view, she was the only one living in there. Her grandmother had gifted the house to her as a birthday present.
Mma paused in her movement when she felt she was being watched. She turned and look frantically around her, nothing seems to be extraordinary, shrugging her shoulders as she saw a young boy about 18 and young girl about 15 walking and holding hands, the girl was laughing to his silly jokes as they past her. Mma saw what would happen to the girl in the next few hours, if only the girl knew how her boyfriend had planned with two more boys to drug and rape her in his house.
She unlock the key she had use on her gate and went inside. Locking it back with the same padlock once she was in her compound before going inside her apartment.
As soon as she stepped her foot in her small sitting room, Power Distribution Company brought the light.
Mma quickly took her bath, changed into her pajamas and sat on her bed as she brought out the two different candles in her bag and place it on her reading table, she spoke some words and the candles wick were in lit in fire.
She brought out her still hot plantain and started munching it with the groundnut. She Telekinesis one of the bottle waters in her fridge into her hands, which she drank.
She was on her third plantain when the rain started. Soon Power Distribution Company (Nepa) took their light, the light from the candles lighten up her room.
The icy dark sky restlessly grumbled. The thick blackened clouds were dragged down by the heavy rain which it held in its delicate frame. The clouds which struggled to withstand the burden of the weight which the rain held, soon gave in.
The rain poured down over the city with a roar. The sound of emptiness was disrupted by the loud gregarious boom of thunder and lightning sound. The quality of darkness shifted in the sky but the rain kept pouring. The harsh rain obliterated the crystal reflection of the sky and turned it into an disorientated chaos.
The rain comes, oblivious to the life it gives. It washes the world, quenching soil and the life whom depend upon it. In either warmth or coldness, sunlight or moonlight, rain comes, humble to its role but this rain was different, and just like what her grandmother had told her, it is truly an unusual rain.
Making sure all her doors are securely locked, she slept off, the candles still burning.
In Another Realm ( At The Bottom of an Abyss):
A young lady bowed before the lady sitting on what looks like a king chair.
“What news do you have for me?” The lady sited asked in a motionless voice.
“I have been watching her every move as you told me too my Lord. I have been trying to hypnotized her but couldn’t”. The one bowing down told her.
“I need her, I need her witch blood to complete me. I have waited too long for her to clock 25. You must get her at all cost, it’s a pity I choose this curse”. The lady sited said. “But first, you must receive your punishment for reporting your failed attempt”. She added coldly.
“As it pleases you my Lord”.
The Realm Of Umueze:
“The girl is the look alike of Mmirimma? How?” Prince Ekenna asked confusingly.
“Like I told you, there are things I am not permitted to speak. You will have to go to her world and bring her before the evil ones get her. Only she can break the curse the late Mmirimma has placed in your kingdom”. Okike answered him and started beating his gong and speaking incantations.
“Am I the one to go to where her look alike is, or my brother since he was the one who caused it?” Ekenna asked the question bugging him. The beating gong stopped immediately.
“You both were once her lovers but she left you for your brother. The gods has seen your heart and they choose you to go, not your brother”. Okike responded and continued beating his gong creating melodious sounds.
“So wise one, how do I go to her world?”
“I will open a time portal that will teleport you to her realm. It is up to you to find out where she stays”.
“Thank you wise, I shall be back before the next moon to begin the journey”. Ekenna told the priest.
“And I shall be waiting for you Ekenna, but remember, delay is very dangerous”. Okike said with warning.
“I know that wise one…but will I still be able to change into my beast form in that realm?” Ekenna questioned.
“Yes you will, that is why I am going to make you a powerful necklace that will withstand the beast for two hours when night falls. This necklace must be in your neck at all times, hence, it loses its powers”. Okike replied him. “I am only following the instructions of the gods”.
Ekenna smiled grateful. “Thank you once again wise one”. He said and left the presence of Okike.
To Be Continued..
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