Siren The Beautiful Killer Chapter 12

Siren The Beautiful Killer Chapter 12
Written By Zeeman
If you miss any episode click HERE
⚔️Darrel’s POV⚔️
“Hey,wait” I called on her after receiving a message from Edwin saying the housekeeper I’m expecting tomorrow morning won’t be available anymore.
She turned..
“You’re hired” I said and could read the surprise in her expression.
She’s beautiful…i mean damn! beautiful.
Her eyes looks incredibly familiar.
I guess i once saw her lookalike in California.
“Huh?” She widened her eyes and started walking back to me.
I don’t just know…there’s this strange feeling.
“You’re hired” I said.
“But you just said….”
“I just received a message that the housekeeper i was expecting tomorrow won’t be available anymore.”
“Ohh” She smiled and i felt myself drawn to her.
“So…when do i start?” She asked, grinning.
“Your name?” I asked.
“Huh?…I gave you my ID card earlier” She said.
“Ohh… right! I didn’t take a good look at it then,i was distracted. Let me have it back” I said.
“I’m Mia Cunnane” She said.
Why’s everything about her so rare.. including her name.
“Why do you want to apply for this job? You look better than being a housekeeper” I said and she adjusted her handbag.
What’s so strange about her that i can’t figure out?
I’m good at reading people but this particular lady is a bit complicated.
” I’ve always loved housekeeping,th
“Really? That means you’ve worked as a housekeeper in several places” I said and saw her hesitate before replying.
“Yeah..I’ve worked at few houses”
“Okay,you haven’t given me your ID card ” I said.
“Oh” She blinked rapidly before dipping her hand into her handbag.
Her beauty is so disturbing and i wondered if there are more beautiful ladies in New York?
The color of her hair hooked my gaze .
Its golden brown… perfect golden brown.
She even had them in curls.
My gaze scrolled her whole body and stopped at her feet.
Great body plus beauty.
Nathaniel was grinning where he stood.
Of course…who wouldn’t be obsessed by this beauty?
I’m not obsessed though.
“Hello…here it is” Mia snapped me out of my thoughts and i felt like hitting my damn head on the wall.
She caught me staring at her?
“I’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable with my stare but i have to scan the person I’ll be employing” I said.
“It’s fine. Here’s the ID card” She stretched it to me.
I took it and quickly scanned through it.
“You’re 25?” I asked and she nodded.
“I’m 28” I said and she gave me a ‘what-does-that
Darrel,do you have to act this way in the presence of someone who’s starting to see you as a Boss!
I stretched her ID card back to her.
“When do i resume?” She asked, quickly tucking the ID card back into her bag.
What’s with the rush though?
“Right now” i said and she gasped.
“Just joking” I smiled.
“You have to resume the same day my supposed housekeeper is to resume which is…”
“Tomorrow” She completed my words.
“Yeah” I said trying not to smile..
“Can you please give me more days to prepare?” She asked.
“Prepare? All you just have to do is get your luggage and resume,everythi
“ know I’ll be a live-in housekeeper so i have to… prepare and good-bye to everyone” She said.
“You’ve never been a live-in before?” I asked and she nodded.
“Then why did you apply for it?”
“Everything does have a start” She said.
“I need someone who’s experienced” I said.
Darrel…she looks experienced enough!
“Being a live-in housekeeper is not much different to being a housekeeper. The works are the same,the difference is just the ‘live-in’ ”
“Okay then… when do you want to resume?”
“A day after tomorrow” She said.
“Not bad” I said.
“Thanks for letting me have the job. I’m gonna do my best” She bowed a little.
“Of course you will but you should know the interview is not over,i will interview you more when you resume” He said.
“What!” She exclaimed.
“What?” I asked.
“You mean..the interview is not over?” She asked.
“Of course it is not. We’ll have to discuss about your pay and some other things” i said.
“Okay. Thanks again for the job opportunity” She smiled.
“You’re welcome. Do you know who i am?” I asked.
“No” She pressed her soft looking lips together.
“And you didn’t bother to ask?”
“Well…i wanted to but you said our interview is not over yet.”
“Till the next interview then…i won’t want you ranting about my name and then paparazzi is gonna be here the next minute” I said.
“I don’t rant” She said.
She got some nerves.
“And i don’t even recognize you as a celebrity” She said.
That hurts.
“Do you read news at all?” I asked.
“Nah! I while away my time working my butts off” She said and i glanced at her fingers.
Her fingers doesn’t look sore to like someone who works so much.
It’s looking well manicured instead.
I guess she treated it before coming here.
And about her butts!
She just told me she works her butt off.
I will need to have a good look at it when she turns to leave.
I cleared my throat after noticing she’s waiting for me to speak up.
“You can leave need to start packing up anyway” I said.
“Be here by 10am,the day you’re to resume”
She smiled. “Okay.. thanks so much”
“Bye” i said and she bowed.
She turned and started walking away.
My gaze registered on her butts which swayed with each step she took.
Those butts doesn’t look like one who has been off with work.
It looks so round and…
I slapped myself back into reality.
She was already walking out of the gate.
She waved at Nathaniel who waved back happily before locking the gate.
He ran back to me in smiles..
I can’t believe a lady will make Nathaniel smile this way.
“Agent Darrel, she’ll be working here right?” He asked.
“No” i said and his smile disappeared.
He looked so disappointed that i nearly laughed.
“I was just joking… she’ll be working here” I said and his face brightened up again.
“I thought you have a girlfriend” i said.
“Of course i do and i love her so much” He said.
“Then why are you so excited about a lady coming to work here?” I asked.
“Well…I’ve always wanted to have a female friend” He grinned.
“Ohh… congratulations
“Aren’t you happy we are gonna be having a lady in the house?” He asked.
“Why should i be?” I asked, though I’m a bit glad there will be a lady in the house.
“It’ll save us from your…” He hesitated and shifted back a little “Terrible meals” He laughed before running off.
“Damn!” I laughed too.
Nathaniel and i have gotten undeniably close over the week.
He has been a great company,he always fill me in on everything i need to know.
I’ve started working over the assassin’s case but I’m not progressing like i would love to..
She just keep sneaking into my room and attempting to kill me everytime.
Why am i not dead yet?
It’s a miracle indeed…I’m living in the most highest grace.
I plan to go to the hotel where Mr Padgett was assassinated…
I need to go collect their surveillance tape.
“I’ll be making chicken casserole for lunch” I said to Nathaniel who smiled.
“I won’t be making your portion” i said and he came running over.
“Aw! Will you be that callous to your gatekeeper” He said.
“Nah! But i won’t like to feed my gatekeeper with a terrible meal” I said.
“I’m gonna manage it. After all,it’s my boss’s homemade meal” He smiled.
“That doesn’t change my mind” I said and turned to the door.
“Please Boss” He pleaded playfully.
“Well…you can quickly run after Mia and request your lunch from her” I gave him a sneaky smile.
“Her name is Mia?” He smiled.
“Damn! How could i have told you that” i said and he laughed..
“When will she be resuming?” He asked.
“I’m not gonna tell you…get the car ready,we will both be living for…hotel after lunch” I said.
“Okay” He said sullenly.
“Even if you raise your two cheeks up, together with your forehead. I won’t tell you when she’ll resume” I said and opened the door.
I stepped in and closed it behind me only to hear Nathaniel laughing hard.
I smiled and shook my head..
I was about heading to the kitchen when my phone vibrated in my pocket.
I quickly brought it out..
It’s a video call.
I smiled and quickly went to sit on the couch before accepting the call.
“Hey” I smiled.
I’ve missed her beautiful face though.
“Darrel” She called, smiling happily.
“How’re you?” I asked.
She tucked her hair behind her ear.
“Of course I’m not fine. I’m missing you terribly” She shut her eyes tightly before popping it back open.
“I miss you more…look,you
“Of course, you’ve been eating your sumptuous meals alone” I said.
“Not really but i bet you do eat lots of meals there” She said.
“Nah! You know how terrible my cooking is” I said and she laughed.
“Your housekeeper hasn’t resumed yet?” She asked.
“He’s not resuming anymore” I said.
“Damn! Really?”
“Yeah but i found another housekeeper” I said.
“Ohh…great! A male right?” She asked.
“Uh…no! A female” I said and saw her expression changed.
“A female?” She asked.
“Ohh…you mean,like a granny?”
“No,a lady. A beautiful lady” I said.
“What! But how could…” She was saying but stopped.
She look a bit angry.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Never mind” She said.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah…what’s her name? I need to run a background check on her” She said.
“Mia Cunnane”
“Okay bye!” Her face disappeared from my phone.
I sighed and stood up.
“I’ve been hired!” I said excitedly as i walked into the living room.
I noticed boss was the only one absent.
“OMG! Really?” Anne rushed to me.
“That’s my Mia. Go girl! I knew you’d pull it on” Robbie gave me thumb up.
I smiled and winked at him.
“You mean you’ve been hired?” Carla asked.
“Yeah” I smiled.
“Is that the reason you’re this excited? Cause you’re gonna be living with some guy?” Joel asked.
I noticed he has been cold to me since boss announced that I’m gonna be Darrel Holden live-in housekeeper.
“She has to be excited cause Boss will be so glad” Anne said.
“Of course am” We heard boss said.
We turned and saw him walking into the living room with a glass cup of wine in hand.
I smiled.
“I’m proud of you Mia, i sent you there knowing he already gat a housekeeper to resume soon but yet you came back victoriously” He said.
“Well…he actually told me that he already hired a housekeeper and he’s gonna resume tomorrow and i was at the gate when he called me back and told me i was hired. The housekeeper to resume won’t be available anymore” I said.
“Plus,he was enticed by your beauty” Anne smiled.
“Wow! The job was specially made for you.” Robbie said.
“Of course” Boss said.
“But…” I hesitated.
“What?” They all asked.
“I’m to resume a day after tomorrow” I said.
“What!” They exclaimed except boss though.
“He actually asked me to resume tomorrow but i had to lie that i have to prepare and bid everyone bye” I said.
“That’s fine,i would also like you to resume soonest so we can get done with all of this. Robbie,prepare Mia and teach her everything she needs to know about housekeeping.” Boss said.
“My pleasure boss” Robbie smiled.
“Mia,once you’re done,come to my room.” Boss said.
“Okay boss” I bowed and we all watched him walk away.
Joel also stood up and walked away.
“Joel” I called.
“What?” He snapped.
“Nevermind” I said and turned back to face Anne.
Carla hissed loudly before getting up from the couch.
So childish!
“You need to gist me about how everything went” Anne said eagerly.
“Of course” i said.
“No! Come for your housekeeping lessons Mia” Robbie said, looking so professional that we laughed.
I quickly wiped my hands on the napkin and hurried to the living room where i heard my phone ringing.
Not a video call.
I loosened my apron a bit before receiving the call.
📞Hi ka..
📞Darrel,i couldn’t find some necessary information about that lady! Looks like she hid it.
📞Yeah,the only people that do hide from informations are criminals.
Darrel! She’s a criminal!!

{ His Human Mate }
Written ✍️: Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written ✍️: Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written ✍️: Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here
January 10, 2021 at 11:52 am
True talk Katherine.