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[Story] BEAUTY CALLS (Selene) part 12





Endy’s lips were soft and gentle and I could say it was my real actual first kiss.. I felt things I haven’t felt before, there was this tingling sensation that filled my entire body, and it was like I was in a whole new where darkness rules but then there’s me and Endy to lit up that world, I felt forever happiness and love!!!.. And for the first time I felt like I saw the real me.
Endy slowly break the passionate kiss between us and sighed, which I actually didn’t want it to end.
Silly me..
“thanks.. I j-just felt like I had to do so and I’m sorry if it took you by surprise” he said and I moved back again cause his breath was all over my face and with that I can lost control and kiss him again.
Okay, seriously I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
The kiss did take me by surprise but the kiss was one of a kind, but who is Endy actually nothing happened to him on his first attempt to kiss me, and I know two dudes died because one kissed me and I said I love you to the other one, but nothing is happened to Endy, who is he actually, is he a weird someone like me too.. Or is he someone special and greater than any human being.. Or people like me
Suddenly Endy starts to cough holding his chest and I froze waves of panic swept my face and I didn’t know what to do, Endy coughed lessen and he stood firmly,
“sorry I think my throat got jammed by my own saliva” he said embarrassingly and I breathed a sigh of relief..
“a-are you okay? You look pale” he asked, with a look of anxiety
Of course I look pale I thought you were going to die a minute okay!!!
I couldn’t give him a reply cause I almost pooped out my ghost when he started coughing so I just gave him a slow nod..
“and, Selene this actually caught me off guard when I found out too… …. that I’m in love with you” Endy said and my breath hitched,
This is not the second or first time I’m hearing this word, but why does this one feels different,
Is it because Endy and—
“I know you might think it’s crazy but it is true Selene, I’m in love with you” he said again breaking my massive thoughts..
“i-i-i d-d-don’t k-know w-hat t-t-to sa-ay” I manage to say or should I say stutter, like seriously I don’t know what to say..
“it’s okay you don’t have to say anything I just felt like to tell you and now that I have it’s off my chest and I’m free” he said with a smile,
And wow he looks adorable, it would be great if he’d smile often. Wait how can he say he’s free after telling me he loves me and then leaves me hanging..
I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn’t find my words..
“come-on, you called here for lunch right?.. Let’s go, after you” he said and gestures his hand towards the door and I looked at him then at the door before walking outside and he trailed behind me..
We both walked in the dining room and somehow we ended up sitting opposite each other, again!
And ‘somehow’ I couldn’t get my mind off what he just told me, that I kept glancing at him every now and then,
I mean do I like him too? I mean I like him a little bit for his recent kindness but do I actually feel the same way he feels towards me.
*of course you do* something said within me and I know it was my sneaky nosy subconscious mind..
I shook my head negatively disrupting every file of Endy and his words in my head, cause thinking about him is just making me have a huge lump in my chest and that lump is filled with different outrageous question that only ‘i’ can answer..
After lunch I cleared the table, Louis offered to help me but I told him not to worry and I did myself, why doing the dishes Wendy walked into the kitchen with an ice-cream sundae, she sat down on the kitchen counter almost close to where the dishes were being washed by me.. I could use the dish washer but Mrs Ginger said, since our deity used hands, why shouldn’t we?.. And she sounded just like my mom..
“so.. Selene..” Wendy smiled giving me a strange wink..
“what?” I asked, confusingly
“Do you like my brother?” she asked in a whisper..
“you’ve got four of them and I don’t know what you’re talking about” I said, focused on the dishes
“ugh. I’m talking about Endy I saw the way you glance at him during lunch, that was a never ending glance and also you went to his room to get him to come down and join us but you guys took forever to come down, did something happened in his room, did you guys do anything, C’mon juice me” she said and my eyes started to blink rapidly on its own, but thankfully it managed to stop..
“i-i still don’t know what you’re talking about” I lied, and Wendy rolled her eyes..
“look Selene I’m no fool, I know something happened between the two of you, you guys were both acting strange immediately you joined us, I’m no love expert but I can tell when two cuties are in love” she said taking a spoon full of her ice-cream which I suddenly started craving for…
I’m not in love with Endy he’s the one in love with me.. I think.. Or am I wrong,.. God I’m confused
“no one’s in love with anybody please don’t misunderstand” I said and she scoffed..
“yeah right” she rolled her eyes and took a really big step closer to me making her body pressed to me..
“should I give you an advice Selene?” she asked and I nod positively and negatively, all together
“don’t toy with your feelings the prefect ones dont hang around to stay for you to start deciding.. So get a hold of it before the opportunity get lost” she said and her strawberry ice-cream breath made me pass out I felt like eating her breath.
She stood properly and smiled
“I learned that quote in a movie I once watched” she said.. And I breathe in and out slowly cause she’s finally not close to me and I was holding my breath for a long time..
“okay well I’ll get going now, do your thing!,” she said giving me a thumbs up “and remember what I told you don’t toy with those feelings of yours,” she added and I almost rolled my eyes..
She was about to walk out but came back to me.. “here,.. She said giving me her ice-cream “the way you were staring at it made the ice-cream almost jumped out of my hand” she giggled and I smiled a little taking it from her hand, she walked out of the kitchen and I fixed the ice-cream in the fridge, and after doing the dishes I started with the ice-cream.. After getting lots of brain freeze I suddenly remembered Wendy’s word saying I shouldn’t toy with my feelings I rolled my eyes remembering that,
Toy with what feelings.
Endy suddenly walked in the kitchen and I froze, just like the ice-cream I was eating, he took a bottled water from the fridge, glance at me and then walked out. I un-freeze my self and breathed a sigh of relief..
Gosh! why am I feeling this way
We’ve all had dinner and after cleaning the whole house, It was time for me to go and the entire family came to the living room to bid me goodbye like I was going to go forever..
“bye see you all tomorrow” I said waving at the triplets and they waved back and Lance stepped in front of me and gave me a hug, surprising me a bit, but good thing nothing happened.. To.. Him.. “bye” I said to wendy and she gave me a smile and drew a love shape with her finger while I suddenly looked away, “bye” I said quickly and quietly to Endy not even looking at him properly to see if he replies..
I gave Mrs Ginger a warm hug before stepping out of the house, I love this family, their familiarity is rubbing off on me and if they keep this up I think I’ll just grab my closet and live here or something..
I took the night bus and came home safely.. I wasn’t hungry or tired so I just devised to watch TV, but I got sleepy and was about to go to my room when my mom walked in I hugged her so tight cause it feels like its been ages since I’ve seen her..
She and I talked for a while and I even prepared a fast food for her before kissing her goodnight and I head to my room and laid on my bed.. And before I knew I fell asleep..
It was the next day and it was mid-afternoon the sun was shining so brightly and livelylooked.. I just prepared lunch for the blossoms and I and after desert Endy and I went to the garden and under the shady tree we’re both used too.. We sat down on a picnic mat laughing and talking about squirrels and their attitude..
“and one thing about them that I like so much is that they run so fast,” Endy said and I agreed by nodding.
“one time my brothers and I tried catching a squirrel but we all ended up getting injured cause the squirrel was at its full race with us” he said and we both laughed and I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder cause my stomach suddenly aches from all the laughter
“you tired?” he asked
“no just sick of laughing” I replied
“should I tell you a joke” he teased and I rolled my eyes
“not funny Endymion” I said and he smiled
“I love it when you call my full name it’s like it’s only you who gets the pronuonciation right and it makes my heart flutters” he said and I looked at him over his shoulders
“aww.. What you just said made my heart fluttered too” I said and kissed him on his cheeks..
“hey I don’t do cheeks, I do mouth” he said turning his face fully to mine.. “good for you I do mouth too” I said and he smiled and we both kissed, suddenly that good feeling starts to build up in me and before I knew it Endy pushed me to the floor and kissed me more and more passionately that I felt like dying.. In a good way..
He starts to unbutton my shirt and I smiled through the kiss..
“sure you want to do this?” he whispered in my mouth..
“sure hell I do” I replied and we both laughed and Continued kissing,
When suddenly I woke up..

“WHAT THE HELL!!” I yelled that was a dream!.. I though it was real it felt so real.. My heart was beating and dancing and I was sweating like so much that my some part of my hair glued to my face.. I moved the sweaty and sticky hair behind my ear and sighed..
So it was just a dream, since yesterday my heart and my mind had been rampaging on whether or not I’m in love with Endy or not that I had a dream about him.. A good dream I could say.. And I kind of didn’t want it to end..
What the hell.. I actually did want it to end.. Scratch that.. I didn’t want it to end.
I stood up and went to the shower, while bathing I kept thinking about the ‘dream’ .. And it just won’t get out of my head..
I got dressed and got to work, I opened the door of the blossoms house and the first person I saw was the person I was trying to avoid.
I suddenly flinched
He flinched seeing me too, and then he just stood still staring at me.. It was like he wanted to say something but he just stared at me and sighed..
T. B. C

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