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Rachael and Nosa had just arrived. It was getting dark.

“Where do we go from here?” Nosa asked his wife. Do you think it’s okay for us to go and spend time where Nora is working? I am not sure about this honey. Maybe we should lodge somewhere here in town and just go there tomorrow morning, since her boyfriend is not here to pick us up.”

“Alright honey. Let me just call Nora’s boyfriend and inform him we won’t be there. Since the birthday is tomorrow, it would be a perfect timing to turn up there tomorrow ”


Nathan sat in his bed quietly. He took his phone and watched the pictures they took from the falls. She was smiling and raising her hands.

He didn’t want to believe that Nora was his sister because being with her was the best thing to him.

What he really felt for her was deep love.

“This is beyond any sibling love” Nathan reasoned.

“I have to find her.” He pocketed his phone, and quickly took his car keys.


Joe was still in the study. He had not moved from the chair he sat on. Everything was wrong and he could not think beyond his pain. He sat akimbo his eyes fixed on Racheal’s picture “We have destroyed our children’s lives my lovely Racheal. I only wish we had time to work on our marriage.” He whispered to himself.

He was distracted by the screeching car tyres outside. He moved to the window and opened the curtain. Nathan’s car drove off with speed leaving marks of the tires on the ground. Joe shook his head, “I hope he will be fine” he said to himself.

Nathan’s mind was focused on thinking of places Nora could have gone to. His phone rang and he answered so fast thinking it could be Nora.

“Hello!” he answered using the car speaker.

“Hello!” Racheal responded “It’s me my dear I wanted to let you know that we have arrived but we won’t come to your place. Since we can’t call Nora we thought of informing you that we will be coming tomorrow.”

Nathan listened quitely, he felt the urge to shout and scream at the voice on the phone but he decided to play calm.

“Okay that’s fine ma”. You will find us, am sure Nora will be glad to see you.” He said.


Nora sat on the seat close to the window feeling the breeze of the night making her long natural hair moving up covering part of her face. She looked at her wrist watch. She had boarded a bus to Lagos and the journey will commence soon. It was 5 hours exactly.

She brought out her her phone which she switched the ‘flight mode’ off and immediately she started seeing some SMS. She opened the first one, it was Nathan..

“Tell me where you are I will come so we can talk please.”

The second one was from Joe,

“Am so sorry Nora please forgive me. I didn’t mean to hurt you and Nathan. Find it in your heart to forgive me. I beg you. ”

She couldn’t control the tears in her eyes. She couldn’t even think of talking to her mother. She was in deep thought. When her phone rang, a strange number. She picked.

“Hello, this is Doctor Dafe. I need to see you now the hospital needs you.”

Nora was shocked. “But Doctor I can’t. I’m not home right now.” She responded

“Listen Nora there is an emergency meeting with the board and it can’t wait. You have to be here. I’m sending a driver to Mr Aloba’s residence now prepare yourself.” Nora was quite for a while.

“Okay” Nora responded “I’m in town now at the park. Let him come over here.”

She had no courage to face Nathan and she knew staying meant he would find her. But her job was important too. May be the best is to make a shift and rent another apartment. She reasoned.

She took her bag and rushed out as the bus was about moving. The driver looked at her and told her to go to seat because the journey is about to start off that minute. “No, I have to go. There’s an emmergency at work.” She told the driver.


Nathan sighed. “Thank you for this Doctor. I owe you one.”

“No problem ” Dafe told him.

“I hope you will sort things out with your girlfriend.”

“Yeah man, thanks again ” Nathan shook his hand.

He had called his friend from the hospital Nora was working. They met and he begged him to help find where Nora was.

He knew she wouldn’t pick his calls so the only way was to use her job to lure her there.

He drove to the station to go and get her. Though he knew she wouldn’t be happy knowing he used her work place to find her, but it was a risk he was willing to take if he had to see her.

As he drove through the entrance of the station he searched around and he finally saw her standing near a shelter her bag placed on the wodden long stool next to her. He parked the car a few steps away and walked to her. With each step his heart raced. Just some hour earlier, the woman standing ahead of him was his sweet lover, the woman he loved with all the passion and now he had to look at her as a sister “How awkward!” he reasoned.

‘Hey!” he called out as he stood behind her. Nora turned to look at him and she was puzzled. “You? What are you doing here Nathan? ” She asked looking around trying to see if the driver doctor Dafe assigned to pick her was nearby.

“No one is coming Nora” He told her.

“I am the one who asked Doctor Dafe to call you. There’s no meeting” he explained.

“Oh no don’t tell me you did this!.” Nora shouted. “What do you want from me Nathan? I thought I was clear when I said I want nothing to do with you. Please leave me alone I don’t want to see you.”

“No Nora we need to talk.” he pleaded extending his hands to her but she quickly withdrew her hand.

“What’s all these about Nathan?” She asked seriously .

“Come with me please not here. You can go after we are through. I just want to have this last chance to talk to you please.”

Nora looked at him and was speechless. The bright light from a pole was reflecting in her face making it difficulty for her to look at his face. She knew he wasn’t going to give up on her until she accept his request.

She followed him to the car silently as he carried her bag. They drove silently. She noticed he was heading to her flat she however remained quite. The tension between them was growing each minute. He parked his car and walked to the other side and opened the door for her.

Silently they walked to the flat, she took the keys from her hand bag and opened the door, turning the light on she went and sat on the couch. “So what is this about now?” She asked him.

Nathan didn’t sit down instead he stood by the wall looking at her.

The pain he saw in her eyes made him want to hold her and tell her it will be okay. All he wanted was to place her head on his chest and comfort her. But how is he going to ignore the fact that the only person he had ever known was actually his sister. He fought every instinct to be close to her.

“Nora I’m sorry we have to go through this. Seriously I don’t even know how am going to live my life from now on.” He started.

“It’s not your fault Nathan we are just victims of our parent’s decisions.” she said crying. “I dont know how to live through this honestly, I wish I could just die Nathan. I dont know how you have managed to stay sane the past hours but am not strong enough.”

While in tears, Nathan looked at her. He couldn’t help seeing her being so emotional. He quickly moved to her and hugged her tightly as he lifted her from the couch. She cried do loud.

“Shhhhh.. it’s okay,” Nathan comforted her. Trying to control his own tears.

After some time, Nora was calmed.

“We are going to be fine.” He whispered though not sure of his words.

To be continued

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