



{ His Human Mate }

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

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The morning has surfaced, we were both awake sitting on the bed. Derek was busy with his laptop, while I sat busy with nothing. I was still contemplating if I should tell him about Kiara’s discussion with me or if I rather keep it to myself.
I don’t even know how to start it but… I really need to have this discussed with him now. I sighed.
” Derek, ” I called him.
” Mm-hmm. “
” Can we talk about something? “
” Right now? ” He asked, his eyes still on his laptop.
” Yeah, right now. “
He stopped what he was doing, shutting his laptop close. He adjusted himself, that we were sitting face to face.
” Okay, I’m listening. “
” I uhmm… ” I started with a pause. ” You know, I was wondering, we haven’t gotten married yet and, I’m almost… so close to giving birth. So, I was thinking if we might discuss about our union. What do you think? ” I don’t even know what I’m saying.
” I thought about that so, I decided on hosting our marriage next week. But I didn’t wanna push it too forward without getting your opinion first. And you know, I didn’t wanna talk about it in your condition. “
I sighed. ” It doesn’t matter if we have to get married with me being pregnant. It’s much better if I may say. “
” You’re scared people might take me away from you? “
” No… I.. I mean of course not. ” But the look was just too obvious to tell, leaving him to laugh at me. I found myself laughing too.
By the way, why would I be scared?
Everyone of course knows we are mated already. Or, am I being too concerned because of guests yet to come for the wedding. You know, those pretty ladies who thinks they are better than everyone in the world.
Gosh… I guess I’m overthinking right now.
” Yeah, I’m scared, a little tho. ” I confessed.
” It’s okay to be scared. But you’ve got to believe this, I’m never leaving you for anyone. Not after what we’ve started together. “
I nodded in relief.
” You wanna talk about anything else? ” He asked again.
Hold on… Did he just…
” You just read my mind, didn’t you?” I pointed at him.
” It was too much. I mean, your thoughts are too much and they are bothering me. “
” I’m sorry, I… Maybe I won’t ask again. “
” No, go ahead. “
I exhaled, rubbing my palms. ” Last night, I thought about this but, I don’t think you might approve it. Can you just read my mind, please? “
” Diana you know I can’t do that. It’s your privacy, I don’t wanna invade it. If you’re being too shy to tell me, maybe you can anytime. “
” No, I want to have it discussed now. I… Okay, it’s about my parents. I was thinking maybe you can permit them to attend the ceremony. I just wanna see them, even if it’s for the last time. “
He smiled. ” Don’t worry about them, I already sent them an invitation. “
I chuckled, scoffing. Gosh, I’m damn surprised. ” Oh my goodness, Derek, you’re full of surprises. Thank you so so much, I love You. I love you. ” I threw myself on him, causing him to rest on the bed.
” I’m grateful for what you did, Derek. You definitely don’t know how happy I am. “
” Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy too. “
This time, it was I who pressed my lips on his, kissing him passionately.
” Damn it, kiara you’re hurting me. ” I grunted at the hot pains in my belly.
” Sorry, she’s too stubborn just like you. I’m trying to calm her down but she’s too… “
” Ahhh…” I cut her shirt with my yell. ” Kiara for damn sake make her stop!! ” I yelled.
” I’m trying. I think… “
” You think what? “
” I think she wants to pull out. “
” Pull out? ” I repeated. ” Pull out where?! What’s that supposed to mean? “
” I don’t know. I think she wants to leave your womb.”
” Then make her know it not the damn time yet. I’m … Oh my God, I feel like passing out. Kiara!! “
” For God sake, Diana, I’m trying!. “
” Then keep trying!! ” I held the lower part of my stomach, pushing myself to lay on the bed. ” This is the most painful moment of… my… life. ” I said in clenched teeth. ” Whew…” I breathed, in and out.
I did that again and again as if that would help. And indeed it did. ” Kiara, ” I called with a warning tune. ” Don’t you ever, ever again play with her. Understood?! “
” Yes, boss. “
I exhaled heavily, resting my back on the bed. ” Whew… “
That night, I sat happily at the varenda. I always go there each time I wanted to be alone. I wanted to think, to be outside the universe.
I never expected Derek to have done what he did. Every other alpha will try to show how angry they were when humans are being mentioned, humans different from their mates.
But Derek just proved how different he was to other alpha’s. First, he respects my privacy. He never reads through my mind without my permission. And now, he just approved the idea of letting my parents attend our marriage.
Did I just said approved? He has already send an invitation letter to them??
Good God, I’m so fucking excited right now. Finally, I was gonna see my parents once again!
To Be Continued…


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