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{She is cold, he is secretive}

By : Kebby NG Media Services




“I still think this is a bad Idea Celine, you really don’t have to go”Stacey said

“Just as have said, I will go , I certainly can’t disappoint my step father right?”She said and then began to walk off.

He was about to follow when Stacey pulled him back, having a worried look on her face.

“Please Nick, watch over Celine, I think some thing bad will happen, please keep her at your side, I beg you”Stacey pleaded and Nick nodded in response.

Why would Stacey think Celine will be in danger? He thought as he quickly walked ahead of Celine to open the door.

* * *
“What are you starring at?”Celine said after seeing that Nick have been watching her through the front glass of the car .

“Nothing!”Nick replied quickly

Earlier when he had left the house, he had no idea where he was taking Celine but when she gave him a briefing of the competition and her step father insisting that she showed up, he wondered why her step father would ask her to attend such an event knowing what had happened to her in the past.

What was wrong with him? Why is he suddenly worried about her, he should at least be happy that he would be working out of the mansion today.

“When I get to the event, you don’t have to stick close to me, I know how to take care of myself, I won’t want them to see me as an invalid”She said gruffly

I wouldn’t want to be close to you either. Nick thought to himself.

He parked the car right on front of the event centre and apart from the reporters mailing about, her stepfather and also her mother stood at the entrance,greeting guest.

Nick got out of the car and went to open Celine door, putting out his arm for her to hold.

He was expecting her not to do it but then she surprised him by slipping her arm in his and it was then he noticed that she was shaking..

He alone could tell that she was was scared but the brave face she put on would decieve others.

Immediately they saw her, the reporters began to approach,taking pictures and also wanting to get a speech from her but luckily some guards had been positioned to guard the guest coming in and they helped in shielding her from the reporters.

We made it to where Bruce and her mother was and it was until she let go of my hand that I realise that she had been clutching it tight.

For appearance, she hugged her mom and gave her a peck and she also did the same thing with Bruce.

“I thought you wouldn’t show up”Bruce said putting on a smile which Nick recognise to be a fake one

“I didn’t want to disappoint you and mom” Celine replied stiffly

“I like that and I also like the fact that you came, this was once your history and it could have continue if only you didn’t have that ghastly accident that made you a cripple. It’s a pity though, you will be seeing some of your friends on the race track, I got you a table where you will be seated with all of them”Bruce said and Nick found himself starring at Celine.

In the folds of her gown, she had her hand clenched tight, knowing that it was getting uncomfortable for her.

Nick took her hand and placed it in his “We will be going in sir, ma’am”He said before walking Celine off

As soon as they they got to the field where the table has been set out, Celine pulled off her hand.

“Remember! Stay away “She said giving him a haughty look and then she walked to a table which was empty.

Back to being the spoiled brat. Nick thought as he followed her to the table and stood discretely watching her,after all it was his job to watch over her.

Just then some women which were four in a. Group approached Celine table and Nick stood shock starring at one of them in particular.

Why is she here? Nick thought as he kept starring at her.

Celine have never been more angry, she would have walked out of this darn place but thinking about what she had in store for them made her stay.

But seeing the women that approached the table, she realised that she should have just left.

“Wow! It’s Celine”Shelia exclaimed

“Its been so long”Sofia added

“After that terrible incident a year ago, we have barely seen your shadow” Cathy finished

“After that ghastly incident as you have put it Cathy, have been at home, enjoying the wealth and luxury my father left me”Celine said acidly knowing that that was one of the reason Cathy disliked her.

They are all an athlete like her and because Celine had been more better than them, they had chosen to be her enemy, each time they get, they gather around and talked about Celine behind her back, Celine never bothered with their insults back then and that was because she had her running career, she could care less what they think of her but now, she is crazy as ever and she won’t let a nonentity like them insult her.

“The life of being a rich heiress has really been the perfect cure right?”Cathy said again

“And what do you mean?”Celine asked

“What I mean is that since the accident made you an handicap, you found your parents wealth has a cure to help get rid of your sadness, well come to think of it, it must have been hard for you, to see other people like us running on the track while you are stuck up at home….it must have been quite tough right”Cathy said wanting to find a way to get to Celine.

“Cathy! It’s enough, this is Celine first party after the incident, it’s been long since we have seen her, so stop berating her and let her be” Alicia the fourth party with them spoke for the first time and Celine was surprised that she was defending her.

Alicia have always competed with Celine, while others make snide remarks behind her Back, Alicia have been training hard to surpass Celine and if Celine hadn’t got injured, Alicia wouldn’t be the one at top now.

“You don’t have to shut her up, I know just how to do that ” she said to Alicia who nodded gently

A while later the event began and while her step father gave a few speech, it was time for the race.

Alicia along with the others went off to change for the race and Celine was the only one left on the seat, she finally realised why her step father had asked her to come, to humiliate her, to show her that she was nothing, she felt scared again and she could feel her hand shaking.

Just then she felt some one standing close to her and before she could look up to see who it was, he held her hand tightly.

“It’s okay”Nick said softly and she stared at him to see him starring at her.

Some how his words got her feeling strong again and as soon as she could, she pulled her hand away.

“I told you to stay away”She said giving him a cold shoulder and knowing that he was being shut out, Nick went back to stand at his position starring at Alicia, who was leading the women in the race.

He didn’t think that she would still running, the last thing he heard was that she wasn’t going to compete again and he never expected to see her today of all days.

He would have to make sure she doesn’t tell any one of his real identity.

He stared at Celine again and saw that she was drinking a glass of champagne. She is really unpredictable, he had felt sorry listening to her friends insulting her because of her accident and he had wanted to give her support by holding her shaking hands, it had certainly work when they were out side and it did now, he wouldn’t expect her to be thank ful, After all he had also said mean things to her and so this was some sort of pay back.

Nick was still starring at Alicia and the rest when he noticed some one, it was the same man, the same one he had seen during the garden party and back then he had been a waiter but now seeing him here,dressed casually and looking like an entrepreneur like the other guest made Nick wonder who he is and why he was at the party.

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