



(Heart of ice…)

By: Faith Lucky

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Kalyan got to the dinning and met everyone – except Lord Xander, already at the table.

She greeted Madame Nadie before sitting down. Opposite her were Mansi and her sister and as usual, they ignored her and focused on their food.

Madame Nadie smiled looking at Kaylan as she took the first taste of her meal. “Hope you like the food princess Kaylan?” She asked.

Kaylan smiled and nodded. “Yes ma’am. Thank you.” She replied and looked around, noticing Lord Xander was the only one missing at the table.

She looked at Madame Nadie. “Where’s Lord Xander? Has he gone out?”

Madame Nadie sighed and shook her head. “He is upstairs in his room. He has refused to come down.”

“Really? Oh.” Kaylan mumbled and continued eating. She cleared her throat and looked at Madame Nadie. “Can you help me tell one of the maids to arrange a table set for me? I want to take it to Lord Xander up stairs.” Kaylan said and everyone turned to look at her.

Madame Nadie looked a little amazed at a courage. She nodded anyways. “I will do that once we finish eating.” She replied and kaylan smiled with appreciation.

Minutes later, they were done eating. Madame Nadie assigned a maid who arranged some dishes into a tray and it was handed over to Kaylan who took it upstairs.

Axel was standing outside his door. About as soon as Kaylan showed up. “My princess why are you the one carrying this?” He asked.

“This is Lord Xander’s food. I want to take it to him inside.” Kaelyn replied hopefully she wasn’t making a mistake.

“Oh…. okay….” Axel stuttered and opened the door for her.

Kaylan smiled stiffly and walked in.

She got into the room but found no one. She slowly placed the tray on the empty table and looked around. Then she heard movements behind her and turned to see Xander coming out of his study. She froze immediately and all the bravery in her disappeared.

Xander stopped as soon as he saw her. He was a bit surprised to see her there. He walked closer then past her to his bed.

“My Lord, your breakfast is here.”

And that was when Xander saw the table.

His eyes lingered on it with a slight frown on his face. Then he glanced at Kaylan. “What are you doing? You’ve never done….”

“I know my lord but you have to eat too. I will clear the plates when you are done.” Kaylan said and started heading out of room.

“Kaylan.” Lord Xander called sharply and kaylan stopped, her heart throat almost jumped into her stomach.

Then she slowly turned to look at him.

“Thank you.” Xander’s cold voice came again.

Kaylan smiled again and bowed before leaving the room.


“How did it go? Don’t tell me he sent you away too.” Madame Nadie asked as soon as Kaylan alighted from the staircase. She’s been waiting for her.

Kaylan smiled. “Hopefully…. he’s eating by now.” She replied.

Madame Nadie’s eyes beamed. “This is so shocking. I think you have this way of getting to him. Thank you so much kaylan.” Madame Nadie said.

Kaylan rolled her eyes. “He is my husband ma’am. You don’t need to thank me.”

“And by the way….stop calling me ma’am. Call me mother from now on.” Madame Nadie said strictly and Kaylan smiled.

“Okay…. mother.” She replied.

“Alright! You might want to go to your room to rest. Don’t worry about the plates in Lord Xander’s room. The maid will do the rest. I will see you later.” Madame Nadie said and left while Kaylan proceeded to her room.


“Kaylan!” Jaden called, standing up as she saw her friend coming in.

“Yeah. I’m back and ready to execute my plan.” Kaylan replied twirling around majestically.

Jaden rolled her eyes. “Oh kaylan. Don’t tell me you are still thinking about going to the market? You have to stop thinking about it. It might be dangerous.”

“Let me deal with that, okay? Are you following me or not? If Yes, then let’s get to work.” Kaylan said and walked into the store room to pick a basket.”


Sharon walked into Mansi’s room smiling triumphantly.
It was today….the day she would begin her fake friendship with Kaylan. She would totally gain her trust first then stab her so hard in the back.

“Are you okay?” Mansi asked her as she glanced up from the dress she was making.

“I’m perfectly fine my dear. I need to visit someone right now. I’m coming.” She cooed as though she was talking to a baby then laughed and left the room heading straight to Kaylan’s room.


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