



(Heart of ice…)

By: Faith Lucky

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It was dark as Sharon stood outside the garden, instructing the maids to set a mini table for drinks.

She smiled as she went round, inspecting the drinks. She couldn’t wait to get this done with.

She sat down, waiting for Kaylan’s arrival.


“Are you sure about this?” Jaden asked as she watched Kaylan getting dressed for her little outing.

Kaylan rolled her eyes. “I will be fine Jaden. I’m just gonna be outside with her. You worry too much.” She replied, putting on her shoes.

“I would have loved to come with you but I don’t like that girl at all.”

“It’s okay. I will go alone.” Kaylan replied. “Don’t sleep off while waiting for me. I will back on time.”

Kaylan walked to the door while Jaden shook her head wondering how stubborn her friend could be.


“You are here!” Sharon said happily and stood up, hugging Kaylan.

“Wow. The moon looks so bright tonight.” Kaylan mumbled as she sat down with Sharon.

“Yeah. Very bright. Thanks for honouring my invitation. It shows you really want us to become friends.” Sharon said with a smile.

Kaylan smiled back. “You are welcome.”

Sharon took a bottle of a black drink and poured out the content into two different glasses. She handed one over to Kaylan and kept one for herself.

Kaylan waited for Sharon to take a sip first before she would drink out of it for safety measures.

Sharon started drinking and looked at Kaylan. “Come on princess! Drink up. We should make merry tonight.”

“Yeah. Sure!” Kaylan said, drinking too.

Unknown to her, the liquor was a very strong one and only a cup would get one so drunk.

Sharon was only pretending to drink while she waited for Kaylan to get drunk.

Kaylan finished her first cup and almost immediately, Sharon refilled it.

“So…how are you getting along with your husband, Lord Xander?” Sharon asked, watching Kaylan. She noticed she was already getting drunk. That was the first plan.

Kaylan laughed longer than necessary before reply. “Yeah! That guy is such a freaking boring dude!” She laughed again and emptied the remaining liquor in her cup into her mouth.

Few minutes later, Kaylan became so drunk she couldn’t sit straight.

“I feel so good!” She cried out and roared a laughter.

Sharon chuckled silently and stood up, glaring down at Kaylan. “You are drunk.” She said stiffly.

Kaylan belched. “Oh? Am I? Nah! I’m not! Watch me!” She said and tried standing up but only ended up on the ground.

Sharon laughed and shook her head. “You need to get back to your room……no, Lord Xander’s room.” Sharon said with an evil smile.

She called one of the guards and instructed him to take Kaylan to Lord Xander’s door.

The guard carried Kaylan on his shoulders and off they walked to Xander’s building.

They got in front of the door and quietly placed Kaylan there who wouldn’t stop uttering nonsense and laughing unnecessarily.

“Let’s go.” Sharon whispered at the guard and they left, leaving Kaylan there in the dark…at the door.

Kaylan started knocking feebly on the door, yelling weakly. “Open up! Who’s in there!!”

Xander’s eyes dragged open as the annoying noise reached his ears from outside the door.

It was already late and knew Axel would have retired for the night already.

“Hey!! Open up!!” Kaylan’s voice came again and Xander frowned.

Isn’t that kaylan’s voice? Xander thought and stood up from bed. He turned on the nightstand and walked to the door and immediately, Kaylan fell right in.

Xander was a little startled as he moved back and stared at Kaylan on the floor. “Princess Kaylan?”

Kaylan glanced up at him from the ground and smiled cutely. “Look at him!! My husband who is such a jerk!” She said and laughed again.

Xander sighed and placed his hand on his hip, staring at her. He was tempted to smile…. because she looked extra ordinarily cute while drunk.

He closed the door and bent to take Kaylan’s hand but was surprised at what she did.

She slapped away his hands and staggered back until her back touched the closed door. “Don’t touch me!”

“Princess….” Xander said, reaching out for her but got rejected again.

“Don’t touch me! I feel so sooooo lonely but you don’t care, do you? Nah…you don’t.” Kaylan said and bursted out laughing then looked at Xander. “I got you right?How does it fell getting rejected all the time?
“What’s your problem? Why are you sooooooo bitter and rude? You don’t even love me as your wife! I feel so lonely…” Kaylan belched and laughed again.

Xander walked to the window and stared into the darkness outside. “I didn’t just wanna be bitter. There’s a reason for it.” Xander replied, his eyes focused on the window.

Kaylan tried getting up from the floor. She stood up and staggered bit before she could hit the floor, Xander caught her right into his arms.

Kaylan closed her eyes now, already tired and feeling so comfortable in Xander’s arms, she slept off.

Xander stared into her beautiful round face and gently carried her to his bed.

As he placed her there gently, he realised it was the first time since they got married she would be sleeping in his bed.

His eyes lingered on her long and dark lashes then down to her small pointed nose and to her round pink lips.

He was feeling wield. A new feeling that started even without him knowing.

He gently covered her with the duvet and stepped away from the bed still looking at her.

Kaylan mumbled in her sleep and turned her face away and that was when Xander was able to look away.

He ran his hands over his hair, walking back to the window as Kaylan’s words re echoed in his ears.

She was drunk when she said those words but it was true… everything she said.

Standing in front of the window there, he knew he had only been trying to avoid Kaylan maybe he had loved her from the first sight and didn’t want to lose her like his two dead wives.

Him alone understands the risk of Kaylan getting pregnant for him. Maybe he had been avoiding her for this reason.

Xander ran his palm on his face as he remembered that one reason why he couldn’t and would never be able to have kids.

This, he thought about far into the silent night.


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