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How to over come Divorcees Relationships


How to over come Divorcees Relationships

Some people just don’t do relationships. Why is it such a crime to be single and why is the value of a person judged by whether he or she has a significant other or not? Being single is just a choice – it doesn’t make you right or wrong, a success or a failure. You have to choose what makes you happy.

Some people (and perhaps most of us at some point in our lives) continue to sacrifice themselves in relationships to “make the relationship work,” to show that they love the other, so that they can confirm can get that “they are good lovers and they are loved”. Isn’t that the moment when most relationship problems start?

What if the majority of the loving acts or attraction thinking that we do is based solely on judgment?

Some people decide who is attractive, based on what the media finds attractive (the reviews of others), what their family and friends tell them are desirable (reviews of other people), but not what they really like. No wonder people find the person they “thought” they initially fell in love with, and gradually became less and less desirable … because they never really saw that person for who he or she really is, in the first place!

Starting with a pragmatic definition of the word itself – “relationship

the way two or more concepts, objects or people are connected or the status of connectedness

the state of connection through blood or marriage

the way two or more people or organizations look at each other and behave towards each other

be measured by how far the distance between the two objects (or people) is and there will always be a degree of separation.

It is intimacy that we really want, not just a relationship. What if real intimacy is only achieved when all barriers are low and there are no judgments in between? Just a recognition of what the other is good, bad and ugly … and magically unique if they are themselves from their own Heart of Hearts …

Certain places in the book are confusing and distort the mind in first reading and for a good cause. They make you stop and come back in the text before you get that great AHA moment and you start giggling as you read more …

All in all, we makes it clear, we cut off parts of ourselves to make others happy and we don’t have to divorce ourselves, especially in the most important relationship. The relationship, or rather community with ourselves.

Visit Flashgist to bring joy and happiness back into your life while you are being rediscovered.

We recommend it to everyone who wants to live more consciously, joyfully and happily. Just read it and see if it will change your opinion about relationships or not to divorcees.

What else is possible if you dare to create a change in your life?