Category: Body fitness

  • How To Fix Your Voice Box

    How To Fix Your Voice Box

    How To Fix Your Voice Box How do you greet each decade of your life? Is it with celebration or dread? Have you noticed a change in your body, mind, voice, and energy as you age? You’ve probably reached your 60’s and 70’s and regarded as “Boomers or ‘Zoomers‘.” For any professional career person still…

  • How to over come Divorcees Relationships

    How to over come Divorcees Relationships

      How to over come Divorcees Relationships Some people just don’t do relationships. Why is it such a crime to be single and why is the value of a person judged by whether he or she has a significant other or not? Being single is just a choice – it doesn’t make you right or…

  • Curbing bad habits and maintaining Good habit

    Curbing bad habits and maintaining Good habit

    Curbing bad habits and maintaining Good habit. Habits are those things you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it. They are things you engage in and gradually become part of you. If all habits are good there Would be no need to curb some habits. There are different kinds of…

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