Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 2

Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 2
By Hossana Isaac O.
(Hossy High School Series)
Jade turned on her music and Beck frowned upon hearing the type of music she was playing
It was a funeral song
He wanted to ask why she was playing it but he shove it off
Jade: so Beck, how long have you been handsome?
He looked at her abruptly
Beck: you know my name already?
Jade: is that the answer to my question?
She was just looking straight into the road as if her eyes were glued to it and her face was expressionless
Beck: sorry
He mumbled and brought out a gum from his bag to chew
He unwrapped it and was about taking it to his mouth when Jade took it and placed it in her own mouth
Beck stood gawking at her with his hand hanging to his mouth
Jade: I’m not a clown at the circus 🎪 so don’t stare at me that way
He immediately looked forward
She changed the music to a soundtrack of evil laughter
Beck became uncomfortable
But she was enjoying the laughter
He began to wish he stayed away from her like Andre warned
Beck: I’m stopping here, thank you
He pointed to an arcade station but she didn’t even look
She kept chewing the gum and driving
Beck: you just passed where I’m to stop
She still didn’t answer
He sighed in frustration and sat back
Beck: I’m doomed
She gave an evil smirk
Jade: you’re not doomed. I’m not taking you to a crocodile pond to swim like I did to Tedy
Beck: whaaat? You took someone to a crocodile pond and made him swim?
She didn’t answer anymore
He began to breathe faster
To him, Jade was hell
Tori slammed her car door and made towards the building
She was operating her phone as she moved in
She opened the door and walked inside
She wanted to climb the stairs when she heard her name
She groaned as she turned because she knew who it was
Tori: Trina, I’m just coming back from school please
Trina: excuse me… I don’t care. Just give me what I want
She sighed
Tori: okay, what do you want this time?
Trina: your credit card
Tori: whaaat! No way
Trina: really? Wow, okay. I’m leaving and I’ll be back when dad is back from Chicago
Tori: fine, bye. I don’t need you anyway. My friends will be here when I need them
Trina: bye then
She walked past Tori and raced up the stairs to her room
Tori crossed her arms
Tori: I don’t need her anyway
She went up the stairs to her room
Trina Vega is Tori Vega’s elder sister with two years
She is tall and beautiful
But a little plump up than Tori
She’s an attention seeker and loves handsome guys
But she’s quite unfortunate compared to Tori
She never gets the attention she desires and hardly get asked out
She’s one of those girls that never gets a boyfriend
She’s a graduate of Hollywood Arts High School but everyone knows she doesn’t fit to be a student in the school
She has zero talent
She’s an awful singer and dancer
She’s one of the worst actors ever.
So people kept wondering how she got accepted into the school
In HAHS, before a student is been accepted he or she must be auditioned
The day Trina was to be auditioned, only one teacher was available for it.
And that’s Mr Sichowitz
He is very jovial but somehow silly minded
He is brilliant when it comes to his field but numb in others
He is so much in love with coconut milk that he could trade a human for one coconut fruit
What he does is to poke a hole through it and insert a straw and drink the milk
So this particular day, he found out that his cousin sent him a special type of coconut for up to three weeks.
He misplaced it but found it that day
Instead of disposing it, he took it to the audition and began to drink it
Fortunately for Trina, it was her turn to audition
Mr Sichowitz began to hallucinate because the coconut milk was intoxicating him
Everything Trina did was total nonsense but he saw her doing different things and her voice sounded angelic to him
He ended up giving her a Yes
Only few people knows the story of how Trina could enter Hollywood Arts
Sometimes Trina feels intimidated by the way her sister does everything perfectly so she always finds a way to pin her down
This particular day, their dad travelled to Chicago for a movie contract.
Tori has a particular type of phobia when she’s alone
It was there since their childhood
She hates being left alone especially at night
Back then, she used to say that monsters always attacked her when she was alone
It started after she watched a horror movie alone
Ever since then, Tori hates being left alone at night
Trina knows well about this so she uses it against her whenever their dad travels
Even though they had house workers, she still had that fear.
She opened the door to her room and closed then sighed softly
Tori: I don’t need her. I can call Jade. Wait no, Jade is scary. I will call Cat.
She hung her bag and removed her shoes then fell on the bed
She called Cat
📲hey Cat, where are you?
📲Nona and I are making homemade ice-cream. Then we’re going to see a dog. Wanna join us?
📲why are you going to see a dog with your grandma? Do you want to buy it?
📲no, it belongs to my neighbor and he had an accident. We’re paying a visit to the dog to keep it company for the night
📲okay, my regards to the dog
📲yay ! Tori sends her regards to the dog
Tori squeezed her face and took the phone away from her ear because Cat was screaming the words out
She hung up and sighed again
It was obvious that Cat would not be chanced to come over
She decided to call Jade
📲hi Jade
📲why are you calling me while I’m slaughtering a chicken’s neck and watching it as it struggles to live?
📲oh my gosh Jade, why will you do that?
📲cause I’m bored
📲why don’t you come for a sleepover tonight
📲I wanna watch my horror CD’s today. Should I bring them?
📲what no! Just… Just forget it
She hung up and threw her phone away then she groaned frustratingly
She stood up and walked to Trina’s room with her credit card 💳
Tori: you can have it but please don’t spend too much
Trina: now that’s my little sister. Don’t worry, I will take it easy on your money as long as you follow me to the mall and help me carry all my stuff
Tori: can’t you just tag a Maid along?
Trina: no I can’t. So go and shower and meet me downstairs
Tori reluctantly went to her room and showered
She afterwards followed her sister to the mall where her life was even frustrated more by Trina
Beck breathed in relief when he entered into their living room
Jade dropped him off and he was glad he even made it to the end
He closed the door and looked around then shouted
Beck: mom, I’m home
He moved forward and dropped his bag on the only couch in the room then proceeded to the fridge for a cold drink
His mom Mrs Oliver walked out of her room to him
Mrs Oliver : how was your first day of school my little rascal?
She ruffled his hair and he laughed and held her hand
Beck: mom, I’m no longer little and I’m no longer a rascal
She laughed
Mrs Oliver : you are and will forever be my one and only little one
He chuckled and she went to the kitchen to dish out some food for him
He got a text from Andre
💬don’t forget to meet me by five at the restaurant we talked about
He texted back
💬see you there
He looked up and his mother dropped the food for him
He settled down and began to eat
Mrs Oliver : Beck, I got a job today
Beck: really? Where?
Mrs Oliver : a museum as a tourist guide
Beck: awesome. What’s the pay?
Mrs Oliver : $2,000
Beck: it’s good
He wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up
His mom carried the plates
Beck: Andre says he has a job for me so I’m going to meet him by five pm
Mrs Oliver : wow, my regards to him please
He nodded and went to his room to shower
Andre and Beck walked out of the restaurant talking
They walked down the road a little and stopped to take a taxi 🚕
Beck was accepted as a waiter and he was to resume the following day, after school till 9pm
Andre: one of the movie producers wants to buy my songs for his soundtrack
Beck: are you willing to sell them?
Andre: I don’t have a choice. Besides, they’re not the only songs I’ve got
Beck: I see you still have that awesome voice and song writing talent
He punched Andre’s shoulder and he laughed and ruffled Beck’s hair
Beck: hey, quit touching my hair
Andre: hahaha, I love your hair. It’s so neat and tidy
Beck: and you’re making it the direct opposite of what you just said
They laughed
A lady parked her car a few metres away from them and got out
They watched her as she tried to call someone to no avail
She looked sad and entered the car again
She began to start the car but it wouldn’t budge
Andre: I think she’s having a problem with her car
Beck: I’ll go and check it out
He moved to the car
Beck: hi, I see you’re having a problem with your car
She looked up at his face then smiled brightly
Lady: I… Yes, I’m having problems with my car. I’ve been trying to call the mechanic but his number is going straight to voicemail
Beck smiled and pushed a strand of hair back from his face
Beck: may I help?
Lady: sure
She shifted and he entered the car and tried to start it
He got out and smiled at the lady who he saw was admiring him
She smiled shyly
Beck: I’ll just check the engine
She nodded and he opened the bonnet of the car and checked
The radiator lacked water 💧 so he gently asked her to buy maybe a bottle of water for him
He closed the bonnet and rested on the car like it was his own
The car was red and was quite flashy
Just then, Jade drove past him and actually saw him
Jade: he’s as rich as he looks
She wanted to turn and talk to him but she didn’t
The lady came back with the water and he poured it in
He started the car and the lady was glad
Lady: thank you so much
Beck: you’re welcome Miss
Lady: Nora, that’s my name
Beck: you have a beautiful name. I’m Beck
Nora: nice to meet you Beck
They both smiled at each other
Nora : we should meet some other time. Maybe, grab a drink together
Beck: that would be nice
She took her handbag and brought out her card then stretched it to him
Nora: here is my card. You should call me
Beck: okay, I will. Thanks
Nora: good night Beck
She pecked his cheek
Beck: good night
He hugged her and she entered her car and drove off
Andre: whoaaah, someone’s got a date
Beck got startled
Beck: hey! How did you get here?
Andre laughed
Beck: and she’s not my date
Andre: yes she is. You guys go along well and you fit each other. Besides I saw her pecking you
Beck: nah… She smiles too much. I don’t like it
Andre: you’re so impossible
Beck: hey, did I tell you about my encounter with Jade?
Andre’s eyes widened
Andre: you met that witch. I thought I warned you
Beck: let me tell you everything about how I nearly died in her car……..
They walked home talking about Jade and how scary she is
Beck was going to go straight to the restaurant immediately school was over
He checked his watch and It was just two hours to go
He wanted to walk to class but saw Victorious approaching
He cleared out of the way and he watched them coming
He smiled when he saw Tori
He loved the way she was walking and the serious face she was wearing
Her hair was long and curly and it flew around as she was walking
He leaned on the wall as they passed by
He smiled and turned to see a pretty girl standing beside him
Girl: hi Beck
He sighed
This was like the sixth girl approaching him since today
Beck: hi
Girl: you look so tired. A handsome rich guy like you shouldn’t be too tired. It’s not good for you
She touched his cheek
Beck: uhh, it’s OK. I’m not that tired
Girl: why don’t we hang out after school today?
Beck: no I’ll be…
The girl’s expression changed
Girl: you know what. Never mind. Bye
She quickly hurried away as if she had seen a ghost
Beck turned and screamed when he saw Jade standing right behind him with her hands folded
Jade: hi
He didn’t answer
He moved back so he could create a space between them
Jade: are those girls giving you a hard time?
He swallowed a lump
She smirked and turned around then shouted
Jade: hey everyone listen! Especially the girls! Stay away from Beck! Do not bother him with your problems. Don’t fall in love with him either because of his looks or his money. Do I make myself clear?
Everyone was terrified
The girls began to move away
Beck smirked happily
Jade just helped him
Jade: that’s better
She turned to face Beck again
Beck: thanks Jade
She smiled without showing her teeth
Jade : you’re welcome
Beck was surprised
So Jade even smiles?
To be continued

{ His Human Mate }
Written ✍️: Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written ✍️: Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written ✍️: Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here