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Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 38

Average Boy (Victorious) Chapter 38

By Hossana Isaac O.
(Hossy High School Series)




🌺🌺Beck Oliver’s POV 🌺🌺

I looked at Tori
Me: I’m not pissing you off just because I’m pinching you

Bene : you’re pinching her. Ouch!
Tessa: I thought I heard stop turning me on
Bene : yeah me too

Me: no… She said stop pissing me off

They furrowed their brows

Tori: why are you both looking like that?

Bene shrugged

Tessa: nothing.. Another picture?

Tori: no… Our tea might get cold

Bene: so how are we gonna get the tea with our parents stuck in a giant sweater

Me: we’re not stuck. We can move freely

Tessa: okay then

They both sat down and began to look at the picture Bene just took
Tori sighed in relief and I traced my hand up to her tummy and rubbed her. She giggled silently and we walked to the kitchen

Me: you should be grateful to me for saving you from those two

Tori: come to think of it, how come they know what turning on means

I shrugged
Me: internet and all that. Nothing is hidden anymore

Tori: okay… Maybe we should do something about that. They’re not even teenagers yet

Me: let’s forget about them for now and drink our hot tea.

I kissed her ear. She chuckled and held unto one end of the tray then I held unto the other. We took it to the living room and dropped it on the table. Tori poured it out into mugs and we sat down to drink. Tori was sitting on my legs and I was caressing her thighs

🌺🌺Tessa Oliver’s POV 🌺🌺

I am more than excited this morning. I can’t believe I’m going to be in the United States of America in the next few hours.
I know Mexico and USA are as close as your index finger to your middle finger in terms of location. But I still see it as its as further away like the moon and stars

Bene said their house is a mansion. I hope I live there. I just can’t wait

I arranged my things into one big luggage. I had already said goodbye to my friends and had given out or sold the things I couldn’t take into the plane, like my bed, standing mirror and all those things

Dad had already told the landlord to look for another tenant.
He was as excited as I was. He said he missed his former life

It was Tori’s limo that drove us to our town from the capital since it wasn’t a long journey.

I looked at my empty room one last time. I’m sure I’m going to miss this little room of mine. I did so many undercover jobs here.

My dad opened the door

Dad: you’re coming or not young lady?

Me: if I don’t come, then who will?

He chuckled and opened the door wide for me to pull my luggage through

Dad: do you need help with that?
Me: nope, I’ll pull it to the limo

He nodded and closed the door.

We entered the limo after our bags were tucked under the booth.

Mom Tori couldn’t come because she had to meet up with some things before we travel. Only Bene tagged along and he has been helping me out with all things I had to do.

He didn’t help with pulling the bags to the car because he’s online, playing video games against one of his friends in the USA

I sat beside him and arranged my shoe laces.
Dad sat opposite us and brought out his phone

Me: Bene, aren’t you tired of playing that? You’ve been here for over an hour

Bene : shush… I’m about to win

I chuckled

The car began to move slowly, out of the front of the house.
I took a Pepsi cola can from the ice bowl on a small table and opened it

Bene : well I lost!
He threw the phone on the chair dad was sitting on

Me: oops! Too bad. So what’s the deal with him?

Bene : that I let my sister mow his lawn

I blew out the drink I just sipped and luckily, it didn’t spill on Dad’s face

Me: what?
Bene : that was the deal

He took a cracker from a bowl filled with different types of cookies

Bene : so you gotta learn how to mow a lawn and how to control a lawn mower.

I ran my fingers into my hair to detangle the ends

Me: what makes you think I don’t know how to do that?

Bene : you do? I don’t believe you

Me: I wasn’t raised in a mansion like you with servants at your beck and call

Bene : but dad said he didn’t let you do much

Me: well, that’s true.

Dad: Bene, she doesn’t know how to mow the lawn. I didn’t teach her

Me: but I begged you to

Dad: it’s dangerous. What if you stumbled over and mowed your hair out

Bene laughed

Bene: then you’d be having bald spots in your hair cause the mower wouldn’t cut all of it

I pouted and sipped my drink

Dad: wow, thank God it’s connecting

He quickly put the phone to his ear. That must be mom

Bene: do you know why mom really couldn’t come with us?
Me: no… Why?

Bene: because she had to shop for special scissors for Jade. The scissors are really large and can cut through thick robes

Me: why does Jade want it?
Bene : for some movie. I would have thought it was for dad but she’s done ripping people’s hair. She says it’s too much work

Me: wow! I can’t wait to meet her. I already got her book

He smiled

Well, from the way they all spoke about her, I decided to buy her a book containing all the brutal weapons used in the past. It was a collection from Chinese weapons, Japanese weapons, Mexican weapons, weapons from The Ancient Roman Empire, Egypt and The Ancient Israel. Other minor nations were also there.

Dad finished with the phone call

Dad: mom is already at the airport
Me: so soon?
He nodded

Bene : wow it’s the first time you referred to her as ‘mom’ and not ‘Tori’ like you always do

Dad: haha, you’re too smart for your age. I wonder what you’ll be like at fifteen

Bene : that’s five years from now… Hmm, maybe a guru

I rolled my eyes
Me: in your dreams… I’d be way smarter then. I’ll be 17 years…. Wow!

Bene : why are you even older than me again?

I gave him a tongues out

🌺🌺Beck Oliver’s POV 🌺🌺

We arrived at Tori’s own house. She said she bought it when Bene was eight. That’s two years ago

The house is awesome. Two storeys. With a fleet of cars parked outside

I was really impressed. She’s grown into a very important personality in the whole of Los Angeles

We entered the house and met with her dad, Trina, Cat and Andre. No Jade

I was really really happy to see them all. Gosh! Andre had grown into a man. A handsome black man. His long dreadlocks were gone. And he was now on a fancy haircut with very short dreads

Cat’s hair was no longer red. She was now carrying her original hair color, strawberry blonde hair.
Cat is now a diva. So fashionable and beautiful

I’m sorry to say this but she was even more beautiful than Tori

Her character changed a lot. So mature now and talks less. I guess ten years really got everyone to change

Tessa was so happy. She was already talking happily with Cat who was beginning to speak out compared to when we first arrived

My future father-in-law walked up to me with a drink after we finished having lunch by the poolside

Mark: Beck… I’m so glad you’re alive

I smiled
Me: all thanks to God

Mark: our lives are finally complete. I’m so glad Benedict finally has a father

I chuckled and looked at the Benedict who was standing next to Tessa. They both were talking with Trina

Mark: I hope you’re here to stay
I nodded
Me: certainly. I’m back and back for good

Mark: I’m sorry about your mom
I sighed. Mom’s case is still a sore wound

Mark: I’m sorry about it. But we just had to do it

Me: you’re right. What she did was too wrong to be let off. She deserved it.

He patted my shoulder
Mark: well, we thank God for everything. You can go on and talk with the others

He left to the house. I looked at Andre who was making a phone call
I walked to him and stood beside him.
He smiled

Andre : we’re at the yard, by the pool. Okay… Love you

He dropped the phone and stared at me

Me: yeah.. I know.. I got a lot of explaining to do

Andre: you know I’m gonna punch you right
Me: what?

He gave me a hard blow on the cheek. I staggered backwards a little and held my jaw

Everyone looked to our direction

Me: I deserved that

Then they laughed and went back to their businesses.

Andre: you did me wrong bruh
Me: I’m so sorry
Andre: what were you thinking? You punk!

I laughed
Me: I was outta my mind

He laughed

Andre: we got lots of things to catch up on dude. A lot has happened

I smiled. I heard something murmurs from the guys. I looked at saw them staring at Jade Who stood by the pool

Jade: oops! Did… I… Miss.. The… Party?

She just spoke like Maleficent, Mistress of Evil.
Her eyes darted to me and to Tessa

Andre moved forward to her

Andre: hey babe… You missed the party

He kissed her and my eyes widened.


Man! A lot has happened
To Be Continued

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