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Beautiful Love Song Episode 27

Beautiful Love Song Episode 27

By: Adesola Adeomowole.M.

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Mr K and Mrs Dustin came in,
I welcomed them with an impatient face.
“Mrs Dustin, let me see what you’ve got.I have just 10min to spend here” I said and checked my wrist watch for the up tenth time since Justin and Jeffrey already left.
It was only me and Chris in my mansion and I don’t think Chris intend leaving.Well,that’s his problem

“we are sorry”
Mrs Dustin apologize with a bow while Mr k opened the two laptops.
“who are you looking for? mr k ask

“someone verrrrry important. I have met with her 6 different times but never had the chance to see her face. Since there are projectors everywhere in the school,it should be able to capture her face” I said.

Mr Dustin smiled.”how will you meet with someone without recognizing her,sir”.

“Not that I can’t.I use to recognize her face when I wasn’t injected.It was after I was injected by an unkown person that I forgot….amnesia is really a worst thing.You won’t remember what you love the most,the only thing you will remember are what you hate.But I can smell her,I know how she scents if we are close to each other.She smells like strawberry”I gave report.

“you’re seriously looking for a girl?
mr k asked.
I checked my time.
Gosh, I just have 8mins left.
“you’re wasting my time” I pouted.
The laptop was opened but I was shown another thing.

“is this the girl?? Mrs Dustin asked,pointing at Lilly’s photo on her laptop screen.
“Not her.The girls hair is longer and full and besides,this is Lilly” I replied with a scoff. Even if I forget everything. How can I forger the she devil…

“Do you know her name?
dice high p.I asked.
I bashed my lashes in embarrassment. I don’t even know her name and I already love her for who she is.
love,you’re really wicked to me!

“are you sure it’s not Lilly??
dice p.I asked again.
“not Lilly!
“maybe some other times”
Mr K and Mrs Dustin came in,
I welcomed them with an impatient face.
“Mrs Dustin, let me see wgsr you’ve got.I have just 10min to spend here” I said and checked my wrist watch for the up tenth time since Justin and Jeffrey already left.
It was only me and Chris in my mansion and I don’t think Chris intend leaving.Well,that’s his problem

“we are sorry”
Mrs Dustin apologize with a bow while Mr k opened the two laptops.
“who are you looking for? mr k ask

“someone verrrrry important. I have met with her 6 different times but never had the chance to see her face. Since there are projectors everywhere in the school,it should be able to capture her face” I said.

Mr Dustin smiled.”how will you meet with someone without recognizing her,sir”.

“Not that I can’t.I use to recognize her face when I wasn’t injected.It was after I was injected by an unkown person that I forgot….amnesia is really a worst thing.You won’t remember what you love the most,the only thing you will remember are what you hate.But I can smell her,I know how she scents if we are close to each other.She smells like strawberry”I gave report.

“you’re seriously looking for a girl?
mr k asked.
I checked my time.
Gosh, I just have 8mins left.
“you’re wasting my time” I pouted.
The laptop was opened but I was shown another thing.

“is this the girl?? Mrs Dustin asked,pointing at Lilly’s photo on her laptop screen.
“Not her.The girls hair is longer and full and besides,this is Lilly” I replied with a scoff. Even if I forget everything. How can I forger the she devil…

“Do you know her name?
dice high p.I asked.
I bashed my lashes in embarrassment. I don’t even know her name and I already love her for who she is.
love,you’re really wicked to me!
“are you sure it’s not Lilly??
dice p.I asked again.
“not Lilly!
“maybe some other times”
I replied and left.
My guards rushed me and collected my bag.
“is this really necessary? I asked and stretchy hand to collected it back, they bowed and returned it.

“I don’t need guards following me.Just a driver is enough” I tell them.
“but….sir zayn made it compulsory that you should always be followed by guards.We need to be cautious of how you walk around so as to prevent any form of attack.And as it stands now,you’re already banned from walking alone.
“when was I banned from walking around?? I asked.I think I forgot.
“sir zayn advancee that and besides, you can’t be moving around or did you forget you’re also a soon to be president?? the same guard asked.
Gosh, I almost forgot I’m a soon to be president.
right now,I’m pissed off.

“whatever,I don’t want many securities. Two is enough” I replied in a frustrated manner and walk up to the already arranged black car.
The back door was opened,
I entered and drop my phone on the seat then I opened my laptop to finish up with what I left unfinished.

Soon enough,my driver joined in the car. whaaaaaaaattt two cars filled with securities?? are this people kidding???

“hey,idiot I said two guards!!
I tap the driver’s head jokingly.
“we might be queried by your dad and the lawmakers in general for making wrong advances.Going out alone does not befit your standard” he replied and bowed.
“you must always have something to say.Stop bowing to me like am a god. When next you bow for me,I will fire you straightaway” I said.

“okay, thank you sir…I love you”
he said and bowed.
“ohhh sorry” he said again and bowed again. I won’t blame him,it is part of him.
I plug in my headset.
My phone started beeping.

📥 what’s holding you down? we are already waiting for you. Even Chris is already here and I left the both of you home.Anyway,hope you’re prepared to face Elliot nagging” Jeff sent.

📤 is sir zayn there?? I text him back.
📥 your foster dad is not here…you better try to get her before him’ he sent.
I breathed out.
Thank God my dad is not yet there. I might get banned from doing what I love doing the most.

📤 how about Romeo? I sent and used that opportunity to wear my presidential bracelet.
The rules are annoying,
the punishment for not adhering is on higher stake.It’s not really easy to be a leader.Good things comes with difficult tasks.

📥 yes,Rommie is here” Jeff sent.
📤 okay” I sent.

Please be more careful while driving” I said to my driver and checked whatever I might have missed from the school page.
Lilly and her stupid tactics. I don’t think she can change.

How can she start uploading my pictures and my achievement on the school page when there’s nothing between us. is the word “it’s over” really difficult to assimilate?.
I scoffed and scrolled down my pictures that she uploaded and most stupid people believe whatever she post. Lilly and lie are best friends.

“Sir Royal,I don’t think we can make it to the singles. You’re late already.By now, I think they should be through” the driver announced while I made a disappointed look.
my phone started ringing almost immediately.
I took the phone and waited.
“he will be so disappointed in me,right? I asked my driver like I’m talking to Chris.
He smiled and bowed.

I took the,call.
my dad must be angry…I disappointed him by not coming.

“Not my fault dad,I’m sorry for not attending. I promise to come some other time,i won’t miss it again,I swear” I said over the phone.
He’s not really my dad but he took me in as his son…. though Mrs suga object.

“Royal,why don’t you like attending singles? is it because of Han Lilly?? if it’s because of her,you should know am not forcing HSR on you unlike your mom. in my view,it’s your decision to choose whosoever you want to be your partner.Either rich or poor,I will be happy with it so far you’re comfortable with it.The only thing you can disappoint with me is by being lonely…Royal don’t be lonely, it will only worsen your amnesia.I also hope Mrs sugar will sign your presidential final document do that she won’t delay the processes” sir Zayn said.

“dad,Mrs sugar didn’t sign it?
“hope it won’t allow my competitors have an edge over me? I asked.
“Am Also surprised… but don’t worry because what will be will be” sir zayn said and hung up.

My eyes were already teary but I was quick to wipe it with a clean handkerchief.
I drop my head down in the car.
I felt soooo sick.

“take me home,Chris” I raised my head up and took my phones.
“sir” my driver bowed.
ohh sorry,I thought it was Chris.
“which of your mansion? my driver asked.
I kept quiet and tap my forehead.
what’s even wrong with me?
Do I also forget the number of mansions I built???

my driver beckoned.
“better still,drive to school.I heard spark training camp is in one weeks time.I would like to make payments” I said.
“why not pay direct instead of cueing like other students? Eliiot will have paid for you” my driver object.
“you’re noisy” I replied.
he kept quiet and drive me to school.


I was rolling on my bed….
I don’t have an idea on how to tell Mrs Claudia to pay for my training. I don’t want to score zero.
How do I tell her???
I took my phone and called Shantai. her number wasn’t going through,so I called Dora instead.

“Best friend,where are you?? I can’t find you in school.Are you not going to make payment? Dora asked.

“umm,I still haven’t find enough money.Telling Mrs Claudia is not an option.That woman has already tried for me,I’m ashamed to go and ask her for more favors.And Chris, i don’t know how to ask him for money.Dora I feel somehow” I told her.

“Fine,get dressed and come,we will look for a means or I will help you tell Royal” Dora chuckled.
I smiled.
“wear that blue top and jean I got for you,I will be expecting you” Dora said and hung up.
I dropped my phone and opened my closet and brought out the cloth she made mention of.it was still new. Dora like classic things.
I had a quick bath and wore the cloth, I wore my hair warmer and carried a black bag.
Thank goodness my mom wasn’t home, if not questions will come.

I got to school,
the first thing that welcomed me was rumors from wealthy brats.

“hang somewhere,I will tag with you. I forgot my credit card at home” dira sent.
I went to the large payment hall and tagged at the entrance.
The payment gall was wide enough to contain 200people at a time and like 40seats were lined straight inside the counter.The attendants dressed coperately. They really meant business.
it was really fast as more students keep tripping in.But one row was left empty. It was signed “Roy”.
Nobody cued on it.

“Han Lilly sent for you”
a girl came to me.
waaaaaaaat!! I gasped.
“the queen sent for you” she said again.
“for what?? I asked.
“I don’t know,you have 3min to get to her” she replied.
I made a submissive look and followed her.
She took me to the residential area of the school.
The place was so beautiful.

Han Lilly was sitting crossed leg,
a maid was handling her hair while another was polishing her nails hotly
“you called me” I said.

“Krishna Knight,name your price.I want you to quit working as royals maid. I’m scared you’re the person he is looking for.Just name your price” Lilly said.

“I’m not the one,i think there’s another Krishna” I said,looking at the way her nails was being done.

“either you are the one or not,I want you out of dice high.Name your, price, I will give it to you” she said.

“I don’t want your money. I came to dice high as a student and not for competition and guys.And besides I don’t think I deserve eviction because I also pay fee like other students” I replied.

“what about if I return your,fee and you leave.I want you to leave before you start ruining my life and all what have gathered”Lilly said.
I look at her confused and expressionless.

“Do you want to be thrown into the refrigerator? Lilly asked in a jealous manner.It’s, obvious she’s jealous of my whitish skin.

“what??? nooo??? I will catch cold and die” I sounded smart.
“then,do what I said” she said.
I looked on.

💕 Gosh, she’s so white,her skin is, pure white,more of milk.Nice,shape too.Why not throw,her into the fridge?

💕 yummy yummy,I’m sure,her nipples will be pink since she’s white
💕 if Royal should handle this one, he will spoil her legs on bed.. .
💗 has royal ever kissed you…how does it tastes….he may look calm but he is a bad boy when it comes to romance! the girls said.
I widened my eyes….
what are this ones saying???
and Lilly,why is she angry for no reason??

She stood up and dragged my hair.
“Lilly, stop embarrassing me!!
I shouted because she was trying to tear my cloth.She wants to naked me

She was about tearing it,
I slapped her….. she left it immediately.

😭 she slapped Lilly, call the securities!!! the girls blabbed while Lilly stood transfixed with her hands on her cheek.

They called securities.
“Krishna, run for your life”
I grabbed my bag and ran out since the door was opened.
I smiled…. she deserve it.
I’m poor but I can’t play with my dignity,it’s my pride.

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