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Beautiful Love Song season 3 Episode 22

Beautiful Love Song season 3 Episode 22
💛 the challenge 💛]

By: Adesola Adeomowole.M.
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Royal’s mom still held me well like she has known me for so long,she gestured me to hold her tightly as we ran,I did…
I almost fell,she brushed me softly and dragged me to continue running.
My tears streamed down as I look back,his mom should have just let me die for my love.

“this road do you know it very well?”,his mom asked.
“no ma’am” I replied and almost step on a nail stick,she dragged me back.

“mother let’s wait for royal” I said.
“no pretty…if we wait for him,it will be dangerous cos we are females,Royal is a male,he knows how to handle any situation he find himself…I know he left us intentionally” his mom said in a smile but it came out with tears.

“I don’t want him to get hurt”,
I said,my tears dropped heavily.
She hugged me with my tears,
Our hug last longer as she brush her fingers into my hair.
She used her thumb to wipe my tears too,even the ones that dropped on my lips…
she’s acting like she knows me from somewhere before…I don’t even think I’ve met her before.

We heard gun shots from behind us,
we quickly disengage and start running again.We held hands as we run….
our securities should be here by now.
Evan’s p.o.v😂😂😂😂😂
my phone buzzed,
I quickly connected it to my voice pud so as to get information from Mr Han…

Listen up!
Royals mom and sweetheart knight are approaching Calvin’s road right away.Do not miss your targets….
Sweetheart is our main ticket in bringing royal down…we can even use one stone to kill many birds”
Mr Han said.

💌 okay….am keeping on track,I haven’t seen them pass” I replied and widened my eyeballs.

Those that know me well know me as a well trained prosecutor, those that know little about me do not know me at all.

I wore my facial mask the moment I heard running footsteps approaching.
that must be them-
Royals mom and the so called sweetheart that royal cherish the most…

They were almost reaching my hideout when i moved out a little bit with my loaded gun.

hmmmm isn’t that the sweetheart am suppose to shoot?
I lick my lips in lust as they passed by….

I shivered in lots of sweetness, desires almost made me run mad..

this girl,is she human-
my eyes got trapped and stayed glued to her robust butt….
Her body was a perfect figure eight shape and her hips spelt the word “S” word….it was more revealing in the blue body hug gown that she wear. Even though the cloth was decent, it couldn’t help covering her endowment….
The rain already made her cloth wet, making her look more tempting and seductive…it looks like she has never been touched.

too bad I didn’t see her face!
This girl is interesting” I soliloquizes.
I felt my dick getting hard in the inner black short that I wore.I almost bite my lips out of sweetness.
I suddenly cherish her a lot….I started getting stupid and feeling so immoral in my thoughts.

💌 Evan what are you waiting for….Shoot her,she’s what royal cherish a lot”,Mr Han cautioned.
I tried to control myself but my eyes failed me…
I can’t stand it….shooting this pretty lady..
I started behaving as if have never seen a girl before…

💌 Evan I want her dead!!!!!!!!!
I remembered what Mrs sugar said.
I suddenly look like I just got myself..
how can a girl make me look so foolish?????

I smirks and raise my gun to my shoulder level, I glance through the side telescope as a aid to set my target,it was on her sexy legs..

“Pretty lady am sorry,i really don’t like shooting ladies who are pretty…guess you’re unluncky Mrs suga paid for your life” I said and pulled the trigger,the bullet didn’t meet her.
maybe because of the running and turning they keep making.

I shoot her again,she missed the target again.
why can’t i shoot a lady……..

💌 Evans!!! Mr Han yelled..
💌 you just embarrassed yourself if you don’t know…those are the two women royal cherish the most and you couldn’t even kill one..
damn it Evans,they crossed limelights!
Mr Han yelled and angrilly disconnected our voice puds.
my body felt cold…I couldn’t even shoot a lady!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eddy’s p.o.v🎻🎻🎻🎻
After a long drive,
I finally got the description Anita’s tracker gave me..

gosh sweetheart i hope you’re fine?
I got crazily worried.
soon the detective cars came along,
Anita was the main lead.

“did you find any traces,nothing must happen to Mr president… we would be in for questioning nothing must happen to him”, the securities in charge of Royal’s health said.

Anita look into her map first then her tracking device.
“I think it’s Calvin’s road…whosoever is behind this will be dealt with by the law mercilessly” Anita said,her appearance was fierce.

She left with her team.
Two securities stayed with me on the road side….
I still got crazily worried.

🚺 isn’t that sweetheart??? one of the securities said.
I quickly turned….

A woman which I recognized to be royals mom according to the picture my mom showed me was holding hands with Krishna..
she held her with so much emotions,
the chemistry is really obvious.

I don’t know what came over me,I walk up to Krishna, I really don’t like seeing her cry.

“Are you okay?”, I asked her. I was tempted to touch her.
she nodded in disagreement as her lashes overlapped.
it was cute but it came out with tears

I wanted to wipe her tears, royals mom quickly did it.
“sorry” she said softly.
“Will royal come?”, krish asked, sounding like a baby.
“don’t worry he knows what he’s doing” his mom replied.

I watched sweetheart and Royal’s mom like a movie….
A white Lamborghini came almost immediately.
The driver quickly step out and rush to collect sweetheart purse. He rush back to open the door..
Royals mom still supported krish by holding her by her waist to enter first.

why so much care?????….
did she knows they are dating before? or is it because she’s looking classiv… she’s just back right???
Royals mom smiled and entered last.
The driver beeped the car,the door slammed automatically..

Too bad I didn’t get to see Krishna’s face… the stars would be my companion instead.
I watched like a movie till the car was out of sight.

💌 is royal safe?????”, Chris sent in the group chat.
💌 Elliot is still working with the tracker,am with him”, Jeff sent.
💌 sir zayn would be coming over, I hope all this ends” Justin sent.
💌 krish is safe! I sent. to the guys who were seriously worried.

Anita’s p.o.v🎻🎻🎻🎻
I directed my teams,
soon they split differently since the tracker already showed all the securities where royal is and that’s where am headed to.

I wasn’t even looking well,I bumped into someone,it turns out to be Lilly’s dad and I quickly brought out my gun……

“Nita,you didn’t drop this! He said.
“I can’t be fooled easily by your tactics, Shen Ye has no hand in this…
even if you can fool some of the people at some of the time,you cannot always fool all of the people at all of the time” I replied.

“ummm what’s your take?”, he smirks.
“take for what?”, I replied him with a scorn…
“well Mrs suga want you to kill the royal you’re fighting for” he said.
I laughed..

“Nita you dare not disobey the queens order” Mr Han said.
“queen….what queen…..???
ohhh Mrs sugar is a queen,she’s an Indian…have you forgotten am a Chinese???
have you ever seen a Chinese obeying a Indian queens order~`
Han Cheng stop kidding me!!

Mrs Sugar is really evil,
how can she plan on killing the son she trained and nutured,her hands shouldn’t be stained with such dirty sin…..it doesn’t speak well!
I replied…

“The royal you’re dying for,that sweetheart isn’t she his girlfriend, how long do you want to be a fool”
he said.
“I only have a crush on royal…but sorry I have found my missing rib” I fired back…

he sighed and left.
I moved away with much cautions.
hmmm but wait-
he might ask another person to do the evil work..
ahh I better get there fast!
“Royal!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed as I rushed there,following my tracker.
I got to the scene…

gosh…..my eyes couldn’t take it.
Inspector Layla was already there…
how come royal…….?????
I watched him dreamingly…so no one had the courage to kill him.

I wonder where he got that long chain from…
A prosecutor started running from the back to attack royal…

“Royalllllll!!!!!!!! I screamed,he didn’t say anything,he kept calm..
I ran to help him.
“don’t come closer Anita” he replied.
my eyes couldn’t take it…
his expression was unpredictable...

how can someone be so handsome with so much attitude??…

Royal swing the chain, I can’t just explain how it trapped the prosecutor’s neck tightly, he gasped for breath as blood flew out of his mouth…

Inspector Kayla face beamed…

🚺 ohhh my gaaad
🚺 ohhh my gaaaaad
🚺 ohhh my gaaaaaddd
🚺 Mr president has hot temper…
I heard things.
Royal left the long chain that now had many attackers tied to it when his securities came with his car…

🚺 sir what’s that red mark on your hand?????
🚺 should we call the doctors???
🚺 or check up better still!!!
securities flooded around him, the guarded him till he entered his car…

Mr Han’s p.o.v🎻🎻🎻🎻
“dad!!!!!! Lilly’s voice echoed everywhere as she stepped out of her car..
“is there any problem,my manager just suggested I came back home!!
she said..I ignored her talks and entered luxurious mansion.

She trailed behind me in the only red polo top she wore and a very skimpy shorts.
“it’s cold,and raining! why would you wear something like this???” I glared at her…as I moved in.
she moved in also and Mrs sugar quickly came to us.

“how’s it??? if royal didn’t die, we are in trouble,he must have find out!
Mrs suga said,Lilly started crying.
“so what’s your plan?” I asked.
“dad I thought you would just back off” Lilly said.
“no,I already sent another assassin to attack him!!! Mrs sugar said.

“whaaaaaatttt why would you do that!!!! Lilly screamed.
“shut up you’re the crazy one here.. Mira already showed Anita the diary” I said….

we remained silent.
Mrs sugar keep moving around,it rained heavily..the breeze was getting out of hand.
The glass door cracked opened.

A figure walked in with bloods all over his body,his clothes were filled with bloods and dirt’s.

🚺 isn’t that Royal’s blood?” Mrs sugar smiled and sat down happily.
The assassin came close and drop the gun he was holding..

“whose blood is that???”, Lilly asked.
The asassin knelt down beside where Mrs sugar sat,he rubbed the blood on his cloth with Mrs sugars hand…

“Romeo’s blood!!!!!!!!! he said……
Mrs suga first choked…
“I told you royal!!!she shouted,her tears streaming.
The assassin stood up..
“You killed him….you killed your son with your own hand.. it would have been better if your hand wasn’t stained with this dirty hand! he said.
Mrs suga stared at the blood in her hand…..

“Romeo’s blood…..my son!!!!
what type of mother am I???
Foolish mother!
Moron queen……. if I come back to life,I wouldn’t choose this path!
she wept..Lilly joined her in crying as military cars drove in….
this isn’t the end💌

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