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[the girl he never noticed]



I had no courage to look into his eyes as our hands brush into each other, my soul acted weird…
“Pardon” he said in a well mannered way.Like I understood, I withdraw my hands,he took the mat and passed it to princess Amarachi.
I bowed with respect,holding another mat with both hands…Amarachi is also well mannered.
You won’t know she is a princess until you are being told.
“why are you putting in this masquerade stuff ?”, she asked,her pretty eyes was on the mat.
“my princess it is a mere mask.. I do not mean any……
the prince looked at the mask,I started stammering.
Soon he looked away and muttered something.
“we need to get out of here! he said.
The guards paid for the mat,they left without collecting change.
I felt so happy….
Luck finally decide to shine on me again…chineke(god) thank you.
I solicit and removed onome’s money, I kept the change separately in my breast wrapper.
I waited patiently, hoping another buyer will come,my eyes search around and I spotted Princess Akuna-the proud peacock coming with her crews.
She is a princess from the next kingdom,she usually come to our village market pretending to buy things but the truth is that she came to show off so that other maidens can praise her.
Every one in the village have one thing or the other to say about her, she makes life miserable for the poor’s in fact she moves with her types.The day she mistakenly touch a girl,she washed her hand instantly.
I watch keenly as she catwalk with her servants.Finally she stopped on front of a cloth seller and posed arrogantly.
“where can I find ogechi,the cloth trader.I heard she resides in this kingdom” she said.
“my princess either ogechi or not,I have all types of trending attire and breast holder that would make your breast firm” the trader which happens to be old Nana said.
Akuna rolled her eyeballs rudely at the old woman..
“how poor….this type of wrapper am looking for,you cannot have it cos it is beautifully adorn with beads”
She boasted..
I remembered she is looking for the cloth I worn to her birthday party.
Waoow,so she is this jealous..
“is it this one? old Nana asked as she brought out something similar to the days wrapper.
“I said it,old people always have problems with brains” Akuna said.
“no wonder all your children died.You must have killed them with talk”Adanna fired.She’s Akuna’s pupet.
“ogechi the cloth trader,that is definitely Ngozi step mother” sgs said,the walked away.
Thank goodness they didn’t passed when the prince was here.
“should we price mat” Adana whispered.They approavhed me.
hope they won’t pick on me?
I already make promises not to make friends with trouble and fight.
The princess pointed to a mat.
I bite the inside of my cheeks as I look down.
“remove that masquerade thing,it is scaring me” akuna said.
“her face is irritating, let her wear it” Adana teased.
“that mat,how much does it cost? Akuna pointed to one.
I bent to pick it,I saw something glittering on the mat,it was diamond in form of a ring,it must fallen from either the prince or Amarachi.
“what’s that,let me have it”
Akuna said with so much authority.
I stretched the mat she pointed.
“no the ring” she said,smartly.
“which ring??
“I saw it,no need dragging” she said.
Another buyer came,I already know akuna is here for trouble.
I faced the new buyer with enthusiasm.
“Are you here are all?”,akuna asked.
“I’m sure am not at home” I replied.
She got angry and left with her servants.
Two more buyers came,I felt so happy as I sold until am left with just two mats.I decided to go home in the evening when no buyer was coming.
And I promised to make ngozi’s hair this evening..how am I suppose to divide myself..
The prince ring,how am I suppose to return it,I better keep it well.I tied it on my breast wrapper and comport myself before entering the compound.
I didn’t even see olamma outside…who knows, she must have gone to meet her boyfriend.
“is this all what you sold?”,
she asked as she counted the money…
“hmm I don’t trust you…your mother was a thief.Who knows if you have taken after her” onome said,I still kept quiet, hoping she would give me food.Heaven knows I didn’t dare her.
She moved closer to me and started pressing my body to check if I hide any money,she found the change I kept.Her expression changed as she brought it out,she continue searching, at some point, I started asking myself if she’s a witch.
Luckily for me,sgevdud not even find the ring.
“whose money is this hun Adeife?”, she asked,calmly.
“no no it is not….” I starmmered,she watched me and didn’t beat me.
this is very unusual,Onome is not a nice person at all..
“explain” she said.
I explained the truth,she stared.
“which prince did you meet?”, she asked.I kept quiet.
“and he didn’t run for your ugliness” she asked.
“I used masquerade coverage” I said.
She nodded and pack the change.
“your food is in the kitchen” she said,politely.
“thank you mama” I replied hpily and rush to the kitchen.
ohhh this hunger,I pray it won’t kill me someday.
I hastily uncover the calabash…
Waoow..I licked my lips.
Pounded yam and an extremely spiced Egusi soup,the meat caught my fansy.I cleaned my hands on my cloth…
hmmmmm,I will eat meat today again….
My longer throat won’t allow me rest, I finished everything and drank water fully..I felt do happy.
Onome has changed
Onome gave me food
Onome spoke to me nicely …
I love my new life.
Jidenna’s p.o.v
I entered the throne room,it was empty.Father was not in and in and the crown was there laying on the empty seat.
I can’t just find finally wait for the day the throne would fit into my head.
I left there and entered the hallway, two maids ran into each other.
“where is the other twin prince?”,
the first maid asked.
“did you see prince Lotanna?”, the other maid asked.
They look so confused.
One of the maid turned back and saw me…
*isn’t that prince Lotanna?”, she asked the other maid..
She looked so confused.They part ways when they heard steady footsteps,I turned it was the queen.
She looks so worried as she hasten her footstep to catch up with me.
“Jidenna,have you seen Lotanna?”, she asked.
“Lotanna is not a kid,why treating him like a kid?” I asked.It is obvious she likes him more than me.
“they are back,Amarachi is with them” a maid reported.
She heaved a breath of relief the moment she sights him coming in with guards.
She rushed to him and started touching his forehead to see if he has temperature.
“call the nurse! mom said as she felt his purse.Next she faced ikechukwu.
“why did you allow him walk much?”, she asked…
“I’m sorry,lolo(queen)” he bowed.
“Did you give him anything to eat?”, she asked…..
Lotanna wasn’t saying anything,he only stared at the queen(our mother) as she touched him.
“no yes….just a guava! ikechukwu starnmered.
“chimoooooo,Lotanna doesn’t eat such things” the queen exclaimed.
I scoffed…
why so dramatic? Just for Lotanna.
I saw through his fingers,he was wearing two diamond rings earlier, why is only one left.
“I will just look out for the nurse!
I said and left.
Night was almost approaching,I decided to check on Lotanna.I opened his door as I moved in fully into his slivery built living room,none was there.
Just his pads, ten scattered phone and two neat laptop with a flash.
I entered deep into his room,there I met him sleeping his head was in mothers laps,he looks so much like a baby with his pouted lips….
Though the room was dimmed but the golden egdes of the,bed lit the room…
She is the queen of the moonlight-
I overheard mother saying as she pat his shoulders..her other finger ran through his pretty face.
I think she is telling a story.
I left.
BELIEVE BY ADESOLA OMOWOLE/ do not copy without the writers credit
Adeife Adeife
Onome has never spoken to me nicely like she did today.I got surprised she bought me a new dress wrapper…I didn’t even do any work. This happiness,I hope it lasts.
Soon she went out,I also decided to use that opportunity to see Ngozi.
I met with her at our usual spot… my happiness made me jump on her.
“ummm I don’t think she is changed. You need to be very careful” she advised..
I smiled and started making her hair.
“Ngozi I met the prince” I said.
“waooow which of them,is he nice?”, she asked..
“I don’t even know their names not to talk of recognizing them” I said.
She smiled and got so interested.
“He is sooo cute,his eyes has a spark of silver, his lip is well pouted.. gosh he loves diamond too much.To crown it all,our hands touch….he spoke to me!! Ngozi am the first girl he spoke to aside from his sister, Amarachi…I felt his touch”…
I clapped as I said.
“Adeife are you sure you’re not in…”
“no,I can’t be in love with someone like him even though he is nicely mannered…I’m not his type cos am ugly, I don’t have family too!
I wanted to cry.Ngozi smiled and hugged me.
“Sing for me,it’s been long I heard your voice” she said..
I didn’t want to do it.
“Onome” I got scared as I said.
“I thought you said she is now nice.. she won’t talk if she is changed! Ngozi said…It’s been long she has been begging me to do that.
“Fine,I would do it for you” I said and opened my mouth to sing..
No voice was coming out.
“Ife sing,Adeife sing” Ngozi said.
I opened my mouth to sing again,no voice was coming out..
“Ife what’s happening,sing..Ife sing”
Ngozi beckoned.
I tried again,nothing was coming out.
“I’m sorry,your Ife can’t sing again..I think have lost my voice” I said,solemnly.
Ngozi became frightened….she held me tightly with so much emotions and care….
“Ife what did you eat??
“Ife sing,Ife sing! she said.

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