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Flower Boy Episode 3

Flower Boy Episode 3

By Oyebamiji Samuel

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Anthony’s POV

The song Nancy sang made me remember my days with Donna, my heart tickles and my imaginations gets flooded with Donna.

My memories with Donna arose strongly in me, the emotion at which Nancy sang with got me.

I promise myself not to stand no matter what and how she sing but I felt sorry for myself when I realized that I stood up

It was crazier when my colleagues noticed that I was crying including Nancy, I dislike being seeing by a lady crying, it makes me feel I’m weak

I cleaned my face gently with my handkerchief.

I do not have any choice now, she had made all the flower boys stand up in class including me.

I walked to her

“Welcome to this class” I said to her

“Thanks” she said softly with her head bowed

“Do I really need to keep the second promise, I do not want you as my friend, I only said that cus I’m so certain your song can never make me stand , but your song really got me. I’m thinking, maybe I can give you some sort of cash or something , can you ask for something else, I’d be glad to willingly do it for you” I said to Nancy

She shook her head with her head still bowed

“What’s the meaning of that?” I asked

She raised her head and looked at me in fear.

Something Struck my heart like a needle, the way she just looked at me is the same way Donna looks at me when I’m scolding her

She bowed her head again

“Actually, I do not want anything, I just want you to fulfil your promise” Nancy said

“Oh really? Must you be friends with me?” I said feeling very irritated at her.

I’m stuck here, I can’t break my promise , I’d promised her already.

Nancy nodded slowly

“Fine, fine” I said painfully . I disliked ladies.

“Why do I have to make this promise ” I thought and closed my eyes tightly feeling a great pain

I sighed

Nancy looked up

“So I’m your friend now” Nancy said

“Yes” I said sternly and walked back to my place.


Nancy’s POV

Omg! I exclaimed inaudibly after he fulfilled his promise of being my friend, I was so happy but sad that he is still cold.

It’s obvious he doesn’t want to be friends with me neither did he wants me accepted to this class, but I’m happy I passed the text he gave me, he even stood up.

“But why is he not happy and why would he cry, is it because of the song I sang or because of something else” I thought

I went to a new sit I found for myself and sat. I can’t believe I’m in the same class with the flower boys

I liked where my sit is, I can easily steal glances at flower boy, his face is always expressionless, not smiling, not sad. Just still

A teacher entered after few minutes that I had sat

“Good morning class” The teacher greeted

“Hi” Few students replied while the others remained silent

I wondered why they can’t all greet the man.

“Yesterday , I talked to us about the basics of keyboard

Learning to read music is like learning a second language. There are no shortcuts – you simply have to slowly familiarise yourself with the grammar and appearance of written music. I gave an easy introduction to the piano keyboard and how music is written yesterday.” The teacher said as he strolls to and fro in the class facing us

“Today, I’m gonna be talking about how to sit at the keyboard

• Always sit in the middle of the keyboard. Use an adjustable stool, if possible, to find the most comfortable height.

• Sit with your back straight, shoulders in a relaxed position. Imagine there is a string attached to the top of your head, gently pulling upwards.

• Keep your fingers rounded over the keys. Fingers curved, wrists level with your arm. Imagine you are holding a ball under each hand.

• Keep both feet firmly on the ground. ” The teacher taught and I took down some points inside my notepad just like other students did

“Now, let’s move to the practical class” The teacher said and went to the free space behind the last sets of benches and chairs

There is a keyboard there with a stool.

The teacher walked towards the keyboard and positioned himself in the same way he had taught us

“Did you all see how I positioned myself and my hands, when you wanna sing and play, you must have mastered playing of keyboards for a very long time, that implies you can play any sound of music without waiting for the tony sofa, Did we get that?” The teacher asked

“Yeah” the whole class who had stood and rallied round him all said

“Good, all you have to do is sing a song coming from your heart , remember you play the keyboard with you heart too, so you gonna be playing keyboard and singing all at once cus they are both emanating from the same source which is the heart, are we cleared?” The teacher taught conclusively

“Yeah” the whole class echoed

“Good, can anyone try to sing and play keyboard at the same time for us here, so others can watch him as he does?” The teacher asked

“I will” Flower boy said

The teacher stood up and signalled for Anthony to come sit at the stool before the keyboard

Anthony, who is the flower boy sat in the same position the teacher sat. His fingers were rounded over they keys and curved and his wrist levelled with his arms

“wao! Flower boy is so intelligent ” I exclaimed inaudibly

He looks extremely handsome before the keyboard

“This is very good. He got the sitting position I taught right” the teacher commented on Flower boy’s sitting position

“James Blunt, title is Goodbye my Lover” Flower said

We all watched as flower boy sing and played at the same time.

🎹🎹 🎼 🎹🎹

Did I disappoint you or let you down?

Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?

‘Cause I saw the end before we’d begun,

Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.

So I took what’s mine by eternal right.

Took your soul out into the night.

It may be over but it won’t stop there,

I am here for you if you’d only care.

You touched my heart

you touched my soul.

You changed my life and all my goals.

And love is blind and that I knew when,

My heart was blinded by you.

I’ve kissed your lips and held your head.

Shared your dreams and shared your bed.

I know you well, I know your smell.

I’ve been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover. 😭

Goodbye my friend. 😭

You have been the one.

You have been the one for me.

I’ve seen you cry, I’ve seen you smile.

I’ve watched you sleeping for a while.

I’d be the father of your child.

I’d spend a lifetime with you.

I know your fears and you know mine.

We’ve had our doubts but now we’re fine,

And I love you, I swear that’s true.

I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover. 😭

Goodbye my friend. 😭

You have been the one.

You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.

In mine when I’m asleep.

And I will bear my soul in tim😢

When I’m kneeling at your feet.

Goodbye my lover. 😭

Goodbye my friend. 😭

You have been the one.

You have been the one for me.


Anthony’s POV

I sang with passion mixed with pain, I can never stop Loving Donna, I sang the song purposely for her .

Songs are my soft spot, I had cried unconsciously , others who watched too had a teary eyes while some cleaned the tears almost dropping at the corner of their eyes

Anyone could suspect that I had lost someone that completes me, the bone of my bone, Donna my heartbeat😭😭

I stood up gently and took few steps away from the keyboard, I felt someone eyes gaze particularly on me. I directed my gaze at the person and It was Nancy

“Oh! Not again, she had seen tears in my eyes twice today, one of the reason why I do not want ladies around me, I wonder why she is looking at me ” I thought and looked away

“Guys, the time is fast spent, see you tomorrow,I guess I’m taking the last period tomorrow” The teacher said and few students nodded

The teacher walked out of the class while everyone walked back to their sits including me

Next teacher came to teach and left after his period.

The bell for break time rang!

Nancy’s POV

I knew Anthony had fulfill his promise of being my friend but I do not know how that will be , are we gonna be going out together by break or something

I sat in my place and waited for a while for him to show up but he didn’t

I remembered that the lady that helped me to this class said I can come to her by break.

Since her class is right beside our class, I do not have to go through the stress of searching her class

I stood at the entrance of her class and signaled for her by waving my arms

She sighted me, stood and walked towards me

“Hi Nancy, have you being expelled” Patricia asked

“No , I was given a test and I passed ” I said happily

“You mean to tell me that everything is going well with you and the flower boys” Patricia asked

“Yeah” I said happily and blushed

“Humn, such a lucky girl, should we go to the cafeteria together ” Patricia asked

“Sure” I replied

Patricia and I went to the cafeteria, we discussed extensively even on personal issues, we became close friends from there.

We went back to our various classes

Teachings proceeds and I must say it was really fun cus it’s most time theoretical and practical

The bell for closing time finally rang!

I slung my school bag and walked out of the class to meet Patricia since I know Anthony might not come.

Patricia and I walked out of the school together as we chatted about many things.

She took a cab home while I took a cab to Helen’s place. Her mum had said I can resume babysitting her

I only hope it goes well with Anthony , he will definitely finds out when he comes home, I do not want to think about how he is gonna react.

I got to Helen’s house. I was happy to see Helen, she looked more beautiful, she was happy to see me too.

Helen ran towards me and hugged me while I carried her in my arms instead

“Sorry for what Tony did the last time” Helen apologized on behalf of her brother

“It’s alright dear” I said and smiled as I walked inside carrying her on my shoulder

“Bring your school bag, let me start by helping you with your assignment” I said as I placed her gently on the floor

“Nancy, brother liked someone that can sing, I wish he can like you, but he might like you if you really know how to sing, do you?” Helen asked ignoring my question

“I now attend the same school with Anthony and my skilled voice made them admit me into the school” I replied

“Oh! So you are in the same school with brother, but brother dislikes you, he might expel you very soon, sing for me now . Please” Helen pleaded

I sighed

“It will be somehow dry without keyboard” I said

“Come …follow me” Helen said and pulled my wrist cus I was reluctant to stand up cus I had just returned from school and I’m a bit tired.

I wondered where she is taking me too. I stood up when I had no other choice.

She took me into a room, I need no one to tell me that it’s a musical room

“Wow! ” I exclaimed as I stared around the room

I saw a keyboard and a beautiful stool in before it

“Nancy, sit and play a song for me please, brother only has the time to play and sing for me once a while. ” Helen said with a pleading face

I smiled at her, I liked kids and their behaviors, that’s why I prefer a babysitting job, it has always being my passion to play with kids

“Sure, I will. So what songs can I play for you?” I asked

“Erm… My favorite… U raise me up ” Helen said and smiled

I played and sang


When I am down and oh my soul so weary

When troubles come and my heart burdened be

Then I am still and wait here in the silence

Until you come and sit a while with me

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains

You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas

I am strong, when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up, to more than I can be

Chorus: 🎼

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains (stand on mountains)

You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas (stormy seas)

I am strong, when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up, to more than I can be

You raise me up, to more than I can be


“Wow” Someone said and clapped from behind

I turned to see who the person is

“Omg! It’s Anthony!

FCA. FEATHERS COMMENT ASSOCIATION. Sing the chorus in the comment box let’s have some fun

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  1. U raise me up
    so i can stand on mountain
    u raise me up
    to walk on stormy seas
    i am strong when i am on ur shoulder
    u raise me up to more than i can be

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