Flower Boy Episode 51




Flower Boy Episode 51

By Oyebamiji Samue

IF you miss any episode click HERE

( This is Nancy and that is Donna )

Anthony’s POV

“My father! You mean my dad orchestrated the dead of my own girlfriend ?” I asked and Romeo nodded

My heart shatters in disappointment at my father . I feel broken and embarrassed cus of what my father had done

I bowed my head slightly and guilt overshadows me like I was the one that committed the grave act my father commit

“Anthony, your father killed Donna’s parent and other innocent souls, we are taking him down ” Brandon said and I maintained a bowed head

I sincerely didn’t know what to say . But what’s Brandon’s own, why should he take revenge on what my father did , is he affected in anyway?

“Now that the truth is unfold, Nancy, let’s strategize how we will take down the evil doers once and for all ” Williams said and I couldn’t get why Nancy is involved

“Please, why did you guys wanna take revenge on behalf of my girlfriend and her family ?” I asked

“This is Donna, your girlfriend ” William said pointing at Nancy and I giggled sarcastically

“Is this a kinda joke or something, how can Nancy be Donna ?” I asked

“She has remembered all she forgot , she will tell you everything about her if you are willing to listen” He said and I smirked

“Nancy can’t be Donna. Don’t try to trick me this time. If I see Donna, I know her ” I said and remembered what Brandon told me about Nancy when she had an accident, that shez gat an inner face like that of Donna

Could she be Donna for real?

“Anthony, there is no need lying to you, you have no reason not to trust us at this junction, Nancy is Donna” William said and I smirked

The door flung open while I was searching in my heart for what to say

We all turned and saw Brian and Scot entered.

My heart beats rapidly as a result of fear

They walked closer to us and sat

“Anthony, you kissed Nancy for real publicly?” Brian asked

“What if he does, Nancy is Donna, so he can always kiss his girlfriend, is there any big deal in that ?” Brain asked

Brian smirked and stared around the room

“Do I need to tell you that Nancy is different from Donna? How many proves do you want? Did you have any proof that Nancy is Donna ?” Brian asked William

“I have a thousand prove. Firstly, Nancy has recollected all her memories, so Anthony can ask her any personal question that that only he and Donna knows ” William said

“The memories she watched in a video or what?” Brian asked and smirked

“This William of a guy is just dumb” Scot said

“Anthony, I’d always tell you not to trust people easily , don’t tell me you have finally believed that Nancy is Donna? ” Brian asked

“I’ve not. But Brian, you such wicked fellow, you made me loose my memory, thanks to Brandon that made me remember all ” I said

“I had to do what I think is right. It’s wrong truly and I’m sorry” Brian said

“I’m happy you have not believed that Nancy is Donna, I’ve gat a surprise for you ” Brian said and stood

He walk towards the door and came in with a lady

I jerked back in fear when I saw who it is. It’s Donna

“Donna” I yelled and ran to meet her and hug her

She hugged me in return and she keep sniffing which made it obvious to me that she’s crying

“Donna” I said as I disengaged and hugged her again

“We both cried for hours as our emotions over clouds us

“I did not know that I’ll ever see you again, I miss you ” I said and she just kept crying

I hugged her tight the more and we disengaged

We exhales and I held her hand into a room

We both sat and she Stares into my face . I can see Love in her eyes

“Donna, many people had tried to deceive me , they keep claiming that they are Donna, I’m happy you finally arrive . I’ve waited for you all my life. I even vowed that I’ll never date anyone apart from you, I Love you so much” I said and she bowed her head stylishly

“I Love you more” she said and happiness filled my heart

“How did you escape the plane crash?” I asked

“I don’t wanna talk about that now, thanks to Brian and some other people who found me and made me who I am today ” She said

“I’m so happy to finally meet you Donna” I said smiling

“I’m not happy though” She said

“Why?” I asked

“I watched the live clip of one Nancy and you kissing on stage before the world , I feel bad and broken , have you started dating already?” She asked

“How can I, I had to defend my reputation , Else, I would be termed as a lier, please do understand me , I have nothing to do with Nancy” I said and she nodded slowly

“You still Love me Anthony” she said to confirm

“With all my heart. I’d never stopped loving you. I’ll love you a thousand times more every single second” I said confidently

“Welcome me with a kiss” She said and I smiled

I moved closer to her to kiss her when the door of the room we were flings open

I turned my head and saw Nancy standing at the entrance

“And your girlfriend is here” Donna said and I feel bad that she hasn’t trusted me yet

“What the hell did you want? Oh! Your plan didn’t work, so u wanna force it or what are you tryna do? I asked

” Anthony, you are mine, I’m Nancy, all these is a set up, how can you believe Brian that claimed to love me and willing to have me and tries to make you loose your memory” Nancy said

“Common girl! Don’t be a dullard . If I see my girlfriend , did you think I won’t know. i can recognize my Donna please and if you won’t mind, leave” I said and Nancy’s eye looks like that , that wants to cry

I ignored her and tries to move my lips closer to Donna’s lips

“Sir, stop this please, I’m Donna. I Love you so much and I know you love me too, don’t kiss her , please ” Nancy pleaded

“Who says I love you …and …” I said but Donna brought my mouth closer to hers and brought her lips closer to mine to kiss me


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