JUST FOR LOVE (Love made her) chapter 57




JUST FOR LOVE (Love made her) chapter 57

By Zeemah writes

if you miss any episode clickย Here



💞Dan’s POV💞

I watched psycho walked into the classroom with a void expression.
She got to her seat.

I was expecting her to sit but she picked her backpack instead and hung it over her shoulders.
‘Psycho is full of drama’ I thought. Not until i saw her turn to leave.

She’s leaving!

“What happened,where are you going to?” I asked.
She turned back to me and then dropped a white envelope on my desk before walking away.

Students murmured as she walked past them.

I sighed and picked up the envelope,i opened it and read;

✉️ย Asanel Yates is hereby on suspension for a week for punching the school prefect….

🖊️Mrs Oliver.

What! No!
I held the letter and ran out of the class, hoping to see Anel.

I got to the school main compound and saw her show her school ID card to thr gatekeeper.

“Wait” I called but she already walk out of the gate.
I ran to the gate but the gatekeeper stopped me from going after her.

“Asanel wait” I said but she didn’t respond.
“Frost street building 6” I heard her said to a cab.

The gatekeeper closed the gate and i sighed and started walking back…
She’s on suspension on her first week in school just because of me.
I feel so bad about it.

I walked back to the classroom and sat down.
Jacq came to meet me,she occupied psycho’s seat.

“What happened?” She asked.
“Asanel is on suspension” I said.
“And so what?” She asked.
She disliked Asanel the moment she pushed me in the cafeteria.

“It was because of me” I said guiltily.
“Why was it because of you?” She asked.
“You know the feud between Travis and i?” I asked.
“Yeah,what does that have to do with her suspension?”

“Travis hit me on the face which caused a bruise,he bragged about it while i was with psy..Asanel and she gave him a punch on the eye” I said and Jacq suddenly laughed.

“What’s funny?” I asked.
“You mean that girl punched Travis on the eyes?” She asked and i nodded.
She bursted out laughing again

“I can’t believe this” She said, her laughter slowing down.
“I’m not finding this funny even though i did when it happened but now this girl is on suspension and it’s not funny anymore” I said.

“Yeah…but there’s nothing you can do about it”
“I feel guilty”
“It’s okay for you to feel guilty,you apologise to her once she resumes back to school”
“That’s not enough,this is her first week in school and she’s on suspension because of me” I said.

“Do you wanna bring her back then? Dan, there’s nothing you can do about it” She said.

“What happened” Karissa asked in her broad tiny voice.
She’s now standing in front of us flinging back her pink hair.

Jacq sighed and looked at me.

“Asanel has been suspended” She said.
“Thank goodness”Karissa screamed to my surprise, making the whole class glance in our direction.

“What are you thanking goodness about?” Jacq asked.
“Jacq get up,get up..I’m coming to sit there” Karissa said and ran to her sit only to return with her backpack.

She dropped it on psycho’s desk grinning happily.

“Will you dare come close to this seat if Asanel was sitting here?” Jacq asked.
“Shut up and get up” Karissa snapped.

“You don’t wanna know the reason she’s on suspension,the next thing you did was to bring your backpack over here” Jacq said.
“Jacq,you talk too much and you know what,your breath stinks” Karissa hissed.

“Whatever…just make sure Asanel does not see you on her seat after a week,if you don’t want your flat ass to be used as barbecue” Jacq laughed and stood up.
I held my laughter…

Karissa’s face grew red as she watched Jacq return to her seat.

“Dan,my ass is not flat right?” She asked.
“How do i know that?”
“You can check it out” She said and turned, sticking her ass in my face.
It’s not flat as Jacq exaggerated and it’s not big either.

“Stop! Don’t cause a scene” I said and she stopped.
She blew a large bubble before sitting down.

My mind went back to psycho and i felt sad.


“Com’on Dan, let’s go have lunch” Karissa and Jacq persisted for the umpteenth time.
“I’m not interested in lunch today” I said.

How can i go for lunchbreak while psycho is at home…

“Wait,is it because of that bull?” Karissa asked.
“Bull? Is there a bull in this school?” Jacq asked.
“Asanel of course” Karissa said.
“Don’t refer to her as a bull” I said.

“Ohh…I’m off to the cafeteria” Karissa said and walked away.
“Jacq go with her, I’ll come join you” I said.
“Are you sure?”
I nodded.
She walked out of the classroom which is almost empty, just few students were in the class.

I rested my head on the desk and stared at my feet.

I wonder how she’s doing now?
Is she getting scolded by her parents?
Ahhh! Dan you caused all this.

I heard a tap on my desk.
I hesitated before raising up my head.


He tied a fancy handkerchief around his face to cover the bruise…I guess.

“Come meet me in the garden” He commanded and turn to walk away.
“Why should i meet you in the garden,let’s drag it out here” I said,my anger was brewing,I’m sure he’s the one who reported psycho..
I should have reported him also.

He turned and looked at me in surprise.
I’ve never spoken to him that way.

“Really?” He smirked and tightened his fist,he was about hitting me when i held his hand halfway,i twisted it and he groaned in pain.
I pushed him away when i noticed few students were staring.

I hate causing a scene…a bad one at that.

“Meet me in the garden instead” i said to the bewildered Travis before walking away, heading to the garden.

I’m not a weakling,i can fight for myself,the reason I’ve been holding up for Travis was because of his position in this school but he has overstepped his bound and I’m gonna teach him a little lesson.

I stopped and smiled at my dad’s artwork before opening the door to the door to the garden.
I stepped in and breathed in the fresh scent of flowers.

I walked to the bench and sat waiting for Travis.
My thoughts trailed to psycho and i remembered how she laid on the grass,pushed her legs forward and giggled.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my back which sent me flying,i landed on the grass.
I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth.
The pain was terrible,i wonder what Travis hit on my back.. of course i know he’s the one.
I should have been wiser..

I opened my eyes and saw him grinning down at me,with a plank on his hand.


I managed to stand up, staggering back and forth,it felt as if my back bone was broken.

Travis laughed…”You wanted to stand up to me right? Go ahead”
I rested my back on a little tree, waiting for the pain to soothe.

Travis charged towards me and lifted the plank.
I quickly bent and made the plank hit the tree.

I’ve gathered enough strength..I grabbed his legs and made him fall. The plank fell from his hand,i stood straight and quickly punched his face twice before he could stand up.
He groaned and held his bleeding lips.

The handkerchief removed from his face and i saw the bruise.
Haha… psycho did a good job and I’m gonna add more.

I punched his face harder and then picked the plank.
He was still groaning in pain when i hit it on his arm which made him growl.
I chuckled and stood on his chest.

“Aaaargh…” He said about to grab my legs but i was way smarter.
I jumped back to the grass.

“Travis,I’m gonna leave you now to wallow in pains, don’t you dare cross my path again if you don’t want to experience greater pains… you’re a disgrace to everyone” I spat and walked away from the garden.

I beat up Travis!


“Dad,do you remember the psycho i told you about” I said to dad.
We were at home, chilling in the garden.

It’s obvious dad is sad and that started when he received the Kelly call yesterday.

“Yeah i do” He said.
“She has been placed on suspension” I said.
“Really?” He asked.
“Yes Dad and it’s all because of me”
“You? What happened?” He asked.

“There’s this guy that always bully me in school…”
“What! Why didn’t you tell me that?” He said.
“I’m sorry Dad but guess what?” I smiled.
“I retaliated today and made sure i taught him a lesson” I said and dad smiled.

I’m glad i made him smile…we exchanged high-five.

“So what does psycho have to do with it?” Dad asked.
“She punched his eyes when she saw he was the cause of my bruised eye,that warranted to her suspension” I said.

“Ohh…what a brave girl,just so sad she had to be placed on suspension and more sad that you are the cause” He said.
I handed his glass cup of juice to him and I’m glad he collected it this time and sipped it.
He refused it earlier.

“I feel so guilty” I said.
“Of course you should feel guilty,so what do you plan on doing?” He asked.
“I don’t know…”
“Will you present the drawing to her after she’s back?” He asked.

“Noo..I can’t” I said.
He sighed..”I know you won’t”

“Yes!” I exclaimed.
“What?” Dad asked.
“I’ve come up with an idea” I said.
“Good,what’s the idea?”

Mike raced into the garden with his toy gun, splashing water all over us.

“Damn!” I swore and stood up and gave him a hot chase.

💞Anel’s POV💞

“What!” Dad exclaimed after i told him I’m on suspension.
He’s just arriving from work and the first thing i told him was that im on suspension.
“Anel what happened again?” He asked and sat on the couch.

Claire pecked his cheeks as she took the briefcase from him,he returned the peck.

“I punched a guy on his eye” I said.
“Really? Was he hitting on you?” He asked.
“Yes but that wasn’t the reason i did that”
“Why did you do that?” He asked.
“He punched someone on the eye and i also did same to him” I said.

“You could have allowed the person to fight for himself instead of fighting for him,which caused your suspension” He said.

“Well…i don’t regret doing so” I said.
“Where’s the suspension letter?” Dad asked.
“Hmm…i think i left it at school” I said.

He sighed again…”The suspension is for how many weeks?”
“One” I answered.
“I’m glad it’s not more than that” He said.

“Are you pissed at me?” I asked.
“No I’m not” He said.
“You look like you are”
“Well…I got a call again from Liam,he said he’ll be coming to pick you and i said you’re not ready to come yet,he was pissed…”

“Whatever! I’m not going back to that house soon,he needs to feel remorse for what he did. Go freshen up dad and eat” I said.
“I’ll do that princess” He said.


I yawned and stretched on the bed.

It’s a Saturday!

I rubbed my eyes with my palms and stood up from the bed.
I walked into the bathroom and rinsed my mouth and face before going to join Claire in the chores.


“Thanks for helping Anel” Claire said after we were done with chores,she’s preparing breakfast.
I nodded and walked to my room to have my bath.

I opened my wardrobe and selected a black short gown with a tiny gold belt…
I placed it on the bed and selected my undies.

I grabbed my towel and walked into the bathroom.
I hung the towel on the rail and reached for my toothbrush and paste,i walked to the sink and started brushing my teeth.

I was done in some minutes and proceeded to bath.


“So refreshing” I smiled and walked back to my room with my towel around my body.

I dried my body and applied the body lotion smoothly on my skin.
I reached for my undies and put it on,my gown followed and then the belt which i made sure was loose around my flat stomach.

I reached for pink flip flops and slide my feet into it.
I styled my hair in pontsplait and returned the towel back to the rail.

I picked my phone and walked out of my room.


“Thanks Anel” Claire said when i returned to the living room after washing the dishes we used for breakfast.

Dad has gone for an emergency meeting…

I sat on a different couch and got busy with my phone,i was not interested in the movie Claire was watching.

“Grin..grin” The doorbell rang.

Claire stood up but i stopped her.
“I’ll go get it” I said and stood up.
She smiled “Thanks”

I slid my feet into my flip flops and walked to the door,i unbolted it and opened it.
My mouth flew open.


“What the hell are you doing here! Get out!” I yelled but he smiled.

A smile that melted my heartย 💞



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