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Just me (Me against the world) Chapter 8

Just me (Me against the world) Chapter 8


By Jennifer Owens


If you miss any episode click Here


I immediately closed my mouth and looked away.
“son this is…. ” the man paused and looked at me.
“Caitlyn ” I helped him out.
“Caitlyn, the new maid ” the man said and my saviour checked me out.
“so Caitlyn, this is Larry my son and I’m Mr Brown ” he introduced and I nodded with a smile.
“Larry show her to her room ” he said like an order.
“and Caitlyn, rest well ” he said and I nod-smiled.
“follow me ” Larry said harshly and I rolled my bag with me as I trailed behind him.
“that’s your room ” he pointed at a door and left without even looking at me.
What an attitude!
Are we like quarrelling or something?
He doesn’t even recognize me.
What do I care anyway?
I entered into my room and dumped my luggage.
I have a king sized and a beautiful room.
It’s not like it’s new or I’m over happy coz of it coz my own room in my own house is bigger and prettier than this.
I freshened up, wore my pajamas and slumped on the bed.
I got up and took my moms photo out.
I placed it on the table beside my bed and stared at it till sleep enveloped me.
👉 Fernando’s P. O. V👈
I sat on my office chair, face buried in my palms.
My daughter, my lovely little girl left me.
I shouldn’t have lied, I should’ve told her when I had the chance but it’s too late now.
Now I’ve lost her.
I’ve lost Kate, now I’ve lost our daughter.
Now I know the pain Kate felt when I took Caitlyn from her, it hurts a lot.
It’s hurts so much to loose a love one. “Caitlyn I’m sorry ” I muttered to Caitlyn photo that I held.
I loved Kate and I still do.
But she betrayed me, she betrayed my love for her.
I married Kate, Caitlyn’s mom, we were so happy until I got the package.
The package that tore us apart.
After receiving that package which cause the rift between us, I took away our child.
I took Caitlyn away from Kate.
Ever since then, I haven’t heard from her.
I still love her, I know I do.
👉 Larry’s P. O. V👈
I laid on my bed, begging for sleep.
I want to sleep but I can’t coz I can’t get my thoughts off of Caitlyn..
She seems familiar.
I don’t know where or how bit I think I’ve seen her before.
Is she one of the sluts I’ve slept with?
No no no, I don’t think so.
I scratched my head head in frustration coz I can’t remember.
I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to envelope me.
👉 Caitlyn’s P. O. V👈
“hey ” I heard faintly as I slept.
“Vivian!! ” I screamed and sprung up when water drenched me.
I looked up to see Larry with a smirk plastered on his face.
This devil!!
“why did you do that ” I asked calmly.
“is that supposed to be a good morning ” he fired back.
“good morning Larry ” I greeted.
“sir, you’ll call me sir ” he said and I arched an eyebrow
“unless you wanna go back to the streets ” he threatened.
Just because his dad helped me or saw me in the street doesn’t mean I’m homeless so they shouldn’t presume I’m homeless, my dad’s as rich as his.
“you were over sleeping coz as a maid, you should wake up before anyone and do your chores ” he said as I stared at him.
“now get to work ” he commanded.
“but I haven’t even freshened up ” I said, feigning disgust.
“just get to work ” he ordered.
“I’m sorry I can’t do anything without taking my morning bath ” I pouted and he clenched his jaw.
“get to work ” he said between gritted teeth.
“no” I said and ducked him then ran into the bathroom and locked the door.
“bitch” I heard him cussed and I chuckled.
I stripped off my clothes and got under the shower.
I freshened up and tied my towel around my chest.
I flinched backward as I saw Larry seated in my bed.
“you haven’t left ” I asked.
“you disobeyed me and you have a punishment ” he said and I arched eyebrow at him
“you’ll have to go downstairs and work in just a towel ” he said and I gasped.
I’ll work in just a towel?
what the actual fuck!!
