Henry ogbonna (CMILT) – Biography

Pulling Her HEARTSTRINGS Episode 5

Pulling Her HEARTSTRINGS Episode 5

A story written by HAPPY




I’d just rolled Diana’s wheelchair to her room, her companion laid her on the bed for her afternoon siesta.
I’m in my room, sitting on the window sill and playing my guitar. This past week had been flooded with nothing to do, I could die of boredom. And the singing girl wasn’t there anymore.
Plucking a few strings, my eyes caught movement below the window. I leaned over to look closely.
It was a black haired girl in the flower garden below.
She was running her fingers through the primroses and bluebells, sniffing and laughing at something somebody said.
The setting sun streaked through her hair and cast a golden glow over her.
She looked….. magical.
Instinctively, my head formed a song, my fingers played a tune.
🎶Sunset from a window’s the most beautiful thing
🎶I hadn’t thought so until you came alone
🎶Sun rays streaking through your hair
🎶You shine like you’ve got the spotlight
🎶I’ve never believed in magic
🎶But baby, this feeling I’ve got this moment……
🎵I’ve been waiting for a magic moment
🎵Could this be a magic moment
🎵Maybe its a magic moment then….
I like it. I’ll have to work on the lyrics and tune.
This song came on the spur of the moment, and I don’t do things on spur.
Unless emotion’s involved.
What kind of emotion has she evoked now?
Maybe it’s ’cause she reminds me of mom…..sifting through the gardens and all that.
As if she heard or felt me, she looked upwards and waved a little, before running off as if she shouldn’t have been there initially.
Wait until Victor and the boys heard this.
They’ll think I’ve fallen in love.
Can’t wait to return to school.
But I’ll have to find out who she is.
“Places everyone!” Mrs Pearl Gareth told everyone that evening as we assembled in the well lit hall of the hostel.
“Introducing her royal highness, Queen Fiona Oswald.”
We all cheered as the queen came on regally dressed in purple satin gown and sparkling stones on her feet. She wasn’t wearing her crown.
She addressed us in formal but friendly words, describing the princess’s likes and dislikes in short sentences to give us an idea on how to bake. After that she restated the prize, and said that changes had been made. The winner will get scholarship into Primrose College and recommendation into any baking school of their choice.
This got everyone screaming happily

Primrose college was the school of the teen stars! Jessica Rogers, female model. The COVS, boys music band and teen popstars, Osos, gosh I love his songs!
I can’t wait to win.
(clears throat) Announcement to Ghost Readers: stop being ghost readers and make sure you like and comment you hear???😏
Anyway, moving on😝
We are all in the huge kitchen, sitted on desks as the coordinator, Mrs Pearl Gareth, read out our schedule.
This morning, we had a learning session with big bakers from continental bakeries all over the world.
I spotted Chef Lucy Nelson! She’s like my role model in baking. Gosh, I’m gonna win so I’ll meet with her!
After the lectures, we were taken around the kitchen, shown where ingredients and stuff were, and given small demo. Then we had the rest of the day off to prepare for the first batch of competition; the elimination round tomorrow.
Everyone including Emelda left to go touring around.
I sat on the desk, brought out my sketchpad and began creating a masterpiece cake for the final day.
On the first and second elimination round, I’ll use the designs I made at home, which ever would be inline with the ingredients provided.
🕘 🕤 🕙 🕥 🕚 🕦 🕛 🕧 🕜 🕜
My phone rang, jerkin me to the realization that I’ve spent up to four hours in here.
Gosh, how time flies.
“Um, how’re you?”
“I’m good Maggie! This place is so cool!”
“Have you met Prince Edward?” she asked.
“No, just the queen.”
I went on to tell her about the beautiful music I’d heard yesterday and how it touched me, and how busy I am that I don’t even have time to make friends.
“Don’t worry Um. I trust you to win.”
“Thanks Mag. Bye.”
I continued researching and drawing and writing.
🕑 🕝 🕒 🕞 🕓
Murmurs and wheelchair squeaking again jolted me to another realization that I’ve spent more time here
I quickly packed up my books and phone and got up to go out when I saw him pushing a wheelchaired girl.
Prince Edward!!!!
Oh…what do I do!
I hurried to him and bowed.
“Good evening your highness!”
He chuckled.
”Yeah….I don’t think I’ve seen you around. You’re one of the bakers? ”
“Yeah, I am. Umbria Lee.”
Oh my gosh, boy am I nervous.
“Edward, why do you think she’s shaking so much?”
My eyes went to the girl in the chair.
My heart went out to the little princess…… she reminds me of my dad. When life deals you with a heavy blow. And there’s nothing you can do about it.
“Edward, why’s she quite so suddenly?” the princess asked again.
Her face had changed, like she’s about to cry. Usually people in this condition are sensitive to others reaction to them
They hate pity, and mockery. They like to be treated like normal people.
“I was just…. lost. I mean, I’ve finally met the princess, and she’s so beautiful and cute!”
The princess giggled and blushed.
“You can call me Diana,” she said smiling at me.
“Thank you. I’ll be going now.”
“Yeah, See you around, Umbria.” said Prince Edward.
“Bye Umbria,” said Diana.
Pulling Her HEARTSTRINGS brought to you by Happy’s Library.
Author Happy©
I was at the penthouse the next morning with the boys, looking out the window to the city below that was awake since dawn.
“Man, this lyrics is lit! You cannot tell me you pieced it together only yesterday,” said Stanley as he, Christopher and Victor looked over the song.
” I’m telling you man, I did. I was just looking out the window and I saw her. The song seemed to flow.”
“OK, first you met a girl in the suburb who sings like an angel. Then song flows from a girl you saw through a window.” said Chris.
“You see why I keep telling you to stay off women?” Victor asked with raised eyebrows.
“Aw fuck off Vic. I think she’s one of the bakers entering the competition.” I checked my wristwatch. “First elimination round is today. I think I’ll go and check it out.”
“Yeah. See you later.”
My heart is beating like a drum.
We’re in the kitchen now.
Ten tables each with two bakers.
The host who said he’s Ric introduced the programme.
Then he introduced the judges one by one:
“Welcome to the Royal Edition of the US junior master chef! Introducing the able judges: Lucy Nelson all the way from California….”
Lucy waved and smiled.
“…..Chef Arnold Johnson coming down from Queen Elizabeth’s courts in London, England….”
Chef Arnold waved. Ooh, he looks so strict and serious.
“….and of course, Her Royal Highness, Queen Fiona Oswald overseeing the contest.”
Queen Fiona was seated on the balcony upstairs. She waved a gloved hand. She still wasn’t wearing her crown.
“@nd now, to begin. Before you is a stand of different ingredients from which you’re to choose to create an irresistible dessert capable of taking you past the elimination round one. You have thirty minutes and your time starts……now. Good luck chefs!”
We all rushed forward picking ingredients…..


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