



{She is cold, he is secretive}

By : Kebby NG Media Services



“What a lovely surprise,come in Nick”Alicia said as she pulled him into the house.
He had known that Thomas had rented out a flat but what he never knew was that Alicia would be staying there with him.
He had been determined to talk to Thomas and so he had decided to wait for him at his new home, he never could have fathom that Alicia would be living with him.
“What would you like to drink?”Alicia asked as she kept on pulling him into the house and for one second didn’t let his hand go from her grip.
“Any thing, apart from alcohol, I will have to drive back tonight”He said
“No problem”Alicia said hurriedly as she called out for who ever will bring the drink
She walked him to the patio and sat him there while she took a chair close by and say down beside him too.
“So now tell me why you are here, hope it isn’t to check on my health, you must have heard that I was a bit down with the weather and that is why you are……”
“No.i didn’t come for that! I came for some thing different entirely, I came to see Thomas but how are you ?”he added later on
“Good, though am about disasapointed”Alicia said sadly.
She have always been some thing of the child in the house and when she had this such tantrum,it’s best to avoid it and her as quick as you can.
“Why are you disappointed?”Nick asked finding her to be a little cute.
He has always been thinking of Alicia as his little sister and he loved her a lot, he still do.
Who wouldn’t love Alicia when she is nothing but a pure girl with a pure heart.
He had never gotten the chance be very close to Alicia because he was always travelling the globe making one or two money for the Davenport Empire to grow more largely.
“Because you did to come here to see me in the first place only to talk to Thomas”She said sulkingly and just like in the old times,he found him self gently patting the back of her head before scattering her hair with his hand.
“Stop it,you are scattering my hair”Alicia said as she pushed his hand away
“I missed doing that”Nick said laughingly and Alicia found her self starring lustfully at Nick.
If only he could think of her more than a sister, if he could found her interesting as a woman, she thought as she gave him a smile in return.
She watched him stare at his watch and then at the door and she wondered who he was eager to go to.
It dawned on her even before she could ask him,Celine Clifford.
“Do you really like her that much?”Alicia asked suddenly
“What?”he asked
“Celine! Am asking do you like her that much ?”she asked again and Nick found him self wondering why she was asking such a thing, he was saved from answering when the door opened and Thomas walked in.
Thomas paused when he saw Nick waiting for him. The bastard doesn’t know how to give up.
“Finally you are home! Nick here has been waiting for your arrival”Alicia said breaking the atmosphere of the two men who kept starring at each other in silence.
“Really? I wonder why he would want to see me when he has a lot to do for his up coming wedding”Thomas said acidly
“What? Nick is getting married?”Alicia asked starring at Nick who gave her a look which says that he is sorry for not telling her.
“Of course he is but I think we should save that disscussion for later, if you would come to the study “Thomas said as he walked off..
Nick stood back to give Alicia a quick kiss on the fore head before moving off.
“I will send you an invite to the wedding later on”He said as he left the room in a rush..
He didn’t see the look of anger or the clenching of hands which Alicia seemed to be portraying right now.
Nick walked into the room with Thomas shutting the door behind him.
“To what do I owe to this visit of yours?”He asked as he sat on the black leather chair.
“While visiting you this afternoon,I saw some thing strange In your office “He said
“Strange? And what’s that?”Thomas asked
“A bag!”He said
“A bag? You did a bag in my office and you thought it strange?”Thomas asked having a smile on his face.
“It just so happen that that bag has the same description to the one Celine had declared missing, care to explain that?”Nick asked wanting his brother to give him an explanation.
A explanation that will be different from what he is thinking right now.
“What do you think?”Thomas asked
“Just answer me and stop beating around the bush!”Nick yelled at him
“Stop yelling! You came For an answer and if you will keep on being arrogant about it then you won’t have the……”
“Just spill it out already! How come you have Celine bag in your office ?”Nick yelled again not caring about what Thomas was saying to him.
“Fine then you really want to know?”Thomas asked with a smile on his face
“Think about a year ago, on a blissful night when you….you Nick Davenport hit some one, start guessing who that person is, you must already know the answer by now right?”He said starring at Nick who stood shocked by having his worst fear confirmed.
“What do you think little bro? You still want me to tell you more”He asked.
“A year ago, you had cold bloodedly hit some one on the busy road and left her there to die”He said
“That can’t be? It certainly can’t be …….”
“It is, you asked for the truth, so you need to face it up, after all I was the one who went to check on her that night, it was Celine Clifford, it was Celine Clifford you hit that night”Thomas yelled at him confirming Nick worst fears.
“Fate had to be cruel right! It just had to throw you into her life again and I wonder how she would feel once she gets to know that the man she is planning to get married to is the same man who took her life from her a year ago”
“Shut up!”Nick muttered at Thomas who kept on making his angry by his words
“Why should I? It’s hard to hear the truth right ! You killed Celine, for a year she went into isolation because she lost her leg during the accident, an accident which you the guy she likes so much caused”He continued bitterly.
“I wonder what she say once she finds out …..”he didn’t get to complete his sentence because Nick pulled him by his collar and pushed him to the wall
“I told you to shut up!”Nick said harshly
“Why? Are you scared that your darn secret will be known If I keep on running my mouth like this”He said
“I said you should shut up!”Nick said
“You and I very well know that it’s impossible to erase what happened and there is a scar from that accident,each time you stare at Celine, you will keep on remembering that you made her that way, that you ruined her career and that you are nothing more than ……”
He shut his mouth when Nick gave him a punch on his face.
“I told you to shut up”Nick said glaring down at him and then he turned and left the study in a rush.
How can this be possible, how can life be so cruel as to put him Back into her life.
He had…..he had runined her life years ago and because of him,she had to live in isolation for years, she became cold and disliked every one and every thing that came her way.
Thomas has made him believe that the woman he had hit a year ago had died but it turns out that he had been lying.
The woman he had hit a year ago was Celine and her limping is an evidence to it.
He got to his car and didn’t even bother to say good bye to Alicia or to any one.
He just wanted to be alone, he got to the car and sat in it, thinking about the past few months, working and living with Celine Clifford,the girl he had hit on that ghastly night.
How would she feel when she gets to know that she guy she likes so intensely is the same one as the one who had hit her a year ago.
Slowly he found him self remembering the past and there was no way he could stop the memories from coming back to him.
FLASH BACK……………………………………………….


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