JERICHO'S WEAKNESS Episode 53 | Flashgist
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(Miss Perfect👠)

By: Faith Lucky

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Valerie remained standing and staring at the direction Jericho had taken. He really left, didn’t he? Jericho left.

Tears rested at the brink of her eyes, but she tried so much not to let it drop because she didn’t want to do anything that’d ruin her makeup and get her mother worried.

Why was she feeling this way, anyways? She shouldn’t be affected by his absence right? So, why the hell was it seeming to affect her?

She stared at the gift box in her hands, a rueful smile hitting at her.

“Valerie?” She suddenly heard her name from behind and quickly turned to see… Hold on, Lincoln?

Her eyes glinted immediately as the sadness she had been feeling a while ago got replaced with anger.

“What’re you doing here?” She snapped, observing the fact he had a gift with him

“Calm down, Valerie. I’m not here for trouble. Please”. Lincoln said with a sigh and Valerie gawped at him.

Then, he held out the wrapped gift to her.

“Happy birthday, Val…”

“I don’t need your gift, Lincoln!” She cut him off.
“So, take it away from me and leave my party before I ask the guards to make you leave!”

There was a stunned silence.

“We were together for years, Lincoln’: she continued, her voice sounding calmer.

“I… I thought we were in love but…you suddenly left me simply because I had some temporary issues. Really, Lincoln?”

“I never wanted any of this, Valerie” Lincoln stated frustratedly.
“It…it wasn’t entirely my fault. I mean,
You started moving around with that Jericho guy, doing a lot of things with him and dating him”.

“Dating?” Valerie scoffed
“And what the f**k are you talking about?”

“Well, that was what I heard. That was what she told me. She…we told me he’d put the spots on you and in exchange, you were to date and sleep with him. At first, I didn’t want to believe it, but then, one morning, I’d seen you driving out of the house and decided to follow you. And unfortunately, you had really gone to his place. I was heartbroken, Val. I was heartbroken”.

Valerie was already in confusion.

“Hold on, Lincoln” she scoffed. ”
“What *she* are you talking about?”

Lincoln hesitated a little before replying with the name:

Valerie gasped immediately and took a step backwards.

“S… Sally?” She paused and scoffed. “Have… Have you gone crazy? You almost ruined my life and now, you want to ruin my friendship?”

“Why would I lie about this, Val? How else did I get to know about the spots and your relationship with Jericho? How else?? It was only because Sally had told me about it. Yes, she did and I believed her” Lincoln enthused, making Valerie drown in shock.


Her breath wavered as she took her gaze to the floor, moving back a bit.

Sally? Her Sally?? Sally…was the snitch??
But…But why? How?

“It’s not possible” she shook her head pathetically, the shock so obvious on her.
“It’s not… it’s not possible. Sally can’t do that”.

Lincoln sighed and proffered the gift out to her again.

“Happy birthday once more, Val” he muttered, but Valerie didn’t look at him; she couldn’t.

And in that state, she turned around and ran away.
She stopped at some point and thought about it, tears threatening to spill her eyes.

Sally? Sally was her best friend! The only friend she had. Why would she snitch on her? Betray her and destroy her relationship? Why??

Her chest was rising and falling rapidly due to how angry she was and just then, her mother showed up.

“Valerie!” She called with relief.
“Finally! I’ve been looking for you, honey. It’s time for you to march in already”.

Valerie was silent as a tear finally slipped through her eye.

“My God! Are you crying??” Mrs Houston gasped.
“You’ll ruin your make up! What the hell is the problem?”

Valerie was sniveling and without saying a word, she ran away.

“Valerie! Valerie!” Mrs Houston called and ran after her, but she wouldn’t stop

She ran back to her room and thankfully, Sally was still in there and immediately landed a burning slap to her cheek.

“Valerie!” Mrs Houston gasped from behind.

“You snake!” She gritted, pointing a finger at Sally who was holding her cheek.

“How could you? How could you think of betraying me after everything we’ve been through?”

Sally was gobsmacked and looked at her.


“Don’t say a word!” She snarled. “you lied to me, you animal! I trusted you, yet you’d gone ahead to tell Lincoln every of my secrets and even added some lies to it. How could you, you snake?!”

Contrition gripped Sally immediately as she stared down at the floor and Valerie couldn’t help but feel more hurt, knowing the accusations were true because she couldn’t even defend herself.

“How could you, Sally?” She whimpered.

“Well, it isn’t my fault, Valerie!” Sally suddenly yelled.
“Yes! What did you expect? We were friends, Valerie but you were always being the attractive one – the one after the boy’s hearts.

“Take a look at Lincoln, Mathews, Rollins, even Jericho! It has always been you, Valerie! Always been you!”

Valerie slapped her again, harder than the first and her mother had to hold her this time around.

“That’s enough… Please” she muttered.

“You’re so pathetic” said Valerie to Sally. “And you really think betraying me would do you any good?? You really think destroying the happiness of others would make you happy? Tell me, Sally, did you really think so?!”

Tears were already gushing down Sally’s cheeks as well and without hesitation, she hurried out of the room.

“hey baby, come here” Mrs Houston cooed and pulled her into a hug, letting her cry on her shoulders.

2 Months Later

Valerie jumped out of bed, her hand over her mouth as she ran into the toilet with full force.

She had barely gotten to the seat before the thick liquid came rushing out of her mouth and she groaned as she emptied it all in.

Oh God..!

She wrapped her hand over her tummy which had been hurting her a lot and leaned her back on the wall, feeling so so weak.

She reached for the toilet paper, rolled out some and wiped her mouth with it.

Goodness! When would this be over huh? She was so tired of being sick already.

She remained there on the floor, her eyes closed as she felt so debilitated and just then, she heard footsteps.

“Ma’am Valerie” the voice called from the other side of the door.
It was obviously a maid.

“Your mother wants you down for breakfast, ma’am”.

It took long before Valerie found the strength to reply.

“Tell her I’ll be there” she answered feebly and heard the maid leave.

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  1. Jennifer

    - 3:53 pm



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